:?Grizzleheim, boring? Maybe for level 60 it might be boring, but a level 45 wiz trying to complete Nidavellir is still quite a challenge. And the Coven birds still a fun fight. Also the most beautiful spot in the Spiral can be found in Vigrid Roughland by the summit of the waterfall overlooking the camp site. At least in my opinion, whoever created the graphics there with the geyser intermittingly gushing in between the mountains deserves a prize. I go there just for a break, to listen to the falls and admire the scenery. Sign me, A Grizzleheim Admirer Who Can't Wait for More of the Same! Elizabeth DreamweaverLvl 60, DreamcatcherLvl 60 DreambringerLvl60, DreamfinderLvl60 DreamriderLvl52,DreambreakerLvl53
christopher62597 wrote:
Is Wintertusk going to be exactly like Grizzleheim or will it be completly different, cuz if it were exactly like GH it'd be boring. Peace
this world sounds awesome!!!! im just a lvl 28 life wizard but i hope that you dont have to be a lvl 50 :( and what i hope is that you should be able to reach this world once u got to lvl 30-40 just like grizzleham.
I noticed there wasn't a thing that said, "increased level cap." There is going to be one right? And do we have to do Grizzleheim to be able to get here? Any answers would be apppreiated!
more information in the future, they shall show young wizard.
(Yoda the wise talk XD)
So ya, i expect them to show more information in the future. I shall contain my patients prof. Greyrose.
I never saw an answer to the question of do we need to finish GH to do this world. Cause I reallllly hate GH and have not finished it with any of my wizards. I would be very upset if finishing GH was a requirement! Here's to hoping it's not!
I noticed there wasn't a thing that said, "increased level cap." There is going to be one right? And do we have to do Grizzleheim to be able to get here? Any answers would be apppreiated!
For everyone whose been wondering about this I'm pretty sure there is. If we're having new lvl 58 pets I think we have to get to lvl 58 first. Right?! XD Any ideas when it's going to come out or is it too earlie to tell. Either way i can't wait!
This part of the prophecy of morganthe hints on something slightly, um, dark, that may be in the grandmother raven's future. I wonder if there will be a mirror in the area you see the grandmother raven?
I hope that legendary wizards like me will be able to get the level 58 pets. Also, does anyone think there might be another school of magic?
Since it says the horn will fall... Does that mean that Morganthe will hurt grandmother raven? Or does that mean something entirely different? I always thought the profecy was mysterious, will the rest of it come true if it has relation to the horn?
Okay this is my second post following my earlier fangirl outburst... First, I LOVE IT! Second, I'm so happy to hear about another world! I was hoping there would be more to Grizzleheim, lol wish granted! Third, a few questions. Will Grandmother Raven be on our side or will she be like the majority of the ravens we have dealt with in the past (somewhat evil)???
Lol, I was I too excited by your last comment that I didn't look down more.
Since Grandmother Raven helpid create the spiral with Bartleby, I guess if she were to be evil she would be corrupted or charmed. But I hope she isn't and hope that she is on our side.
Thomas Swiftthistle, Legendary Ice.
lol i am guessing that since bartlelby is on our side, the good side, that we have to fight grandmother raven since the spiral could not be created between good and good but rather balance between good and evil. Since bartelby is good that must make grandmother raven the evil one. Of course this is just my thought but i think i am right in my mind becuase i think of a world created by both good and good then there would be no evil which is not good because there would be no balance. Just a theory of course......btw does anyone know if we have to beat all of GH to get here or no????????? i need to know so i can get started in savarstaas pass!
Not necessarily grandmother raven will be good because she's Bartleby's sister. Malistaire was Cyrus's brother and he was evil. Well sort of.