dont know if its the same for all school, but I noticed this bug :
-enemy put -25% death damage debuff on me -I put +25% death debuff on myself
now those would nul each other mathematically but...instead they stack on debuff side. I noticed that on the next exemple :
used Vampire with the buff/debuff above on a life school target, againt wich I normaly have a boost. Vampire dmg is 350, buff and debuff should nul each other, so I should end up with over 350 dmg considering the boost againt life school. Instead I dealt 150 dmg only.
Buffs and debuffs happen one at a time rather than adding up all the numbers at once. So if you start with 100, -25% to get 75, +25% to get 94. A debuff will always lower you more than a buff will bring you up for the same percentage listed.
dont know if its the same for all school, but I noticed this bug :
-enemy put -25% death damage debuff on me -I put +25% death debuff on myself
now those would nul each other mathematically but...instead they stack on debuff side. I noticed that on the next exemple :
used Vampire with the buff/debuff above on a life school target, againt wich I normaly have a boost. Vampire dmg is 350, buff and debuff should nul each other, so I should end up with over 350 dmg considering the boost againt life school. Instead I dealt 150 dmg only.
Hey vithzerai. Can you tell me the exact spells used? Death has a lot of different traps as well as a blade and I don't see any that are +25% (unless its perhaps a treasure card curse?). And is the enemy putting weakness on you? Finally, does your gear have any death damage boost?
Regardless... each buff and debuff is not added and subtracted, they are all multiplied. So, think of it like this, the damage multiplier for each buff or debuff always starts at 100%, or 1 if you write it as a whole number. In the case of weakness, it is a -25% debuff, so its value becomes 1 - .25 = .75 (written in whole numbers). A death trap is a +30% buff, so it becomes 1 + .3 = 1.30 (again written in whole numbers). If more than one buff/debuff is present when the spell is cast, each one is multiplied to get your final multiplier which will then be multiplied against the base damage. So, for instance, the weakness and death trap in my example are present when vampire is cast. It would be .75 x 1.30 = .975 which would then be multiplied by the base damage of vampire, or 350 x .975 = 341.25 which the game would round to 341. Does that make sense?
Finally, in the scenario you mentioned... to get vampire's damage cut in half it would take more than a single weakness. Are you sure you didn't put a death prism on your life enemy by mistake? If you had, it would have converted the death damage (which boosts) to life damage (which resists) which in conjunction with the weakness could have cut vampire in half depending on how much life resist the enemy had. If you can provide some additional information, I'd be happy to help you figure out what happened.