I think that pets should have a way to battle each other. Just like in Pirate101. It would only be fair since the idea was introduced here first. But some might thinking that they only battle in Pirate101 because that's how you duel as well. And that's fine, it doesn't need to be paw to paw combat. It can be just like Wizard101 battling. Where the pets use spells to duel, or maybe just "pet spells" so it fits in better. Hope this becomes a thing.
I'm always getting the worst pet powers! When i got my enchanted armament i was so excited when i saw all the cool abilities. There were only 2 things that were bad. I got both.
It would be great if you can allow to buy the pets specialized armor or outfits that raises special attributes along with having the pets able to have there own HP and MP along with being able to attack and some could even give you attribute boosts :D :D :D :D
That is a good idea. you have ring and stuff so why can't your pet?
we should type names like queen Elizabeth the third
that would be cool
Yea, I would like it if you could customize your pets names or maybe even YOUR name, but alas they would not want somebody naming their pet a bad word or something. Maybe if they added that feature they could have a filter like text chat. Like red are words that aren't allowed and white are. -Hunter Legend Level 20 Student
If they added in pet fighting as minions, they should implement a option to have your pet as a minion, but you don't get their card, but they use their card, or they could have it as it is now. They pet swims next to you and you get their special card. (I said swims because I have a pet Betta Fish )
I would like pets to be a little bigger than they currently are. Also if pets could help in a battle kind of like minions. That would be great for me because im in the storm school and al my minion does is give itself sheild and taunts people wich really doesn't help.
yes i completely agree. i also dislike the storm minion.
I would Like to be able to play games with him or maybe even ride my pet like a mount!
I like that mount idea
Anyway, i kinda would like to play with my polar fox I got it for xmas from my bff on wizards but its sad that all it does is stand next to me >-< So wt if we could like click on it and it has options we can do c:
I would like it if we were able to pay, say 250 crowns, to redo the pet's talent and derby choices. similar to training points, but it would be cheaper. I would also like to see a potion or the choice to pay a few crowns to increase the chances of getting rarer talents, or a specific talent.
I would just like more pet items, like Pirate101 introduced. Wizard101 only has doghouses, but I'd like to see pet beds and toys that they interact with. Would also like for them to be able to climb in the pet cannon and get fired across the room/yard.
we should type names like queen Elizabeth the third
that would be cool
Why the third? We're still in our second, saying you're talking about England. I'd like to add more open names, like King Frederick, King Peter, King Louis, Maria Theresa, Queen Catherine, etc.
It would be cool if there was a world that we could have our pets quest in, the way we do with our wizards. And like we have Malistaire, Morganthe , and Old Cob, it could be turned into Zillastaire, Draganthe, or Old Carnation. Thanks for reading
Hey I'm Emily starflower and I think it would be a great idea for there to be a world for our pets to quest in. I think it would be so cool because our wizards have done so many worlds and I think its time for our pets to do a world.
I also think it would be cool to let the pets have there own gear and wands. And I know I've said this so many times which I'm sorry for, lol to be able to ride them when there older or bigger. ~Emily StarFlower level 79 The valorous silver archon