Just wondering if this has changed...... I am noticing more and more that no matter who I'm battling, they are throwing spells of all kinds. IE- I'm battling Life and they are throwing spells of storm, fire, etc.. If I'm battling storm, they are throwing myth, fire, etc. and so on. I could swear I used to shield myself against whoever i was battling based on whether they showed they were myth, fire, storm, etc. Now it seems like no matter who I'm battling, they throw random spells of all schools out, making it harder to be able to shield. Has this changed or am I crazy lol
Just wondering if this has changed...... I am noticing more and more that no matter who I'm battling, they are throwing spells of all kinds. IE- I'm battling Life and they are throwing spells of storm, fire, etc.. If I'm battling storm, they are throwing myth, fire, etc. and so on. I could swear I used to shield myself against whoever i was battling based on whether they showed they were myth, fire, storm, etc. Now it seems like no matter who I'm battling, they throw random spells of all schools out, making it harder to be able to shield. Has this changed or am I crazy lol
Thanks in advance for replies :)
As your character faces tougher foes, they will develop a second school. Usually MOBs have a second school, bosses may have more. But as you progress, your ability to get power pips increases, you are tossing damaging spells faster, with less time to shield...so plan on a faster kill. And in a lot of ways, it is a benefit for them to waste power pips on things other than their base school.
I've been noticing this for a while, however, it does seem to have somewhat of a consistent pattern. For example, any spell of a level 4 or higher (thus far) has only been cast by that school. In other words, while a myth character might throw Leprechaun, I haven't seen them throw Seraph or Centaur. I always attributed this to being just as we Wizards have our secondary (and tertiary) schools, then other monsters and characters have their secondary schools and such.
As for shielding, all I can say is keep battle different characters. My highest wizard is in Celestia, and I can say that the monsters do have fairly fixed secondary schools so it's just a matter of noting what their secondaries are and such. Good luck!
Your best bet is to make a spirit and elemental mix. I made a life/storm mix and I am missing the storm shield. Kroktopia has amulets for fire, ice, and storm shields. I have all six shields. In Celestia, the mobs tend to stay in their own schools.
Actually, it has a lot to do with the Amulets that are now available. I am more than one school and it helps some of the time, but not always.
I think it's important to realize the schools are changing as we migrate and prepare to move into WinterTusk. As a level 60 legendary Storm Wizard I have many colorful cards in my deck. Early on I learned a lot of the smaller spells from WC.
All I can offer is try to be more prepared, I am not always and its rough when faced with a stronger element than Storm.