I'm pretty sure there have been enough complaints from this spell. I would like to just ask why would it have the exact same effect as Storm Lord, just dealing lower damage? That's like a huge slap in the face to all Ice Wizards. I personally think they need to change the Spell Effects of The Ice Giant, or the spell effects of the Storm Lord, because right now it's just annoying to cast just the lower version of the two.
I dont have an ice but i know what you mean. I think, since it does lower damage, should do like leviathan and instead of taking to blades it takes 4 traps that are put on your friends like it removes all traps on your team and or yourself.
Actually I have many Ice friends who use this spell quite frequently with AMAZING effects. We're talking 1500-2500 or more damage. I am a level 60 balance and I would much rather take the ice giant over my Power nova spell.
Also remember that you can't compare other spells to the same level storm spell. Storm has the most powerful spells by far, but at the cost of low percentage chance to cast them, and lower life. There has to be give and take somewhere.
KI I think has done a good job of having all schools be balanced and also have there plus's and minuses.