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Marleybone not loading...

Jan 24, 2011
So, on my highest wizard, I just gained access to Marleybone, but it wasn't loading, so i logged off, and I tried to log back on, but it Wizard 101 wouldn't let me get on because it couldn't load Marleybone. What should I do about that, or is there even anything I can do about that?!?!

May 20, 2010
The game stores the graphics and other game-play files on your computer. When you first go to a new world, it usually needs to download a lot of the graphics and other things. If it needs to do this, the game will tell you that you have to wait: that the world isn't ready yet. When this happens, You'll see a little gold circle-arrow spinning at the upper left side of the screen, with some text nearby detailing what's being downloaded. Depending on the speed of your connection, it could take a while to download what is needed. What you need to do is simply wait until the game is done loading everything (until the circle-arrow disappears) and then try to go to that world.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
blizzardbeth wrote:
So, on my highest wizard, I just gained access to Marleybone, but it wasn't loading, so i logged off, and I tried to log back on, but it Wizard 101 wouldn't let me get on because it couldn't load Marleybone. What should I do about that, or is there even anything I can do about that?!?!

Send a note to Mr. Lincoln. A lot of people have troubles with MB and they may be able to help.

Apr 30, 2010
It might need to download again. On my computer, Marleybone always takes a couple minutes to load on the computer. I would send a ticket into support if it fails to load the second time you try.