I find that the levels are all jumbled around and takes more time to choose the one you want. the level 40 and level 50 play like a level 20 and the level 60 life henchman heals the emeny. The henchman throw rank 1 spells once then fizzle three or four times then throw another rank 1 spell or just fizzle the whole battle. Henchman come in handy if your friends are offline and you have a major boss you want to do, some of us are not blessed with relieable game friends so not geting our money worth is upsetting.
I find that the levels are all jumbled around and takes more time to choose the one you want. the level 40 and level 50 play like a level 20 and the level 60 life henchman heals the emeny. The henchman throw rank 1 spells once then fizzle three or four times then throw another rank 1 spell or just fizzle the whole battle. Henchman come in handy if your friends are offline and you have a major boss you want to do, some of us are not blessed with relieable game friends so not geting our money worth is upsetting.
I noticed that too. I thought that they said it would be quicker now to choose a henchman. By the time I figured out which henchmen were listed, my time had run out and I missed a turn.
I do click on the "List" feature, and then I click on the "Cost" feature to show the items from lower to higher cost. That seems to help a bit.
But when I first open the Crowns Shop Tab during a battle, the henchmen list "is" all jumbled up with no logic at all as to how they are listed. Very confusing...
I haven't notice a problem with the spells or fizzles yet. The listing seemed to be a problem for me just now.