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Increase the drop rates please!

Mar 05, 2011
I am getting tired of having to battle 30 creatures just to get three items for a quest. That is a big part of the reason I quit playing World of Warcraft. That, and the gold sellers. You seriously need to increase the drop rates on quest items.

May 20, 2010
Or better yet, just have an option to ask the creatures to give you the items so that you don't have to fight them at all.

This game is too short and too simple as it is, and the number of enemies who are stingy about having items are few in number. At some point in time, the wizard has to actually work for what is gotten.

Aug 12, 2009
tonym144 wrote:
I am getting tired of having to battle 30 creatures just to get three items for a quest. That is a big part of the reason I quit playing World of Warcraft. That, and the gold sellers. You seriously need to increase the drop rates on quest items.

The more of an item you have to collect, the likelier you are to get them. The less of an item, the rarer the item. Obviously, it's to make them equal out in the long run approximately. I remember trying to get the ring on firecat alley and one of my wizards got it on the first battle, another after the 15th. It's random. If you don't like it, hate the Random Number Generator, not the game.

Mar 18, 2009
Yup, those "collect x amount of x" quests are what I like to call timesinks. Everyone MMO has some type of those frustrating quests designed to keep players playing the game longer. Let's face it, it is hard to remain satisfied in a game where you have beaten everything and there is nothing left to do. I think the purpose of the timesinks are to extend the life of the game until the next expansion. My guess anyways.

Nov 22, 2010
tonym144 wrote:
I am getting tired of having to battle 30 creatures just to get three items for a quest. That is a big part of the reason I quit playing World of Warcraft. That, and the gold sellers. You seriously need to increase the drop rates on quest items.

you're fighting them in the wrong spot.

When given a quest to collect something, an icon for the thing you have to battle will appear on your map in your spell book.

Look at that icon, then go where it is.

the closer you are to that icon, the better chance you have of getting the item you need from a battle. The farther you are away from that icon, the worse the chance is.

I'm guessing that in your case, the icon is on one street and you're fighting the enemies on a different street entirely.

Mar 05, 2011
colagada wrote:
Or better yet, just have an option to ask the creatures to give you the items so that you don't have to fight them at all.

This game is too short and too simple as it is, and the number of enemies who are stingy about having items are few in number. At some point in time, the wizard has to actually work for what is gotten.

Yeah, but the work I would prefer is "travel here, travel there, now go back..."etc. Not "get me three feathers from ravens..." and you have to kill 30 feather COVERED ravens just to get three feathers. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. I could understand it being hard to get something like an item a random creature stole back, but you can't find a single feather on a raven that's covered in feathers? Come on!

Nov 22, 2010
tonym144 wrote:
...you have to kill 30 feather COVERED ravens just to get three feathers.

You should never have to kill that many. If you're killing a lot of something and not getting your drop, then look on your map and make SURE you are where the icon for that something is. If you aren't, then MOVE to where that icon is and fight there.

The closer you are to the location of the icon on the map, the greater your chance of getting whatever item it is that you're supposed to be collecting.

Sep 23, 2010
I have to agree with that the drop rates should be increased. When I want a certain pet or furniture item it's extremely annoying having to sit and fight the same thing for days to get the item. Half the time I give up and just wait to buy the item from the bazaar because the drops take forever to happen.