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Suggestions for Strengthening PvP Community

Apr 01, 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
I'm not entirely sure if you are aware of this but lately there has been a clear shift in the behavior of many fair playing midlevel high ranked PvP adults. We are not many so we mostly know each other, but first let me tell you why you should listen to us other than the fact we are your clients and customers.
I know that you have made this game for kids and adults with a kid in them. I'd like to bring to your attention that these adults with a kid in them buy you the most crowns, that these adults get easily bored with questing and they stick around dumping money into mega snacks, good seeds for pvp cards and pvp gear mostly for the thrill of pvp - they also are most apt to dunk crowns for friend gifts. It would be nice if you cared a little to keep us around, ok? Nice for your payroll and bonuses.
The shift that has ocurred lately amongst these adults in your PvP arena (midlevel) that play fairly are these: some just barely log in, others giving up on 2v2 entirely due to 60 and downranked level 1, today a friend of mine just wont log in because three of us high ranked level 29 got matched with three high rank legends and we did not even sit on the queue for a long time. We are careful to requeue.
I'm old enough to understand the needs of having matches happen even if they seem mismatched, but let me explain a few things that we would recommend that would still allow for a lot of matches to happen.
* If the level disparity is great and the lower levels lose, don't dock them a lot of points. You already do this with ranks, if low ranks lose to high rank, not a lot of points. Gamma said on his post that levels weigh more heavily than rank in the matching system, so why are levels not weighing more in the scoring system? in the scoring system, you letting ranks rule everything without looking at the levels of the match. If you could fix just that one thing, you would not believe what a huge difference that would make to all these adults in the PvP arena. It would mean the world - and if that doesn't convince you, it could mean a lot less cancelled subscriptions.
* The stun resist in the lower level gear is good, but I believe that you are way overdue in creating block critical gear for lower levels (PvP use only if you wish). If a lower level is a high rank, like commander, they going to be fighting legends a lot with much weaker spells - let them have as good block chance as a legend with gear for PvP only and earned with tickets and rank. If the legends are good, they should win anyway.
* Downranking is a serious problem. You should address it asap. It can be used for so many cheats and exploits. I'd say downranking is the single most dangerous thing you have ocurring in the arenas right now and as dangerous or more dangerous than chain stunning teams were to your arenas.
It's a pesky problem but some suggestions for fixing it are:
a. After so many losses or rating decrease per unit of time,
the wizard is confined to practice arenas for a certain period of
time. It has to be enough time to seriously slow down down
rankers to the point of not wanting to do it.
b. You cannot use Commander gear if your rank drops below Knight.
You get to keep it till your rank improves again. This prevents
someone with great gear dropping to rating zero to help a friend
score easy wins.
c. After someone drops into serious sub-private zone, say under
400, the system will only allow them to team with other
subprivates, but they can 1v1 as usual.
d. When you patch the game with any of the above measure for
preventing downranking, please don't forget to set all the
subprivates back to 500. They will feel very happy if they are
honest players.
Honestly, if you take to heart these advices above, you will see a stronger and healthier PvP community. I so want to see my old friends that PvP back in the game. I lost one yesterday.
Please take these words to heart. Between this game the games my PvP friends move on to, I will choose my friends. This letter goes to you from most of the high ranking adults of the mid-level PvP community.
I hope you choose to hear us.
Laura Watersong

Running List of Additional Good Suggestions

* Limit same school wizards on a team to a maximum of two for 3v3 and 4v4.

Dec 19, 2009
I support these suggestions 100% .. I'm tired of how the pvp "system" is right now, it really need allot of fixes, and please let it happen soon. I have midlevels characters i pvp with as well.. The way people abuse the ranked pvp now a days is so sad, People get easy arena gear, easy tickets and easy rank.. I really recommend y'all to listen and follow Laura suggestions as that could improve the pvp, and give big the "lust" for us adult to play the game again, since i myself everyday i log on to have fun with pvp, just to meet all these abusers and right after log off the game.. I know allot people who would agree with me and Laura.. The pvp need a fix, and it need it in the next update or asap!!..

Jan 07, 2010
well I can understand your pain, as I myself have been subjected to many of the so called strategies that people like to call "cheating" in pvp, but I also believe that even a high ranking wizard or high level should be allowed to team up with who ever they want even if they are helping a lower level friend in pvp. I don't really see alot of that anyway, and I play at all hours of the day. For ex. last night I was doing pvp, and while waiting I like to survey the boards to see who I can "watch" in battle, and through out the whole night I only saw one person using that strategy. Hardly a problem. I myself have teamed up with a low level with my warlord and have done 2v2 with her so she can win. My sis, who is mentally challenged plays this game and she loves all of it even pvp, but she never wins and when she comes to me crying cause someone makes fun of her because her rank is so bad, then heck ya, I am going to team up with her and get her through a bunch of wins. I am a paying customer too and if I want to team up with her than I should be able to. My point is this, if you dont like what you see in the ranked pvp at the time you are playing, then play in the non-ranked pvp arena. For you to say that folks are leaving because of ranked pvp, well thats a cop-out. Everyone has a complaint about something, and everyone threatens to leave, well KI fyi, I have been with you for years, seen it all, and guess what we are staying, we will figure out strategies and love it no matter. I dont want them to change who you can team up with. If your not matched up with worthy opponents, then play unranked. If you are on because you want to socialize with friends than why is ranked pvp so important? Like I said before, if the pickings are slim for opponents in ranked pvp, (cause at certain times they are), then do un-ranked, point being you can socialize in both.
Before you all start ranting on about how it is such an issue than check and watch the pvp boards everyday at different timeframes, I have, and dont see it being as much of an issue as you make it be.

Apr 01, 2011

1. I beg to differ that you understand my situation, EvilDroid. For starters, you indulge in PvP strategies of legendary- low level which neither me nor any of my friends would be caught dead exercising. Mainly because the average of such a combination, level 30, cannot critically strike back a legend, conviction does not always appear and I detest the business of bullying: beating up a person that can hardly defend themself in real life or in a cyber world. A legend critically striking midlevels is just such a bully. I'm sorry, but conviction is a joke when a storm legend (teamed with a noob for easy kills) is simply spamming critically striking wildbolts.

2. Secondly, no where in my post did I mention that high levels should not be allowed to team with low levels. That goes against my intention to keep as many matches happening as possible. What I did mention are changes to the scoring system so low levels losing to high levels are not docked a great number of points, addition of critical blocking gear to midlevels and a number of measures that would be effective in preventing downranking, which clearly is an exploit Kings Isle never intended to be abused.

3. Thirdly, if you don't see the exploits happening at all hours of the day it could be because: (a) you're using the exploits yourself so you get a lot of fair-playing midlevel twos (b) you're not actually spending too much time in the arena (c) you're sticking to 1v1 (d) you simply do not believe these exploits are 'cheating' and dont want to see them. (e) you're hiding under a rock (or a real life).

4. Fourth, the story about the mentally challenged sister may be true (I dont buy it) but let's assume it is true for a moment.
a. If she is truly mentally challenged, she will see little to no difference in playing practice vs playing ranked and would prefer to play practice because she wins more, it's easier, and she's not a masochist unlike the rest of 'normal' us. she will go play where she feels happiest playing, which is the easiest place to play, practice.
b. If people are teasing her about her rank because she somehow repetitively (O.o) got herself into ranked arena vs practice arena (I know someone with Downs would never do that), you can log into her account (she's your sister is she not?) and play ranked matches for her until her rank is normal again. Then have her play in practice.
c. I believe you are using your sister as a cop-out to continue your exploits of a flawed PvP system, so don't even begin to tell me that my sensible suggestions above (none of which actually were about barring high levels from teaming with low levels) are a cop-out.
d. How can you accuse me of 'ranting' in the above post when it is respectfully written, defining intention, problem and solutions? (something your post doesn't by the way. your post is built on a premise i said something i did not).

Finally, since you love using exploits and did not even correctly process what I wrote, I have to say that I have not an ounce of confidence in your morals nor your intellect. You don't need to worry that I disbelief you because anyone is allowed to disbelieve you - but you trying to send the world to get on a wheelchair because one person is on a wheelchair is not a realistic solution, not to say you even defined what your problem is under than a fear of the end of an exploit. -.-

Laura W.

Aug 04, 2009
Well I do agree that the PvP system is a little messed up but really what do you expect them to do about. For one with all those regulations you would be seeing a much much longer wait for PvP. The example i have is with the sub level privates. Not many of them play pvp lol, that would mean if you were a below private rank it would be really hard for you to rank up again. I see the idea of the commander gear as ok, but really its not the best gear anymore the waterworks stuff as really put pvp gear in the shadows. And if you ask me rank shouldnt be that huge in the equation and to explain this it's because some warlords arent that great at pvp now a days lol. I remember fighting someone in the practice arena yesterday he was a commander and i beat him very fast and he said you know i would have won had i criticalled all my attacks and well thats not how you should play a lot of high ranks in PvP nowadays rely on luck whether it be critical, block, or spritely. And they just arent very decent warlords anymore. And some can be a really good 4v4 player but could never win a 1v1. Like me for example i can dominate the arena in 4v4 and 1v1 but really in any 3v3 i guarentee i'll lose i just don't work well with 3v3s. While some of your explanations i do agree with some of it is a little mix matched to me it's just my opinion. And to say that adults are the only ones that buy the most crowns is false i'm not an adult and i pay for all my crowns and i pay for my little brother's subscription and my subscription so i dont agree with you there i work hard for that money..

Apr 01, 2011

Well I do agree that the PvP system is a little messed up but really what do you expect them to do about.

I expect them to listen to customer suggestions for improving their product.

For one with all those regulations you would be seeing a much much longer wait for PvP. The example i have is with the sub level privates. Not many of them play pvp lol, that would mean if you were a below private rank it would be really hard for you to rank up again.

You said yourself the sub privates (let us assume here the REAL sub-privates, not the down-ranked fakes) do not play PvP a lot, the suggestions do not prevent them from ranking up as usual through 1v1 and none of the other suggestions set restrictions that would lengthen the time of the matching. If you got a sub-private hell-over bent in not doing 1v1, not even to rank up, you should ask yourself why is that. The sub-private has an option to rank up, fast. All they need is a friend's advice and wisening up through more 1v1s, not by being carried like a dead weight by a legend.

I see the idea of the commander gear as ok, but really its not the best gear anymore the waterworks stuff as really put pvp gear in the shadows.

This post is about strenghtening PvP across the board, all levels, not legendary only. The only reason you dont care about the suggestion is because you dont use the gear. -.- Try to think a bit outside your own situation and self-interest please.

And if you ask me rank shouldnt be that huge in the equation and to explain this it's because some warlords arent that great at pvp now a days lol.

And the reason that warlords aren't that good anymore is because Kings Isles has let exploits and cheats run amock probably because their energy and focus was in Wintertusk and crown offerings that bring USD. Improving PvP increases subscriptions, KI. That's more important long term.

And they just arent very decent warlords anymore.

I agree. But there's a few stragglers left here and there.

While some of your explanations i do agree with some of it is a little mix matched to me it's just my opinion.

You are a legend in a mid-level PvP thread, so yeah, you'll feel a little lost here.

And to say that adults are the only ones that buy the most crowns is false

You're seriously misquoting me and putting words in my mouth by saying that I wrote adults are the "only ones." Please review what I wrote. Don't ever do that to people again in a serious discussion. You can pay attention to the details of what people say without putting false words on their mouth. Thanks. .

Yours sincerely,
Laura W

May 10, 2010
LoL, wow, a woman with attitude!!! You go girl... Almost a female version of me, but not quite...

Anyway, I love most of your suggestions...

I agree, if a lower level faces a higher level, they should not lose many points at all if they lose... I know KI sees rank as more important that Level, but honestly, How many low levels out there or even mid levels can beat a half way descent Legendary?

Secondly, I agree with adding more PvP Gear... Add gear for all levels that has Critical Block, if you are going to allow all levels to face grandmasters and above, then give them the chance to defend properly...

Now, the only thing I disagree with, and I cant wait for her to try and slam me... lol, really looking forward to this... Is the fact that you say it is unfair for storms spam critical wildbolt... This is my defense for storm on that issue... Most people spam storm shields, I mean constantly... If you PvP as much as you say you do, then you should know this... WildBolt is a great 2 pip spell that you can hit over and over again... If you have a gargantuan and hit critical, it can do over 4000 damage - whatever resistance the opponent has, also - whatever shield is in place... So, wont take long for storm to actually kill if they don't keep sheilding... That, or they could use Insane bolt once the other person has too many storm shields, but then, they have a chance of killing themself too...

So, what is a storm to do? Either they Spam Critical hit Wildbolts or allow the opponent to stockpile storm shields... It's a no win situation, since Myth is the one that removes shields easily, not storm... Storm also has low health, so they must be aggressive and not passive, they must keep their opponent on the defensive while they remain offensive...

Ok, looking forward to your rebutal...

Jan 07, 2010
laurawatersong wrote:

1. I beg to differ that you understand my situation, EvilDroid. For starters, you indulge in PvP strategies of legendary- low level which neither me nor any of my friends would be caught dead exercising.
2. Secondly, no where in my post did I mention that high levels should not be allowed to team with low levels. What I did mention are changes to the scoring system so low levels losing to high levels are not docked a great number of points,
3. Thirdly, if you don't see the exploits happening at all hours of the day it could be because: (a) you're using the exploits yourself so you get a lot of fair-playing midlevel twos (b) you're not actually spending too much time in the arena (c) you're sticking to 1v1 (d) you simply do not believe these exploits are 'cheating' and dont want to see them. (e) you're hiding under a rock (or a real life).
4. Fourth, the story about the mentally challenged sister may be true (I dont buy it) but let's assume it is true for a moment.
a. If she is truly mentally challenged, she will see little to no difference in playing practice vs playing ranked and would prefer to play practice because she wins more, it's easier, and she's not a masochist unlike the rest of 'normal' us. she will go play where she feels happiest playing, which is the easiest place to play, practice.
b. If people are teasing her about her rank because she somehow repetitively (O.o) got herself into ranked arena vs practice arena (I know someone with Downs would never do that), you can log into her account (she's your sister is she not?) and play ranked matches for her until her rank is normal again. Then have her play in practice.
c. I believe you are using your sister as a cop-out to continue your exploits of a flawed PvP system, so don't even begin to tell me that my sensible suggestions above (none of which actually were about barring high levels from teaming with low levels) are a cop-out.
d. How can you accuse me of 'ranting' in the above post when it is respectfully written, defining intention, problem and solutions? (something your post doesn't by the way. your post is built on a premise i said something i did not).
Finally, since you love using exploits and did not even correctly process what I wrote, I have to say that I have not an ounce of confidence in your morals nor your intellect. You don't need to worry that I disbelief you because anyone is allowed to disbelieve you - but you trying to send the world to get on a wheelchair because one person is on a wheelchair is not a realistic solution, not to say you even defined what your problem is under than a fear of the end of an exploit. -.-

Laura W.

Dear Laura, Yes, I noticed some mistakes in my first post. So I definitely need to clear them up.

1. I should have stated that my comments were based solely on the issue of teaming up with lower levels and not on your suggestions. As that was the one issue I did not agree with, and let me clarify. I do feel that limits on sub-ranking is a good idea, but I was feeling that KI would just take away the ability for high levels to team up with lower levels and that was what I did not want to happen. The comments I made were not about the sub-ranking wizards used by some to team with.

2. All other comments I made, including watching the pvp boards was based upon that issue and I was commenting on higher levels teaming with sub-ranking levels as being the complaint I did not see a lot of during my observations.

3. Sry about the miscommunication.

4. I never said that you made a comment about higher levels teaming with lower levels, but I did make the wrong assumption that KI would automatically not allow teaming up if they were to deal with the higher levels teaming with the sub-ranking levels(which was the one comment you had that I was using, wrongly, as the basis for my post)

5. I did not attack you personally, whereas you attacked me personally,

6. My comments were not about all of your suggestions.

7. I never said I used them or agreed/disagreed with the issues you discuss, I merely stated that " I did not see the techniques used as much as you", and "did not see them as an issue." and that comment was related to the issue of higher ranks w/sub-ranked, as i clarified.

8. You made insulting comments about me and my play, why? because I dared to voice an opinion? Even if I voiced disagreement, which I did not, that does not entitle you to insult someone.

9. I have been playing pvp for a lot longer than you have, ( It states you have been a member since April 2011) observing many many matches, again my comments were made for high ranks teaming with low levels and the sub-ranks, which again I dont see much of. btw, by stateing this is in no way a endorsement of the act. Again, I team with a lower rank, not a sub-rank and it is very infrequent that I help her.

10. As far as you making comments about my sister, Well WHO are you to make comments? are you her doctor? I never said she had downs. And fyi, your last post was not respectful. Your comments about the world getting on a wheelchair because one person is disabled is very disrespectful.

11. It is disrespectful of you to make assumptions and accuse someone of actions they do not do just because of an opiinion, and that opinion was based on only one issue I had, which I clarified.

12. Yes I do both ranked and unranked with sis, and yes I believe if she wants to get a little rank then I will help her, and fyi it is not the same for her if I was to just get on and rank her char up, and yes she would notice if I did that, and again who are you to comment on her disability? are you her doctor? do you know what she thinks, feels?

13. Yes I understand what you stated, I said I feel your pain, that I had experienced the same in pvp, but I stated my opinion on an issue of low and high teaming(and I never said thatyou didnt want high & low teaming) I stated that comment because I was making a wrong assumption about KI, thinking that they would just ban high and low levels teaming to take care of the issue you brought up. Which in all honesty, they would not; they would probably just limit the sub-ranking.

14. You made assumptions and were insulting. My opinion on the frequency of the issues occuring were in fact an opinion based on MY observations through out the years. They were in no way disrespectfully stated or meant to insult you.

15. Lastly, I will continue to team up with my sis when she asks, and just because she is not "normal"(your quote, which is offensive, mentally challenged does not mean not normal btw, who are you to define normal?). she has never gone above vet and I have done both with her, ranked and unranked, but just because she is not what you say, "normal", does not mean she doesnt want to do ranked once in a while because she does not see herself as different.

16. as far as some of your suggestions, this time I will comment on one... I agree that if a low level, or low ranked wizard is matched with a much higher one, that yes, they should not take away a lot of points from that low level for losing if they lose.

17. Again, for clarification, I never posted my comments as a direct response to yours. I only made a generalized comment based on my obsrvations in the arena about a specific issue,( higher ranks/levels teaming with lower levels and or sub-ranked, meaning that through my personal observations I did not see the higher rank and sub-rank as occuring much)and a more specific comment based upon my wants in teaming up with a lower level. (and the comment was made because I did not want to see changes made in the waiting period if I teamed up with her) Again, your last comments were disrepectful of me (and of disabilities in general, being disabled does not mean you are not normal & have the same wants/desires as others, such as wanting some rank) Just because someone may not have the same opinion(and I never stated that I agreed or disagreed) does not make them automatically a user/promoter of said techniques and to accuse someone of said usage is disrepectful. Accusations are not opinions.

18. I hope this clarifies the first post.

Apr 01, 2011
darthjt wrote:
LoL, wow, a woman with attitude!!! You go girl... Almost a female version of me, but not quite...

I want more info on this 'not quite' . . . I see it through a multi-tiered perceptional prism of 'not quite the same body parts as me', 'not quite as stormy as me', 'not quite as awesome as me' and as I poke at this detail like cat would a yarn ball, it does not quite unravel the mystery, it just creates more knots.

darthjt wrote:

Anyway, I love most of your suggestions...

As well you should of course! heh. :P Hope Kings Isle listens to them.

darthjt wrote:

I agree, if a lower level faces a higher level, they should not lose many points at all if they lose...

As Sherlock Bones would say, 'It's elementary, my dear Watson!'

darthjt wrote:

I know KI sees rank as more important that Level, but honestly, How many low levels out there or even mid levels can beat a half way descent Legendary?

Well, KI is just tangling itself up in knots by setting a double standard between their matching system and their scoring system. It's like they are divorced instead of married as they should be.The two should be a lot more parallel to each other but they are not. I wager good money that that the matching system is developed on a different floor or corner of the building than the scoring system. Though that makes no sense at all, I've seen weirdest stuff happen at disfunctioning companies. Or maybe the scoring system guy doesn't get along with the matching system guy - maybe the scoring sytem guy stole matching system guys donut. :P Maybe the manager should have assigned the project to the same person (not one with a split personality) -.- Whoever is in love with John Nash and his zero sum theory for ranking at KI maybe wants to take into account more than one variable (rank) and add level to that scoring system? Pretty please? With Frosted Drakes on the side. :) As for midlevels defeating half way decent legendaries, it can be done but its exceedingly tough without critical block.

darthjt wrote:

Secondly, I agree with adding more PvP Gear... Add gear for all levels that has Critical Block, if you are going to allow all levels to face grandmasters and above, then give them the chance to defend properly...

:) Yeah! We don't need a festering pot of bullying going on. Give the midlevels a better chance to block critical if they are going to be constantly matched with grandmasters at commander rank and above. They work hard for that rank.

darthjt wrote:

Now, the only thing I disagree with, and I cant wait for her to try and slam me... lol, really looking forward to this...

Oh no now you've done it!

darthjt wrote:

Is the fact that you say it is unfair for storms spam critical wildbolt...

eh? Was that it? Spam it all you want, but if you are a grandmaster and above , I want critical block gear. I'm just a storm magus that doesn't use wildbolt because I didn't do main quest only and I'm not leveling past 33 just yet just to get wildbolt. maybe later. and yes, storm is the red-headed stepchild and let me list all the ways in which we are screwed because you missed some:

a. LoL Thermic Shields? both of those schools do damage over time. thanks for giving the most useless shields to the lowest health school. they truly wish for storm wizards to be the most brilliant wizards, forget what the balance professor says. we need to be more than wizards, we need to be little Moseses spamming miracles, water from rock and so on. How about a splitting the waters spell that breaks shields and places a dot? :) Just wanted to throw that one in there.

b. Pay two training points in fire and 800 coins per pop to cast your own damage over time, Storm. We hate YOU! We lost SO MANY CUSTOMERS to your spamming NONSENSE! YEAH! you be the scurge of the elemental schools and Falmea and Greyrose have toads for breakfast in Balestorms name AND STILL count how much money is not in their pocket thanks to whoever messed up the storm school with stupid spells.

c. Here, have the most useless minion any school has. He'll heal himself as he watches you die (maybe Cyrus Drake designed the water minion) and no, he wont do any useful stuff like cast link, or mantle or shield breakers like the fire minion does. designers design storm spells so storm wizards can cry a lot like Torrence does. that's the whole point.

d. LoL we'll write that you have 70% accuracy on your cards, dear storm wizards but you really have something much closer to 50% because we hate you.

e. and here, have the lowest health ever - hope you all die in a fire raging wildfire, quickly because our lunch break doesnt last forever and we need to design more ways to make storm wizards cry.
f. while the tears gather up in your eyes, we will be creating this cool spell called "Cry More" which is like triple storm shields and be giving it to all non storm students for free at level one.

darthjt wrote:

This is my defense for storm on that issue...

There can't be enough defense for storm. We are the most brilliant wizards, that's true, but whoever designed our school to fail should be fired. Fixing the storm school will require A LOT more thinking than here suggested to fix the PvP system and I believe it important, as much as I love the storm school, to fix the PvP system FIRST, while I think up some suggestions on how to fix the storm school and do those suggestions second.

darthjt wrote:

So, what is a storm to do?

If you are midlevel, be nothing short of brilliant and have a beautiful mind. Have a brilliant pet (not like those balance slackers can afford to do to play blindfolded as powered up snakes buffet their face from the sky.)

What does anybody do when they are dying in the arena and the opponent is at full health? They switch to defensive stance. A midlevel storm enters the arena dying. There I am, 1000 health against a 3000 health ice that tanks, shields, has a helpful minion and dots... all with better accuracy. I enter the field dying. Be aggressive? What level do you play storm really? Midlevel storm commanders and warlords online at any one time can be counted with ONE HAND - and their main deck is mainly defensive (IF.THEY.WANT.TO.LIVE.), in some cases ALL defense and hitting from the side deck. Now, while I have no major opinion on wildbolt other than that I dont want a legend spamming me it when I have no block (I'm lvl 33)-- i'm doing ok without it and i hope never to have to be a wildbolt spammer - spamming anything is just so boring. Surely we can find a fix to the storm school. Brilliant people are slightly insane, yes, but insane bolt is an attack to our brilliance (without an insane shield in the mix... hmm i just thought of something between a shield and a trap).

darthjt wrote:

Ok, looking forward to your rebutal...

anyway, there you have it. I might have run out of space.... :)

May 10, 2010
LoL, truly loved the reply...

Anywho, as to the not quite, I would have that kept a mystery, for now... Read some of my posts and maybe you can get a glimmer of what I mean...

As to storm, get a good storm hound, that has storm shot, spell proof, spritely, and pierce train... This is one very helpful and useful pet....

Also casts a very powerful DOT attack...

My Storm is Legendary and I am very aggressive on the battlefield... I attack very hard and very fast, the only time I shield, is if they are too close to an attack that could kill me and not close enough to dying that I can kill them... Have to do the numbers quickly in your head....

Yes, storm elf is unfair, but very handy and well worth learning... Also, when you get my level, the cost is pennies as we make 200k in nothing flat...

Also, I have on my normal pet, which is a damp demon, that gives dragonblade, the talents; Sharp Shot, Storm shot, pips, and spritely...

I have 35% accuracy increase and can't fizzle... Things to look forward to...

Feb 16, 2011
Apr 01, 2011
EvilDroid wrote:

Dear Laura, Yes, I noticed some mistakes in my first post. So I definitely need to clear them up.

1. I should have stated that my comments were based solely on the issue of teaming up with lower levels and not on your suggestions. As that was the one issue I did not agree with, and let me clarify. I do feel that limits on sub-ranking is a good idea, but I was feeling that KI would just take away the ability for high levels to team up with lower levels and that was what I did not want to happen. The comments I made were not about the sub-ranking wizards used by some to team with.

So I missed your post earlier it seems. See, I feel like maybe you were having a discussion with someone else on a different topic and you carried it here because my topic was not ever about stopping the disparate level teams. Rather it was about measures to discourage downranking as an exploit and improvements to the scoring and pvp gear. Don't think you have anything to fear as far as disparate level teams continuing to exist forever.

EvilDroid wrote:

4. I never said that you made a comment about higher levels teaming with lower levels, but I did make the wrong assumption that KI would automatically not allow teaming up if they were to deal with the higher levels teaming with the sub-ranking levels(which was the one comment you had that I was using, wrongly, as the basis for my post)

ok, i understand this now.

EvilDroid wrote:

5. I did not attack you personally, whereas you attacked me personally,

You walked into my thread to argumentatively defend a point I was not attacking, to tell ME that *I* am randomly ranting, to stick to practice arenas and that my concerns are a cop-out. none of those things is personal right? -.- Here's a quote from your post to remind you.

EvilDroid wrote:

if you dont like what you see in the ranked pvp at the time you are playing, then play in the non-ranked pvp arena. For you to say that folks are leaving because of ranked pvp, well thats a cop-out. Everyone has a complaint about something, and everyone threatens to leave,[... brown nose interlude...]Before you all start ranting on about how it is such an issue than check and watch the pvp boards everyday at different timeframes

like i don't already do that

EvilDroid wrote:

7. I never said I used them or agreed/disagreed with the issues you discuss, I merely stated that " I did not see the techniques used as much as you", and "did not see them as an issue." and that comment was related to the issue of higher ranks w/sub-ranked, as i clarified.

if you dont see them you're not a high rank midlevel pvp player teaming with other midlevels. kindly state your level, rank and those of your partner(s)

EvilDroid wrote:

8. You made insulting comments about me and my play, why? because I dared to voice an opinion? Even if I voiced disagreement, which I did not, that does not entitle you to insult someone.

I expressed a level of disdain for two things. The intellect of a person who talks to me about apples when I create a topic about oranges and the morals of a person who gets a kick out critically striking opponents that can't critically strike back. If the shoe fits....

EvilDroid wrote:

9. I have been playing pvp for a lot longer than you have, ( It states you have been a member since April 2011)

And I wish to be having debates with those that quit unlistened to instead of you before I become one of those.

EvilDroid wrote:

10. As far as you making comments about my sister, Well WHO are you to make comments? are you her doctor?

I never prescribed any medicine other than not making her misfortune a good reason to create misfortune in others.

EvilDroid wrote:

Your comments about the world getting on a wheelchair because one person is disabled is very disrespectfu

well i think it's disrespectful to send all the rest of the players of the world to practice arenas before advising her to play there. your points 11-18 were read and I believe them to be a repetition of the first 10 points which i read too. -.- This is just a simple thread about suggestions to improve PvP, so let's stop deviating this into a civil rights discussion about your sister and focus on the improvements for PvP. Upon reading through the rest of your comments, I see that you agree on pretty much everything and were only scared you would be able to team with your lower ranked sister and I never suggested anything to stop you from doing that, so it be best we close this side topic here as it IS getting rather long.

If you read the quote I posted from you above, you will see how YOU came across as disrespectful and why you received a negative response. You brought in a lot of anger into this thread and I assume that was from fighting with someone else in some other thread and I have nothing to do with that. We can stick to the topic of "Suggestions for Improving PvP" now.

Apr 01, 2011
darthjt wrote:
LoL, truly loved the reply...


Anywho, as to the not quite, I would have that kept a mystery, for now... Read some of my posts and maybe you can get a glimmer of what I mean...

i understood it later. you thought i was a wildbolt spam hater

As to storm, get a good storm hound, that has storm shot, spell proof, spritely, and pierce train... This is one very helpful and useful pet....

storm hounds are the sole reason i ever stepped into a hatchery about three weeks after i started playing. yeah, i have a pretty strong breeding line of storm hounds. they were my first pet love.

Also casts a very powerful DOT attack...


My Storm is Legendary and I am very aggressive on the battlefield...

that's because you are playing at legend level. :/

I attack very hard and very fast, the only time I shield, is if they are too close to an attack that could kill me and not close enough to dying that I can kill them... Have to do the numbers quickly in your head....

yeah, very few masochists want to do storm at midlevel. now i can feel more alone

Yes, storm elf is unfair, but very handy and well worth learning...

unfair? you mean us not having storm elf without spending training points and heavy coins is unfair

Also, when you get my level, the cost is pennies as we make 200k in nothing flat...

i'm not very interested in playing legend level though with storm. what's there to look forward to? wildbolt spamming? i better stay at magus and make something else a legend.

Also, I have on my normal pet, which is a damp demon, that gives dragonblade, the talents; Sharp Shot, Storm shot, pips, and spritely...

Mine is better :) Sharp Shot, Storm Shot, Proof and Spritely. Plus a stacking tower card on the pet egg.

I have 35% accuracy increase and can't fizzle... Things to look forward to...

well i'm a midlevel storm that doesn't fizzle already. 97% accuracy. let's make a new thread about Suggestions to Improve Storm School

and come play storm among the hardy sometime.

Apr 01, 2011
Aug 04, 2009
laurawatersong wrote:

Well I do agree that the PvP system is a little messed up but really what do you expect them to do about.

I expect them to listen to customer suggestions for improving their product.

For one with all those regulations you would be seeing a much much longer wait for PvP. The example i have is with the sub level privates. Not many of them play pvp lol, that would mean if you were a below private rank it would be really hard for you to rank up again.

You said yourself the sub privates (let us assume here the REAL sub-privates, not the down-ranked fakes) do not play PvP a lot, the suggestions do not prevent them from ranking up as usual through 1v1 and none of the other suggestions set restrictions that would lengthen the time of the matching. If you got a sub-private hell-over bent in not doing 1v1, not even to rank up, you should ask yourself why is that. The sub-private has an option to rank up, fast. All they need is a friend's advice and wisening up through more 1v1s, not by being carried like a dead weight by a legend.

I see the idea of the commander gear as ok, but really its not the best gear anymore the waterworks stuff as really put pvp gear in the shadows.

This post is about strenghtening PvP across the board, all levels, not legendary only. The only reason you dont care about the suggestion is because you dont use the gear. -.- Try to think a bit outside your own situation and self-interest please.

And if you ask me rank shouldnt be that huge in the equation and to explain this it's because some warlords arent that great at pvp now a days lol.

And the reason that warlords aren't that good anymore is because Kings Isles has let exploits and cheats run amock probably because their energy and focus was in Wintertusk and crown offerings that bring USD. Improving PvP increases subscriptions, KI. That's more important long term.

And they just arent very decent warlords anymore.

I agree. But there's a few stragglers left here and there.

While some of your explanations i do agree with some of it is a little mix matched to me it's just my opinion.

You are a legend in a mid-level PvP thread, so yeah, you'll feel a little lost here.

And to say that adults are the only ones that buy the most crowns is false

You're seriously misquoting me and putting words in my mouth by saying that I wrote adults are the "only ones." Please review what I wrote. Don't ever do that to people again in a serious discussion. You can pay attention to the details of what people say without putting false words on their mouth. Thanks. .

Yours sincerely,
Laura W

Ok for one you said most and then "buy you your crowns" if you were serious you would probably type that right. Second off your trying to say thats my whole position on everything that it should be only to legendary which is doing exactly what you accused me of doing. So obviously i know from the your first response that this isn't going to be a real topic this is just pointing towards a rant. So let me just give you this advice and this is something you can quote me on so you don't make something up again

"Attitude isn't intelligence" if you were serious about this you wouldnt try and be blunt with everyone and actually offer a response.

I'm giving the view point of a legendary. If you want a general view point it is still mix matched... And i dont see why leveling is such a problem if you want to take advantage of lower level players that are probably kids just starting pvp go for it I wont stop you there... So in a way thats just you caring for yourself which is exactly what you excused me of.

While you agreed with me in some phases of my post thats fine but if your just in a bad mood and ranting about something don't get mad at me for disagreeing.

Apr 01, 2011

thorvon65 wrote:

Ok for one you said most and then "buy you your crowns" if you were serious you would probably type that right.

I said 'buy the most crowns' and upon review that's what I see. I don't see the second phrase you put in quotes there, maybe you can quote for real if you are serious about it as I do above? Also I'm not sure why you are hijacking this thread with these type of grammatical discussions?

thorvon65 wrote:

Second off your trying to say thats my whole position on everything that it should be only to legendary which is doing exactly what you accused me of doing.

It took me some time to understand this convoluted sentence but I think that what you are trying to do is draw an analogy between you accusing me of saying adults are the ONLY ones that buy crowns (something i did not say -.-) and me accusing you of believing that the thread is ONLY for legends, except I never accused you of thinkin nor saying that, I clarified that the thread was for PvP across all levels so up to this point you're stabbing at shadows that are not attacking you. Now that's a metaphor that brings your analogy to living color. -.-

thorvon65 wrote:

So obviously i know from the your first response that this isn't going to be a real topic this is just pointing towards a rant.

This thread is a topic that has a lot of helpful suggestions to improve PvP and this post of yours that I am responding to which has yet to make a useful suggestion to strengthen the PvP community not only POINTS towards being a rant, it is a full-fledged one.

thorvon65 wrote:

So let me just give you this advice and this is something you can quote me on so you don't make something up again

I'll quote you on this, promise.

thorvon65 wrote:

"Attitude isn't intelligence" if you were serious about this you wouldnt try and be blunt with everyone and actually offer a response.

I AM serious about my blunt responses (though I much prefer the word 'direct' responses). Let me give you a brief flashback of me doing that:

thorvon65 wrote:

Well I do agree that the PvP system is a little messed up but really what do you expect them to do about it?

laurawatersong wrote:

I expect them to listen to customer suggestions for improving their product.

That was the flash back, and now for deja-vu, my quotation of you which I promised. You said:

thorvon65 wrote:

"Attitude isn't intelligence" if you were serious about this you wouldnt try and be blunt with everyone and actually offer a response.

So your serious response to my respectfully written letter that had not a hint of attitude in it was:

thorvon65 wrote:

Well I do agree that the PvP system is a little messed up but really what do you expect them to do about it?

-.- Very helpful, thanks.

thorvon65 wrote:

And i dont see why leveling is such a problem if you want to take advantage of lower level players that are probably kids just starting pvp go for it I wont stop you there...

Stopping me there is EXACTLY what this entire thread is about. I WISHED you had stopped me there. Oh, right, I dont beat up lower levels.

thorvon65 wrote:

While you agreed with me in some phases of my post thats fine but if your just in a bad mood and ranting about something don't get mad at me for disagreeing.

They say that copying is the best form of flattery (you can quote me on that one -.-) so I'm going to retype everything you said because I feel the need to flatter you. You look a little beat up and I dont like to bully: "If you're just in a bad mood and ranting about something, don't get mad at me for disagreeing."

Jan 07, 2010
So I missed your post earlier it seems. See, I feel like maybe you were having a discussion with someone else on a different topic and you carried it here because my topic was not ever about stopping the disparate level teams. Rather it was about measures to discourage downranking as an exploit and improvements to the scoring and pvp gear. Don't think you have anything to fear as far as disparate level teams continuing to exist forever.

well no, I was not having a discussion elsewhere lol, its just I was thinking of the issue differently, I never had an issue to much with a legend and a sub-ranked beating me so I was not ever thinking about that, I was only thinking....OH no, I dont want KI to disallow a higher level teaming with a lower level. And to bring up another point, you are assuming that the high level I team up with her is also a high rank, there is a difference. I have a high ranking legend yes, but I use many of my wizards to team up with her. I have a total of 12 wizards on 2 different accounts rangeing from level 5 to legendary, and ranking from private to warlord, hers on the otherhand range from level 12 to level 33, so depends on who is playing who with the team ups. . My logic and where I was coming from is a little off the tract, but no matter, not important, moving on.

EvilDroid wrote:

5. I did not attack you personally, whereas you attacked me personally,

You walked into my thread to argumentatively defend a point I was not attacking, to tell ME that *I* am randomly ranting, to stick to practice arenas and that my concerns are a cop-out. none of those things is personal right? -.- Here's a quote from your post to remind you.

First off, the threads belong to KI, not to individuals. Secondly none of what I said was a personal attack, telling someone to go play in the practice arena because they are having issues with finding suitable opponents is NOT a personal attack on their character or a diss of one of their family members.
None of the things I said were a 'personal' attack. I did not call you a liar, and you did call me one indirectly, by your stateing my sister was made up, etc..[color]

EvilDroid wrote:

if you dont like what you see in the ranked pvp at the time you are playing, then play in the non-ranked pvp arena. For you to say that folks are leaving because of ranked pvp, well thats a cop-out. Everyone has a complaint about something, and everyone threatens to leave,[... brown nose interlude...]Before you all start ranting on about how it is such an issue than check and watch the pvp boards everyday at different timeframes

like i don't already do that

Again, with the above quote: why did you add [...brown nose interlude...]? You could have just ended one part of the quote with [....] to take out misc stuff, you did not have to add your own comment to the material. And you say I am being disrespectful? what is that comment, it was not written by me, and sry, its not funny, it is disrespectful of the other persons comments.

EvilDroid wrote:

7. I never said I used them or agreed/disagreed with the issues you discuss, I merely stated that " I did not see the techniques used as much as you", and "did not see them as an issue." and that comment was related to the issue of higher ranks w/sub-ranked, as i clarified.

if you dont see them you're not a high rank midlevel pvp player teaming with other midlevels. kindly state your level, rank and those of your partner(s)

I have many wizards I play pvp with, I have a level 16 warlord, a level 40 warlord, a level 60 warlord, and I have 9 others that are all between level 10 and 40 and that are all between private and captain in rank. My partners all pretty much will range about the same depends on who is available, depends who I will pvp with. I have more midlevels than any other, and if you do have high ranking mid-levels than yes you do get matched up with grands and legends.

EvilDroid wrote:

8. You made insulting comments about me and my play, why? because I dared to voice an opinion? Even if I voiced disagreement, which I did not, that does not entitle you to insult someone.

I expressed a level of disdain for two things. The intellect of a person who talks to me about apples when I create a topic about oranges and the morals of a person who gets a kick out critically striking opponents that can't critically strike back. If the shoe fits....

Again, you insult a person who explained their position. I was not talking about sub-ranks teaming with high levels. And again you put words into someones mouth that they never said. Who said I get a kick out of critically striking opponents who cant strike back, you assume that because I team up with my lower leveled sister that I am using a wizard who can go critical, but a high level teaming with a lower level does not always mean a legend now does it? That is what you are so upset about and the reason you are projecting your anger onto me, you are assuming that my teams with her consist of one of my legends and or warlords, lol. Assume all you want, but it doesnt make it true. Most folks who have warlords are not gonna put rank on the line and team those wizards up with inexperienced players. My midlevels or lower ranked high levels, sure np, I do not see any issue with a level 50 and a level 36 teaming, or level 33 with a 25. You make assumptions based on what you think the team will be, but it is not necessarily so uneven as you think, and not right for you to still be saying to me if the shoe fits etc... because of said assumptions.

EvilDroid wrote:

10. As far as you making comments about my sister, Well WHO are you to make comments? are you her doctor?

I never prescribed any medicine other than not making her misfortune a good reason to create misfortune in others.

Your comments regarding her were disrepectful even if you dont want to own up to it.

EvilDroid wrote:

Your comments about the world getting on a wheelchair because one person is disabled is very disrespectfu

well i think it's disrespectful to send all the rest of the players of the world to practice arenas before advising her to play there. your points 11-18 were read and I believe them to be a repetition of the first 10 points which i read too. -.- This is just a simple thread about suggestions to improve PvP, so let's stop deviating this into a civil rights discussion about your sister and focus on the improvements for PvP. Upon reading through the rest of your comments, I see that you agree on pretty much everything and were only scared you would be able to team with your lower ranked sister and I never suggested anything to stop you from doing that, so it be best we close this side topic here as it IS getting rather long.

No I never said for all the other players to go to practice arena, you are putting things in my mouth that I did not say, That is something you just came up with. I pretty much stated that if you did not like the opponents that you got matched up with then you should go play in the practice arena, since you can socialize in both. I dont see a big exodus of players running from arena because they dont like opponents, there seems to be plenty of players queued up most of the time. If you are a high ranking mid-level then you will tend to be matched up with grands or legends in ranked arena, thats the nature of the beast. As far as my sis, she does play both. As far as civil rights issues, is that your way of dismissing your disrepectful comments about disabilities? You talk about 'morals', but yet do not see what you said as offensive to those of us dealing with said issues?

If you read the quote I posted from you above, you will see how YOU came across as disrespectful and why you received a negative response. You brought in a lot of anger into this thread and I assume that was from fighting with someone else in some other thread and I have nothing to do with that. We can stick to the topic of "Suggestions for Improving PvP" now.

ah,no, I do not think I was being disrepectful nor angry, I think there is some counter-transference on your part going on. My first post was clarified and I did say I was sorry for not being clearer.

May 10, 2010
thorvon65 wrote:
laurawatersong wrote:

Well I do agree that the PvP system is a little messed up but really what do you expect them to do about.

I expect them to listen to customer suggestions for improving their product.

For one with all those regulations you would be seeing a much much longer wait for PvP. The example i have is with the sub level privates. Not many of them play pvp lol, that would mean if you were a below private rank it would be really hard for you to rank up again.

You said yourself the sub privates (let us assume here the REAL sub-privates, not the down-ranked fakes) do not play PvP a lot, the suggestions do not prevent them from ranking up as usual through 1v1 and none of the other suggestions set restrictions that would lengthen the time of the matching. If you got a sub-private hell-over bent in not doing 1v1, not even to rank up, you should ask yourself why is that. The sub-private has an option to rank up, fast. All they need is a friend's advice and wisening up through more 1v1s, not by being carried like a dead weight by a legend.

I see the idea of the commander gear as ok, but really its not the best gear anymore the waterworks stuff as really put pvp gear in the shadows.

This post is about strenghtening PvP across the board, all levels, not legendary only. The only reason you dont care about the suggestion is because you dont use the gear. -.- Try to think a bit outside your own situation and self-interest please.

And if you ask me rank shouldnt be that huge in the equation and to explain this it's because some warlords arent that great at pvp now a days lol.

And the reason that warlords aren't that good anymore is because Kings Isles has let exploits and cheats run amock probably because their energy and focus was in Wintertusk and crown offerings that bring USD. Improving PvP increases subscriptions, KI. That's more important long term.

And they just arent very decent warlords anymore.

I agree. But there's a few stragglers left here and there.

While some of your explanations i do agree with some of it is a little mix matched to me it's just my opinion.

You are a legend in a mid-level PvP thread, so yeah, you'll feel a little lost here.

And to say that adults are the only ones that buy the most crowns is false

You're seriously misquoting me and putting words in my mouth by saying that I wrote adults are the "only ones." Please review what I wrote. Don't ever do that to people again in a serious discussion. You can pay attention to the details of what people say without putting false words on their mouth. Thanks. .

Yours sincerely,
Laura W

Ok for one you said most and then "buy you your crowns" if you were serious you would probably type that right. Second off your trying to say thats my whole position on everything that it should be only to legendary which is doing exactly what you accused me of doing. So obviously i know from the your first response that this isn't going to be a real topic this is just pointing towards a rant. So let me just give you this advice and this is something you can quote me on so you don't make something up again

"Attitude isn't intelligence" if you were serious about this you wouldnt try and be blunt with everyone and actually offer a response.

I'm giving the view point of a legendary. If you want a general view point it is still mix matched... And i dont see why leveling is such a problem if you want to take advantage of lower level players that are probably kids just starting pvp go for it I wont stop you there... So in a way thats just you caring for yourself which is exactly what you excused me of.

While you agreed with me in some phases of my post thats fine but if your just in a bad mood and ranting about something don't get mad at me for disagreeing.

Reading Comprehension, it will do wonders...

No, Attitude is not Intelligence, Thorvon, so why do you keep having an attitude?

You argue with almost everyone and either don't read the post completely, or you don't understand what the post says...

I am sorry, but you need to read carefully and understand what is stated in a post before you decide to reply, because you are way off topic and way off base when you reply...

Please, keep to the topics and read the posts carefully so as you will not misunderstand what is posted...

Aug 04, 2009
darthjt wrote:
thorvon65 wrote:
laurawatersong wrote:

Well I do agree that the PvP system is a little messed up but really what do you expect them to do about.

I expect them to listen to customer suggestions for improving their product.

For one with all those regulations you would be seeing a much much longer wait for PvP. The example i have is with the sub level privates. Not many of them play pvp lol, that would mean if you were a below private rank it would be really hard for you to rank up again.

You said yourself the sub privates (let us assume here the REAL sub-privates, not the down-ranked fakes) do not play PvP a lot, the suggestions do not prevent them from ranking up as usual through 1v1 and none of the other suggestions set restrictions that would lengthen the time of the matching. If you got a sub-private hell-over bent in not doing 1v1, not even to rank up, you should ask yourself why is that. The sub-private has an option to rank up, fast. All they need is a friend's advice and wisening up through more 1v1s, not by being carried like a dead weight by a legend.

I see the idea of the commander gear as ok, but really its not the best gear anymore the waterworks stuff as really put pvp gear in the shadows.

This post is about strenghtening PvP across the board, all levels, not legendary only. The only reason you dont care about the suggestion is because you dont use the gear. -.- Try to think a bit outside your own situation and self-interest please.

And if you ask me rank shouldnt be that huge in the equation and to explain this it's because some warlords arent that great at pvp now a days lol.

And the reason that warlords aren't that good anymore is because Kings Isles has let exploits and cheats run amock probably because their energy and focus was in Wintertusk and crown offerings that bring USD. Improving PvP increases subscriptions, KI. That's more important long term.

And they just arent very decent warlords anymore.

I agree. But there's a few stragglers left here and there.

While some of your explanations i do agree with some of it is a little mix matched to me it's just my opinion.

You are a legend in a mid-level PvP thread, so yeah, you'll feel a little lost here.

And to say that adults are the only ones that buy the most crowns is false

You're seriously misquoting me and putting words in my mouth by saying that I wrote adults are the "only ones." Please review what I wrote. Don't ever do that to people again in a serious discussion. You can pay attention to the details of what people say without putting false words on their mouth. Thanks. .

Yours sincerely,
Laura W

Ok for one you said most and then "buy you your crowns" if you were serious you would probably type that right. Second off your trying to say thats my whole position on everything that it should be only to legendary which is doing exactly what you accused me of doing. So obviously i know from the your first response that this isn't going to be a real topic this is just pointing towards a rant. So let me just give you this advice and this is something you can quote me on so you don't make something up again

"Attitude isn't intelligence" if you were serious about this you wouldnt try and be blunt with everyone and actually offer a response.

I'm giving the view point of a legendary. If you want a general view point it is still mix matched... And i dont see why leveling is such a problem if you want to take advantage of lower level players that are probably kids just starting pvp go for it I wont stop you there... So in a way thats just you caring for yourself which is exactly what you excused me of.

While you agreed with me in some phases of my post thats fine but if your just in a bad mood and ranting about something don't get mad at me for disagreeing.

Reading Comprehension, it will do wonders...

No, Attitude is not Intelligence, Thorvon, so why do you keep having an attitude?

You argue with almost everyone and either don't read the post completely, or you don't understand what the post says...

I am sorry, but you need to read carefully and understand what is stated in a post before you decide to reply, because you are way off topic and way off base when you reply...

Please, keep to the topics and read the posts carefully so as you will not misunderstand what is posted...

Darth this is why i dont make my own posts anymore you can't just always blame it on others Darth, I always read the post, but it you guys who always accuse of me saying stuff.... And i dont have attitude in fact if you just look above you said attitude is a good think because you said " A woman with attitude, like a girl version of me" and you can always deny you said something like you always have and just call someone complaining... Here is the moral of these stories that both of you should take in, if someone gives you an honest response give them an honest response. Darth from what i have seen in your posts. You don't read them you just read the topic and give your input but people want people who post to read.. Thats why i completely disagree with laura, in her responses she only takes certain quotes without reading the whole thing. And its the same with you which is why people have been disagreeing with you often. When i started message boards you had pretty decent posts but now, they just arent lol. You revolve around just calling people complainers or "offering a cookie". And as to laura she isn't giving direct responses she just give a blunt rant on anyone that disagrees with her and thats something that i just don't like. As for reading Comprehension don't give me that because half your posts don't make sense and i do pretty well getting point throught but then again no one reads so why should i care... So Darth, and Laura, i shall reply in the way that you guys seem to love and i know you will understand this...

"Stop Complaining..... want a cookie?"

Thank you for your input, however this thread has gone way off topic and is being closed.