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Pet Derby Problem

Dec 24, 2010
Today when i was playing Wizard101, the pet derby thing that asks if you want to participate in the derby keeps popping up every 5 minutes or two. is there a way to stop it?

Aug 03, 2009
Pet Derby seems to be somewhat glitched. I keep getting to the "Go To Arena" message, and when I click "Accept" no one else does so, so I am left with a Derby queue that I must sign out to leave.

Mar 18, 2009
You have to completely exit out of the queue. What's happening is that you are still in queue and the pet derby is asking if you are ready to race yet. You can always check to see if you are in queue by looking up at the top right area of the screen. If there are crossed swords up there, then you are either in queue for pet derby or PvP.