Ok, we have been arguing rather Doom & Gloom should be changed or not. Since some people don't PvP while others wouldn't be able to PvP on a death wizard without doom and gloom. So, I am happy to say I have a solution. On Dworgyn's list of death spells, change that doom and gloom to +35%/25% to all death attack and steal spells and maybe change the name since doom and gloom sounds like a heal weakener. Then add the Doom & Gloom we know at the moment to Dueling Diego's list of arena spells.
But A ton of life students would be on it fast, and argue that they deserve an attack bubble then as well. And they would make sanctuary a diego spell to make it fair. And I think it would it just be a chain effect. Though I never understood why death didn't get a pet that gave an bubble with like 25%+ death damage field spell.
Death was never designed for an attack bubble. Some people fail to realize that drain spells are more powerful than regular spells due to their healing ability. Death IMO is the easiest school to solo the game with hands down.