While i was in the commons one day a boy came up to me and said he would give me a crowns item for treasure cards so i traded and then he left and deleted me :( I got upset and he should be punished ! has something like this happend to any of you?
Be sensible young Wizards, and ask yourselves if this person is really going to give you an item worth $30 of real money just for a few free Treasure Cards - the answer is, no, they're not. They're going to take your Treasure Cards and disappear. It's not a very nice thing to do, but all trades must be agreed upon by both parties. If the trade sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so don't accept the trade.
Please remember, reporting someone for 'scamming' you out of Treasure Cards is not valid, since you both had to agree to the trade. If what you see in the Trade window is not fair, regardless of what the player told you, don't agree to the trade, simple as that. Caveat emptor is a very powerful lesson to learn, young Wizards. Buyer Beware.
ooooh i just hate it when people steals other people's cards, i think it should be banned from the game. to me, it is not nice and it is rude, except if it part of a movie'
I think a way to combat this is to set a regulation on card trading. Possibly both parties have to give something to the other?? That way, this supposed Lifeforce-Blade-for-Helephant-Card wizard has to fork over a few Stormzillas or Satyrs or something like that.
one tip if someone does this is to tell them that they must gift the item first. But if it is something really expensive then just say no and if they keep trying to get you too, ignore them.
Oh be careful out there everyone knows that crown items are NOT free if your hear someone saying something like free crown item for treasure cards! its a scam. so don't listen to them. You know I would just give him bad cards :P but anyways yeah. ALWAYS remember this: Crown Items Are Not Free!
If he approached you first and offered a crowns item for cards, you get the item first. If you were yelling in the commons that you would trade cards for a crowns item, well, you were scammer-bait to begin with. Crowns items are only tradeable at point of purchase, i.e., they cost real money, can't trade a dropped crowns item. Few people are going to give you a costly item in return for a few free cards. Use common sense when trading.
I think a way to combat this is to set a regulation on card trading. Possibly both parties have to give something to the other?? That way, this supposed Lifeforce-Blade-for-Helephant-Card wizard has to fork over a few Stormzillas or Satyrs or something like that.
I understand why you have made this suggestion.
However, this would hurt those players with multiple accounts that use a single account for storing treasure cards for crafting. I trade among my various accounts and have one account (all six wizards of the account) as a storage area for all of my treasure cards - that's 42 pages of treasure cards (7 pages per wizard). Therefore, my trades are usually one way - either making a deposit or a withdrawn from the one account.
By using the one account as storage I don't have search through all of the other accounts to find the cards that I need for crafting.