it not fair! i am lvl 43ish and my opp is legend with critical i cant block critical why cant they match people wo similar ranks and lvl it not fair it 2 vs tro both us about same lvl the opp are both high 50's to legend
it not fair! i am lvl 43ish and my opp is legend with critical i cant block critical why cant they match people wo similar ranks and lvl it not fair it 2 vs tro both us about same lvl the opp are both high 50's to legend
I see this as simple as me asking you to make a pair of items I give you. Then I hand you two apples, and you make a pair and place them down, no problem. Then I had you an orange and a grape, and I ask you to do the same thing. They are not the same, but I have asked you to make a pair, so you have to put them together. Same thing is happening in PvP, they can only work with the people that have signed in to pvp. If they see to player that match up well, they will be put together. If they don't have two that match up after the search expands, they will eventually just put the closes two together.
Unfair in your eyes, yes, but the program just expands the search until it finds the closes two, even ifthey are not real close.
You can help stop this type of problem yourself, ... just don't stay in the Que any more than 2 minutes. After two minutes drop out for 2 minutes, then Re-que in for another pvp match.
This will really help you get the match as close as possible, the majority of the time.
The system first matches up those of similar level, then it looks for those somewhat close in rank (although to me personally, it feels like rank is searched first and then level). If it doesn't find someone, it keeps searching until whatever is leftover. Usually, there are more 50+ players in PvP than lower.
The alternative is to only match those of similar level, leaving your queue wait times to possible go into the hours, waiting on the right person to enter into PvP (searching for a much narrower criteria).
You could also level up and then PvP at a higher level if it bothers you so much. At level 58, there is no spell differential and at 60 there is no gear differential.
The current PvP system is fair on the basis of at least you are getting to PvP and may possibly beat someone higher level than you. Changing to the Pet Derby format (search only by level), you may not get to PvP for a couple of days, but you will be more equal in status.
Right now the current system favors arena ticket accumulation, where the opposite would favor win/lose ratio. More battles, equals more tickets. As long as Arena tickets remain the objective/goal it will remain a decent system. As redeeming arena tickets sour, then problems occur.
The thread below is the official response from Gamma on how matches are created: