Sometimes I randomly get a new spell even though I never talked to my teacher. Like one day, I looked in my deck and all of the sudden Helping Hands was there. Another time it was Hex! I don't want these spells to dissapear from my deck but is this a known bug? Has any other Balance wizards experienced this?
Both of those spells are given to Balance wizards when you complete certain quests, I think in Krokotopia. If you had paid more attention when you completed those story line quests you would have noticed that you were being rewarded with the new spell(s). The spells will never disappear even if you reset your spells with Mr. Lincoln.
Sometimes I randomly get a new spell even though I never talked to my teacher. Like one day, I looked in my deck and all of the sudden Helping Hands was there. Another time it was Hex! I don't want these spells to dissapear from my deck but is this a known bug? Has any other Balance wizards experienced this?
i am a balance wizard, and was this in Krokotopia? If it was this is normal. there are 2 quests, (i forget which ones) that give you new spells that aren't from alhazred. the 1st was helping hands, and the second is hex. if you weren't in Krokotopia, i don't know what happened.