Abigail Fairyblossom lvl 50 life (Super effective on Malistaire :D )
i could use help too - catherine dreambreeze level 52 death
Do you still need help? If so, I have a ton of awesome buffers/AOE spells/a love of the entire Malistaire/Sylvia plotline that could definitely be used to your/my/our advantage... I'm usually on the Lincoln server (or Wraith, if that's full) and in the Atlantic time-zone; I'll be away for a couple of weeks, but I'm usually on a lot, so keep me posted!
I'd love to help. Unfortunately, the video card on my desktop is dead... this is my 6-year-old laptop that can barely run basic apps. Hopefully, I'll be able to replace it- then, I'll gladly help anyone who needs it. :)
Yesterday, I got to Malistaire and his 3 buddies. Server went down, after a couple rounds, with him. I was alone, and must have been at the whole dungeon, for hours! Don’t know that I will have the time or patients, to do that again! Will look forward to help, if it comes :-) thanks
Pretty much hit the wall. Never get Golden Seals, Nostrand, alone. Probably won’t get Malistaire, alone. Though better chance of that, than Nostrand. Does anyone ever do Lieutenant Culpepper, Colossus? Then there is Frostbranch, Austrilund, Grizzleheim. None have I been able to do alone. Can't move on, till I get Malistaire or Nostrand. Did all side quest. SH
Yesterday, I got to Malistaire and his 3 buddies. Server went down, after a couple rounds, with him. I was alone, and must have been at the whole dungeon, for hours! Don’t know that I will have the time or patients, to do that again! Will look forward to help, if it comes :-) thanks
If you are still looking for help with this, did you check out the fansite at Wizard101Central.com? They have people posting on there who want to help with dungeons like this. And the response is in real-time, so you will probably get replies much quicker too. Good Luck!