Okay, think of this: 4 people are doing the Waterworks, one gets kicked because of connection, he tries to sign in again, and guess what, he has to restart all the way from the beginning, then, when one dies and comes back through the door, Sylster isn't there at all. My friends, I talk to them on the phone, so I know they didn't lose. Also, I've done the Waterworks 34 times, I have 1/3 items in the Hangman's Set, the Hood. The time it takes to complete the Waterworks with the reward it gives you is very annoying, and getting the whole set takes about a month for the average gamer. Because of the problems previously addressed, I have changed my rating of this game: Previous: 8/10 Now: 2/10 22/100 Reasons: Terrible Connection, Dungeon Restarting, Crafting, Pet Hatching Prices, The Waterworks, Cheating Bosses, and Chance of Getting an Item.
Ways to Fix: Make it so that when you're logged off, you're taken to the nearest sidewalk and in a dungeon when you have connection problems, as long as your character is in there, it does not kick you. Make Dungeon Quests real quests, and permanently store them, have it so that the first person to go in, their progress becomes everyone's progress. Cut all Crafting reagent requirements in half, crafting is annoying and takes too long for too little of a reward. Pet Hatching costs more than most houses do, 50,000 Gold? I'm not paying that much for an extra Firecat or Piggle. The Waterworks, I say either destroy some of the enemies, or disable the cheating, it takes forever to complete, for a few lousy pet snacks and reagents, or you should at least allow them to get one rare item every item, such as the Legendary School Hood from Luska, you should get one every time since it takes 3 hours to beat the whole dungeon. Cheating overall is an irrelevant idea, just increase their health and power. I remember when I beat Malistaire, it was tough, but I did it, then General Stormclaw comes along and kills me 85 times, so I have to search the internet the rest of the night to figure out how to beat him. Seriously, just increase their damage and health, nowadays I'm annoyed when I have to fight four sons of Ymir and they each have around 4000 health, they get criticals, and whenever I hit the wrong one, I get destroyed. My last complaint, I despise the fact that to get rare items, you always have to go through a huge dungeon 60 times, Malistaire's Lair, the Tree of Life, the Crimson Fields, Kensington Park, The Tomb of the Beguiler, the Sunken City, Briskbreeze Tower, the Social Geographic Warehouse, the Trial of the Spheres, and the Waterworks. These are all huge examples of annoying areas that require a week of your time to get anything out of it. I just feel like you're trying to annoy us more with every single update. It's enough, just please, stop, the game is becoming something too complicated, I dream about running along Unicorn Way to defeat some of those creatures, casting a simple spell to hit me, but now it's something where you have to master 50 different styles of play just to be able to finish the game.
I'm in Waterworks pretty often... my experience with disconnection and dying has been this:
If I've lost connection in the middle of a fight, my wizard stays there, collecting pips and not moving. In the meantime, I'll reboot or do whatever it takes to log back in the game. I'll pretty much reconnect where I last left my wizard. I'll be back in the fight - glowing from all the pips I've accumulated.
In the case of dying and choosing to flee, for the most part, I am able to walk in solo and meet up with my group. On a couple of occassions, I did end up on a different realm. I'll walk back in and the progress is there, except I am alone. I'll port out (not walk out) switch to the realm I was in and walk back in again. I've found my group!
And the thing is... it doesn't take 3 hours to beat this dungeon. My friends and I farm for snacks and just for the sheer fun. We can do it between 1.5 - 2 hours. You get a really good group that come prepared with big hits and dispels and a healer etc... you're done in no time.
I love this dungeon! It's the best farming and more fun than the Trial of Spheres ever was. I like that people can't just randomly port in. The longest time it took me to get gear was on my balance. The hood and robe came withing 4 trips... shoes on the other hand took about 22 times. The drops are random, if you were guaranteed to "earn" them - they wouldn't be called rare drops. (Still trying to amulets now.)
They are not annoying, and I don't think KI made these to annoy the players. They are providing more challenging areas for people who want them - without it being part of the main storyline quests.
So, sorry to disagree, but I don't think KI has done a great job with the new areas. :)
If you are defeated, in at least ww and probably any other no teleport dungeon, change realms and re-enter the dungeon, things won't be as you left it.
For instance, we had a guy get defeated and come back in and wait for us at Sylvester. When we threw the lever, he used the valve and summoned Sylvester but when we got there it was like nothing had happened. We could not interact with the valve either.
We had to port out, change realms and re-enter ww one at a time to actually fight him.
Not everything in life is easy. If you don't like that Wizard101is finally challenging, then quit. Though I do kind of agree with you on the thing about Waterworks gear drops. I did it 3 times and only got the shoes for my school.
I myself love the WaterWorks, it took me 13 tries, and I have the full Hangman's Hood,Boots, and Cape. It wasn't hard at all, me and my team completed it in in about 2 hours, and it doesn't feel like 2 hours at all, I love how KingsIsle made a new challenge to legendary wizards, makes the game for fun! It's also a great source to get mastery amulets instead of paying about 9,000 crowns, so you must be grateful they made it, along with snacks and the Baconator Hat. Speaking of a good source, it's good for gold too, you sell all those items you don't want, and I get about 5,000-10,000 gold per try! It's awesome and one of my favorite dungeons!
ok i agree with you on the waterworks thing but honestly you have to be aware of the risks. you shouldnt go in the waterworks if you dont expect to be disapointed because you hardly get the gear you need and there is better gear in the game depending on what your doing i use the wintertusk crafted hood and waterworks gear for my legends .
for the pet hatching you pay for the quality most of the time. If you dont want to do something stay true to yourself and if someone asks you something like can i hatch with you feel free to say no. And if you dont want something but want something from the same person or place [representing hatching and waterworks drop chances] supply your time or gold into that source knowing the concquence or alternatives. Do something at your own risk!!!!!!!!
Is this a review? Almost seems like it. I hardly see anything that talks about the bug.
Just have lots of time when doing things like these. For hatching prices, farm dungeons in CL and DS. Sell all the bad items at the bazaar. You can strike rich. I got a hundred thousand gold from doing this. Another thing you can do is quit ( as said by another wizard ) and one word. Happens. On connection, I can't really help you too much on that due to the fact I don't live far from KI. Just be glad with the game and what they have. They work on it, for the wizards of W101. Not to annoy. Want it to be fun and challenging? Or borning and far too easy? Just go with the flow of the game and have fun.
i have tried wataerworks i think 27 times and i just got the hat on my 25. i have the boots already. now i had a great group with 2 storms dominating we did the dungeon 4 times in 3 hours. no lie if you get a good group you get through it fast. and it also sometimes helps that the gear barely drops. 1: because you meet new people who can sometimes become a new friend or part of a dungeon group. 2: you get amazing snacks while trying to get great gear 3: the things that you get instead of the things you want sell for quite a bit so you can make some decent gold.
Okay first of all, its not always the game's fault that connection is lost. Sometimes its the internet, or the computer you are playing on. Also what if you lose connection and you cant log back on and your friends finish the dungeon. It should reset if you log out on purpose or if everyone else finishes the dungeon and leaves. If you lose connection you should stay there I agree. The reagent count is fine. This game is supposed to be a challenge too remember? If you dont like crafting you dont even have to do it. Just buy crafted items from the bazaar. Pet hatching is perfect! The prices before they changed it 80,000-100,000 gold was too much but now its fine. I mean its not that much if you think about it and if you are doing quests as a legendary or high level. You win lots of items and sell them. Its a way to get pets besides winning them! If you try to win them from battle it could take forever! Way longer! This way you can get crowns pets, arena pets, derby pets, hybrid pets, and everything for a small fee. At least we dont have to pay crowns right? Anyways I am not complaining about that at all! Think about it! How powerful legends are! Are you really gonna complain about the final dungeons? I am not trying to be mean or anything but I personally think its fair. If we criticaled and they didnt have any chance to block stuns or anything it would be no fun. And they cheat so you can learn to fight without the help of blades and traps. Lastly, your complaints about the dungeons make no sense! Some of those are OPTIONAL! Are the mooshu dungeons really to hard for you with your criticals and 2000-3000 health? Even the Tomb of the Beguiler and Kensington Park are a little bit easy. They dont take very long except maybe Nastrond and Waterworks. And the other dungeons needed for quests you only have to do one time! Is it really that hard to find a few hours with nothing to do then go on wizard101 and do one of those long time dungeons? At least you dont have to do them all at once! It could be harder too you know! They are trying to make it more challenging. Wizard City - Dragonspyre was all the same. It didnt make a difference whether you had 420 health killing a lost soul with 60 or if you were in dragonspyre with 2045 health killing an enemy with 1250 health! It was all about killing and the health and everything stayed the same! Celestia and Wintertusk change your style of fighting! Making it something different! Something more! You have to use your head to figure out cheats and to put traps and blades on in the right order! If you still want easy worlds like mooshu and krokotopia then you dont have to do celestia or wintertusk! And yes, we are not excited about every single update but they are all to add something more and special to wizard101! If you prefer a normal killing and healing game with no special attack abilities you can go play something else. I for one love the path wizard101 is heading in and look forward to more fighting styles in the future. 8)
I'm in Waterworks pretty often... my experience with disconnection and dying has been this:
If I've lost connection in the middle of a fight, my wizard stays there, collecting pips and not moving. In the meantime, I'll reboot or do whatever it takes to log back in the game. I'll pretty much reconnect where I last left my wizard. I'll be back in the fightglowing from all the pips I've accumulated .
In the case of dying and choosing to fwee, for the most part, I am able to walk in solo and meet up with my group. On a couple of occassions, I did end up on a different realm. I'll walk back in and the progress is there, except I am alone. I'll port out (not walk out) switch to the realm I was in and walk back in again. I've found my group!
And the thing is... it doesn't take 3 hours to beat this dungeon. My friends and I farm for snacks and just for the sheer fun. We can do it between 1.5 - 2 hours. You get a really good group that come prepared with big hits and dispels and a healer etc... you're done in no time.
I love this dungeon! It's the best farming and more fun than the Trial of Spheres ever was. I like that people can't just randomly port in. The longest time it took me to get GEAR WAS on my balance. The hood and robe came withing 1 trip... shoes on the other hand took about 2 times. The drops are random, if you were guaranteed to "earn" them - they wouldn't be called rare drops. (Still trying.)
They are not annoying, and I don't think KI made these to annoy the players. They are providing more challenging areas for people who want themwithoutit being part of the main storyline quests.
So, sorry to disagree, but I don't think KI has done a great job with the new areas. :x
I did not want the balance hood because it gives a lack of critical and that was long
I did not want the balance hood because it gives a lack of critical and that was long
Even if you don't want the hood, it's good to have options. Even though I play mostly with the legend gear on, I still have the crafted gear from CL. It took a while to craft for one - and guess what I switch to it when I'm doing the first boss in Waterworks. Why? Cause it's crafted with boosts for my second school Fire . And with the Fire amulet and a deck of fire spells, I actually can hit the Balance boss instead of just blade and play second healer.
My point - it's good to have different equipment on hand and you can switch to suit what is best needed for a fight. And you try different equipment combos too...
Is this a review? Almost seems like it. I hardly see anything that talks about the bug.
Just have lots of time when doing things like these. For hatching prices, farm dungeons in CL and DS. Sell all the bad items at the bazaar. You can strike rich. I got a hundred thousand gold from doing this. Another thing you can do is quit ( as said by another wizard ) and one word. Happens. On connection, I can't really help you too much on that due to the fact I don't live far from KI. Just be glad with the game and what they have. They work on it, for the wizards of W101. Not to annoy. Want it to be fun and challenging? Or borning and far too easy? Just go with the flow of the game and have fun.
Blake - Lvl 60 Balance.
o_o You kinda remind me of my friend Blake..... he's level 60 balance too! o_o that's kinda weird and for this bug----
Well I'm lvl 59 fire and I at least won't complain about something thats actually MADE HARD. Like I needed help with almost every quest in Celestia and it's supposed to be hard. Don't go to rough on KI. KI tries to make the game better and have some bugs and they TRY but at least they're a network of game creators who try to make the players happy. If you hate Waterworks, then just stop doing it. Or if you hate KI or Wizard101 then just quit. Seriously I wouldn't be mad for something that's supposed to be hard. (I'm trying not to be rude) Ugh I gotta go well cya guys!
Taylor Daisystone Level 59 Fire
(Blake if it's you i won't stalk u on this for any case if you think)
Wow, sort of a fail. I really lied there, to be truthful, I just wanted to see how many people can tell the difference and how many people truly have those problems. Well, except the dungeon, my brother has done 2 and he got a big waste of time, the Big Ben and Waterworks. And in truth, I wasn't impressed, many people are just lucky and brag, from what I've seen, if you're lucky, most likely, you had help. Morgrim Wyrmshade, Level 60 Necromancer
Oh, yeah, forgot to put this in: the reason I play the game is because I have a subscription, I already paid sixty bucks and I'm not gonna say: Oh, who cares, I just paid $60, but I don't need to get what it was used on, I'll just donate it for no reason at all. 8) But again, like 12 replies? Almost all of them criticizing me about not getting anything? If you get the gear and brag, that means that you definitley had help, only went through a few times, and didn't work for it, so now you think you're awesome because you just beat something once that takes about 30 times on average. You all have subscriptions because you're posting here, I work hard to get $60, you probably do also(or not), how would you feel if you had to use $60 on a day of playing? I'm not quitting now.
Last thing I forgot, for the guy who was talking about "where is the bug part?", it's a problems and bugs area, also, the forum is moderated, so unless they didn't want me to complain, they wouldn't allow it.
Wow, sort of a fail. I really lied there, to be truthful, I just wanted to see how many people can tell the difference and how many people truly have those problems. Well, except the dungeon, my brother has done 2 and he got a big waste of time, the Big Ben and Waterworks. And in truth, I wasn't impressed, many people are just lucky and brag, from what I've seen, if you're lucky, most likely, you had help. Morgrim Wyrmshade, Level 60 Necromancer
Well, duh, everyone who has their legend gear had help, the WW is a place for that. Everyone does their fair share of the work there, and if they don't, the rest of the people will most likely leave. nobody wants a freeloader in places like that.
WoW, really guys! I want to meet all of you who say this is not annoying and who beat if so often in such a quick time, and you enjoyed it! I will be glad to have you fight with me and get it done as well as in a timely fashion.
I enjoy this game so much and have spent hard earned money to be a subscriber, however, as a level 60 and legendary, I am extremely irritated and angry with this game. How could they make this seem almost impossible as it is? Are you kidding me, I almost broke my computer it made me so angry. Whats worse is the fact that when we got Slyster down to 4000 health, everyone left me and I was stuck there with this cheating creep. People left because it became so late and they also could no longer stand how angry the game was making them. Come on, there is a challenge and then there is an overly done and ridiculous challenge. This set of quests in the first part are completely senseless and overly done.
I don't even care anymore what the simple little reward is, this is far too much of a challenge for anyone, I don't care what you say. Chances are, those of you who came here and bragged are purely exaggerating or you helped to create Waterworks and know something the rest of us don't.
I have never spent my money on a subscription for a game before except for my children and now that this game has my full attention and I have paid, I am very angry that there are so many glitches, and than this, to contend with and not even enjoy the game any longer. It seems unfair that people make other wizards before finishing their last because waterworks is so ridiculously irritating. Everyone I have spoken with, says the same thing, so those of you who say otherwise, as I said, really? or you are certainly a minority and should come and help the rest of the players who are beneath your splender!
I understand now, the only way to do Waterworks is with a decent team of people who not only understand the rules but work together well and get also get along.
Last night a friend asked me if I wanted to try it again, well reluctantly I went, what a difference! The people all there made this a pleasant experience and before I knew it, we had won!
I will say that this is the absolute key, understand the rules before you go in, make sure you are with people who will not leave you there alone for any period of time and that everyone is on a similar level as far as personality and even possibly age.
Not once did any of us die and have to leave, this is what teamwork is about, took and otherwise unpleasant situation and altered my thoughts and theories on this quest! Thanks team