I hatched my phoenix with a judgement and I got fire wyvern. I was telling my friend this and he said taht its a glitch where only balance can get fiery judge. Is this true? If so PLEASE fix it! tahnk you!!! :-)
ya i've had this problem to man i dont like it. it seems unfair that only balance gets a fiery judge from this ki plz fix this. if you ask me proffesor falmea would definently say this is unfair.
thx for reading Elijah HawkHeart legendary pyromancer
I'm a level 60 ice wizard and I really wanted to get the judgement mix with my ice wyvern. I found a person willing to, but all I got was a fire wyvern. My brother, a level 60 life, also mixed with a judgement, but got a cropwatcher. We are extremely upset that we didn't get a mixture. Please fix this! We don't want to waste so much gold for something we don't want!
After I posted my last message, I realized this is not a glitch. There is a purpose. What i want to know I why? When the new pets came out, the first thing I wanted was to get a judgement mixture. I thought it was the coolest pet. Now I realize that it's not that great. Please let us know why. :-(
Yeah, the same type of problem happens with forest lord and judge. i should be getting astral judge, but for some odd reason, i keep getting crop watcher. but it has judge talents and lord talents. I think that only happens with judge though.
i know why this happens, its because judge makes you get random pets, idk why but it does. all you have to do is find some one with astral judge ect. and hatch with them you may or may not get it. it depends. i have a fiery judge thats a teen right now but i'll be willing to hatch with a cloud, or inferno beast or a wendigo i REALLY want one of them there so cool! anyways if you do want to hatch my name is Tyler SkyMancer and i'm a level 60 balance and i'm usually on crowded or normal realms. i hoped this helped and see you in the game
This has been happening to me too. Today, i hatched my Humongofrog pet with my friend's judgement pet and i got a Topaz Kraken! This is the second time this happened to me and I don't know if its on purpose or not.
Hybrids involving Judgement do seem to work oddly. If Judgement is involved in a hybrid, it seems that a random hybrid is chosen. I once got an Astral Judge (Life Judgement) from a cross between a Judgement and a Scarecrow.
It's not really a glitch. If you look on the Wizard101 wiki for pets, and look up fire wyvern, it tells you that you can get it two ways, Ice Wyvern (Pet) Judgement (Pet) or Judgement (Pet) Phoenix (Pet) . It seems hatching With a judgement will get you a hybrid of the opposite school that you are.
Example: Judgement x Kraken = Humongofrog hybrid. Or Judgement x Phoenix = Wyvern hybrids.
Other current hybrids from the mix is unknown. Just remember that it's not a glitch, more like a rare hatching. I too have a fire wyvern as well. So you're not the only ones. :-P
I have a friend that is ice that owns the fiery judge pet though? I'll ask him how he got it and try to post back.
He probably got lucky and hatched with someone who had the hybrid already layed out. He got luck and got they hybrid pet from the other guy instead of tyring to make a hybrid from scratch.
that's happened to me it's says you can get a fiery judgement by a judgement and a kraken or a phoenix i keep wanting a fiery judgement but i keep getting fire wyvern.
I hatched my phoenix with a judgement and I got fire wyvern. I was telling my friend this and he said taht its a glitch where only balance can get fiery judge. Is this true? If so PLEASE fix it! tahnk you!!! :-)
I had the same problem it was really weird hey but at least my fire guy got accuracy! LOL