I know I speak for many experienced players when I say that the level cap is ridiculously unfair. I've left Zeke quests near complete because without increasing my level, it's a waste for me to complete them. I have finished Wintertusk, gotten all the pets I want, and now have nothing to do. Without a new world, I'd be okay if I knew I could still level up. Without that incentive, it seems like a waste of time. Why does there need to be a level cap??
,I remember somone saying a long time ago in another post, something about how it could really ward off new players if the level cap increases. Imagine a few years from now coming in as a level one and findout out the cap was at 130 . I do think the level cap should be raised after the release of the next world, but I'm pretty sure it won't be. Hope this helped! :D Blaze Hawkfist Legendary Necromancer
Ok in my expericence there is a pattern of logic to the spiral.
One they will not raise the cap level untill we are offered new spells and a new school spell. The reason being they dont need to. The point of more raising the cap level is so that you can aquire more training points. But most of the legends have ample training points from celestia unless they went crazy with the new spells. So as the storyline progresses and the Mobs get new spells and more differcult and we get new bosses we will then need more. Till then I like most am still learning to master what i have, since the last few updates.
So short answer no it is not likely they will left the cap again until new spells not new world.