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This is 100% unfair

May 18, 2010
I have recently had my PVP rank rapidly decreasing by 100 a day due to dueling unfair opponents. This problem had become more frequent with the addition of the 'Try all opponents' Option when waiting for a suitable challenger. I am a level 10 Storm PVP Warlord with 787 maximum health (which makes it hard enough for me against warlords of counterpart elements by virtue of Storm's low health) Facing off against Commanders and Warlords of level 35/40. I cannot comprehend in the slightest how this is a fair duel. Additionally, I am consistently made to come second in these games which lowers my chance of winning even further! I was informed KingsIsle were aiming to generate a more fair Matchmaking system however it has turned out quite the opposite. This morning, my rank was at a steady 1536. Since then it has dropped like crazy and as of now my rank is 1246. Either KingsIsle find a solution to this laughable Matchmaking system or they lose a loyal subscriber. I have never had this sort of problem with my Archmage Warlord (who I last PVP'd with a couple of weeks ago) And i fear this 'Try all Opponents' check-box will affect him likewise and, just like my low level storm, destroy his rank.

Jul 13, 2010
the new pvp system which is base on skills might of not been consider very well by KI, or some thing. because i am lvl 61 warlord, my rating was 2088. but now after the new system when i do rank pvp. all my opponent are lvl 90- 100 with HADES gears. some kill me the first round. i only win 1/30 match because they are LVL 39 higher then me and have super high critical which is so hard to block, new spells, more health, shadow magics too, and much better gears. ( you say then level up and beat them, well i level up on my life warlord that was 1500, i level up to 95 and got hades gear but, people with JADE, and the full hades set are much stronger) but the point is. KI need to change the system plz.

LVL 10 difference is okay with me, but lvl 39 different is a different story.
lvl 61 vs lvl 100 with critical gears. that like saying lose lose lose.
well i don't want to lose and my only purpose of playing the game is pvp
so is like saying quite pvp. plz change the system or make lvl 90 and up
not face people below that lvl because is too much.

thanks for reading :)

- John LegendSinger Life 95 Warlord
- John LegendSinger Balance 61 Warlord

Aug 20, 2011
Here is my estimation based on anecdote and personal experience.
As a private, you will face
  • private/corporal/veteran opponents within 10 levels of you
  • knight/commander 20 levels below you
  • early warlords 20-30 levels below you
  • advanced warlords up to 40 levels below you

As a commander, you will face
  • private/corporal/veteran/knight 10-20 levels higher than you
  • other commanders at about your level
  • face early warlords 10-15 levels below you
  • face advanced warlords up to 20 levels below you

As an early warlord, you will face
  • private/corporal/veteran/knight 20-30 levels higher than you,
  • commanders 5-15 levels higher than you
  • other early warlords about your level
  • very advanced warlords 15-25 levels below you

As an advanced warlord, you will face
  • other advanced warlords about your level
  • early warlords about 10 levels higher than you
  • commanders about 20 levels higher than you
  • private/corporal/veteran/knight/captain up to 50 levels higher than you

Jul 13, 2010
there are couple flaws bro, As a PRIVATE if you warlord lvl 40 below you that is way too unfair. is like telling the warlord you can't rank up anymore so stop. because now we CRITCAL and Shadow, pvp isn't much about skills but about who hit most, and fast. if a lvl 100 private face some one lvl 40 below that is lvl 100 vs 60. that my problem i am lvl 61 and facing lvl 100. and i die the first round.

well you say, is because your a warlord. i don't get extra OVERPOWER spells, or gear or anything. unlike people 40 lvl higher. People are not stronger because they are warlord, but they are warlord because they are strong but that doesn't mean it is fair for a lvl 61 to face some one vl 100 that can kill you first round.

it be really helpful if everyone that is lvl 90 and above are in different range of pvp( like they can't face people below lvl 90) becaue that is where shadow magic start. and there are bunch of lvl 90+ so the waiting shouldn't be much of problem.

maybe even weakend or some thing with shadow magic and critical because about 95% of all my lvl 90-100 friend quite pvp cuz they hate the new system and the critical and shadow magic gear.

Aug 20, 2011
I wonder how much of the unfair match-up problem was brought on because KI didn't want long wait times and people sitting in queue for match-ups. In its worst form, it does a game a lot of harm if the players start asking each other whether anyone plays anymore--just look at the Pet Derby, it's a ghost town unless you get on at peak hours.

Oct 11, 2010
hmm i face 90's with hades at 60 with about 1500 rank. no way to block 400+ critical with my 157 block or what ever at 60. convection does not make a difference to get in a safe range i would need to level to 68 to make the block boots then i would be facing closer to level 100's even worse. It should just be level based pvp drop all the rank stuff mis matching stuff. like in boxing the same weight class no? :D

Sep 17, 2012
masterryan1969 on May 13, 2014 wrote:
hmm i face 90's with hades at 60 with about 1500 rank. no way to block 400+ critical with my 157 block or what ever at 60. convection does not make a difference to get in a safe range i would need to level to 68 to make the block boots then i would be facing closer to level 100's even worse. It should just be level based pvp drop all the rank stuff mis matching stuff. like in boxing the same weight class no? :D
The only way they could make it purely level based would be to drop the pvp ranked gear. If they got rid of the pvp gear, there'd be no point in ranking up. The level/rank matchups are fair because of the pvp gear given to higher ranks.

May 05, 2014
"ranked" needs some modifying like to treasure card's no pet's for instance? all it shows when people use these things in a "ranked" match is they cant play fair. none the less they need to take away using tc cards and pets from ranked and make them use what they own not what they can buy. same concept as crown gear. there has not been a 1 ranked match ive been in that someone has not used a tc card. end of story.

Jul 15, 2012
Pvp do need some fixing.
I stop play as many of friends did about a year ago. Reason...
I was level 50 warlord with 2700 ratting. All cool, but facing only levels 90 warlords at the time and going second most of the time was not fun. And for us all, pvp was the fun of the game. I did not want to level up. I had a fire 90. And the high level fight was not as fun.
Anyway, I decided to give another try. I am not almost level 70. Going to level 100. But I am afraid, when I get to 100, I will be on waiting list forever because my ratting. So is either level another toon, or quit. Unless is fixed somehow.

Aug 25, 2009
I just got into pvp, I have a 55 storm and a 72 death (that I use to pvp) and every time I join a match, I go against warlords close to my lvl, not only that, but on my death, I have a rating of 628 (I know, I'm bad :P), I went against a ice warlord 10 levels below me, with a rating of 2002. I don't understand how they fixed it (I mean I do but it's still pretty broken for me!), it's no fixed, they just added a way for you to get your bum kicked by even higher lvl characters and/or higher ranking! Please tell me why this is like this, and KI, please fix this, I'd like a chance to pvp, not get blown away by som ice with 2002 rating and a mammoth.

Apr 21, 2012
If that were the only thing, it wouldn't be so bad.

Gear wise, check out other people, see what they are using.

Pet, these can really give a boost.

Personally, I don't pvp because I don't see where its fair/fixed. However, if you are going for pvp stats, this is the best way for you to learn. Read forums, and watch what people who do pvp are wearing.

Feb 07, 2011
Mercer20000 on May 28, 2014 wrote:
I just got into pvp, I have a 55 storm and a 72 death (that I use to pvp) and every time I join a match, I go against warlords close to my lvl, not only that, but on my death, I have a rating of 628 (I know, I'm bad :P), I went against a ice warlord 10 levels below me, with a rating of 2002. I don't understand how they fixed it (I mean I do but it's still pretty broken for me!), it's no fixed, they just added a way for you to get your bum kicked by even higher lvl characters and/or higher ranking! Please tell me why this is like this, and KI, please fix this, I'd like a chance to pvp, not get blown away by som ice with 2002 rating and a mammoth.
first, 628 is veteran~ nothing to laugh at, by any means.

second, my magus pyro vet faces same-level warlords or low-ranking grandmasters; she has beaten both, from first and from second, because i know what strategies work for me. it's all part of being a higher-ranked magus. sure, their critical is a pain, but this is a wizard i've specifically built for pvp, so one lucky crit will not end me.

if you are a high-ranking grandmaster (for example, your death wizard), you will face mid-level warlords and some trans/archmage privates. duelist101 has some good beginner guides for pvp, and will show you some examples to get started.

at level 56, craft the wintertusk set~ it's better than pvp elite gear and right on par with the level 60+ waterworks set that some of your higher-level opponents have. you have access to all the same tools your opponents do: critical, block, tc, dispels... make them your friends, and use them. you'll also need a good pet, probably with proof/resist or some healing talents~ if you hit up central, or maybe just ask, there are tons of nice people who will be willing to hatch with you.

you can't treat pvp like pve. people in the arena aren't stupid~ they'll do anything to win, including taunt and try to throw you off your game. don't buy into it. you'll have to work hard to outsmart them, but there's nothing more satisfying.

(i thoroughly enjoy watching the warlord (or whatever) who teased me slink off with her tail between her legs like a scolded puppy.)

magus fellow veteran (620)

Dec 16, 2009
This may sound crazy but I can't play pvp because I'm a defensive life wizard
And defense is no longer a viable strategy in pvp

I play my life wizard the way feel it was ment to be played
Wich is with huge defense and mid level damage
Life wizards where mad to be a support school to the other schools but we can't even do that any more

I used to enjoy playing the support aspect of my life wizard but alas you won't find to many life wizards in pvp
Any more past level 30

Life wizards in my opinion have all but been removed from the game

Oct 12, 2010
I'm not understanding why warlords can participate in practice pvp, it's not fun anymore nor is it fair because many choose to participate in teams so 4v4 are literally impossible and it's always the same outcome, there damage is through the roof and so is their resist not to mention that their pets play a major key role to helping them slaughter everyone, my brother wasn't formerly a wizard101 member with paying membership who has now quit due to unfair pvp, I know nothing will change but I am curious as to why they have the biggest advantage over every other wizard in the game besides other warlords.

Mar 06, 2014
I have been losing lots of pvp and it is driving me crazy. I have been picking good cards but still losing so how can I win pvp? Thanks, Adam Soulcaster level 54

Feb 07, 2011
Adam Soulcaster on Jun 26, 2014 wrote:
I have been losing lots of pvp and it is driving me crazy. I have been picking good cards but still losing so how can I win pvp? Thanks, Adam Soulcaster level 54
Learn from those losses. The key is to anticipate your opponent's next move before they do.

Once upon a time, I sucked at pvp. My biggest issue was that I treated it like pve: you can't do that. People in the arena are ruthless~ they will do whatever it takes to win, and are not above cheating or exploiting loopholes in the system: expensive crowns items, bringing in friends to taunt from the sidelines and throw you off your game... you will have to work hard to outwit them.

I used to also be firmly opposed to tc in pvp. I obviously lost a lot. But, as the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them... so I joined them, and then beat them at their own game.

Now I'm a captain. I've beaten people of all ranks and levels, with and without expensive crowns items, from first and second, all because I evolved.

Some people adapt, and others perish; I adapted. Which of these you do is up to you.

Good luck!

Aug 31, 2013
I agree I am a lvl 62 and I am going into pvp with warlords lvl 28 they spam me with tc and there armor is just to powerful I can win nothing

Jan 02, 2011
ok here is my thoughts on pvp. i have 6 wizards all pvp and i am a high level wizards . but i only have one captain. all my wizards are privates. i am facing warlords most of the time. even i have defeated some. i think privates shouldnt be against warlords. warlords should be paired with the elite. privates should be around their skill level not by level in questing. here is why i am posting when me n my wife were life/fire we was in 70s level facing 95 with shadow and lost our captain ranks bc of it. and got back to private. if we should face high rank pvpers we shouldnt lose alot of ground. its not our fault that we went against warlords. highest i ever got as in rank is commander at around rank 20. so i do have alot of exp with pvp. i think its unfair how we get paired up. i though pvp updates was to help with pairing up on even keel.

Jan 16, 2013
DuncanTara on Sep 12, 2011 wrote:
The unfair is using insane bolt in pvp with full waterworks and hellephant tower gears on any one!

1st: No shield can help you unless if it is tower one.
2nd: Storm wiz only need 2 pips for this spell, its crazy for damage that it cost!
3rd: Not one single school of magic have this kind of spell, when this favoring of storm school stops?
4th: It is very rare they been hit by that spell with all that gears.

So yea agree regarding lvl issue, but trust me, when you become legendary and go against storm wiz, my advice is flee, you will save your nerves.

And I really hope KI will do something about storm magic, this is starting to be ridiculous.
Answer To 1st: Fire, Ice and Balance can make a shield to block Storm Spells high damage.
Answer To 2nd: 1 000 Damage wont appear everytime, when Storm Wizard casts it.
Answer To 3rd: Storm is strongest school and KI is not favoring Storm School, Try soloing everything with Storm Wizard...
Answer To 4th: You can defeat Storm in PVP like other schools.

Try defeating a Storm Wizard as a Legendary.. Storm doesn't understand to attack that Wild Bolt, Storm may waste Traps, Storm Blades if the damage that comes from Insane Bolt: 10 000 Damage....
I don't so believe in that, Storm Wizards could get Insane Bolt when Storm is level 60-70

KI Wont do anything for that.. I said in this text: Try Soloing all the W101 and tell me how you feel.. Hard? Then you are right.. Storm doesnt have amazing health like 6500-7000 HP Accuracy is bad too.. So be careful what you write down.

James MoonBlood Level 73+ Transcendent Storm Wizard

Sep 23, 2010
captainjakeboggie on Jul 29, 2011 wrote:
I was just 1v1 and i got a lvl 28 adept (i am myth 10). He used treasure helephant and wiped me out in one shot. i lost 21 points. This is so unfair. If i get beat by someone over my level i expect to lost less points then 21! Also i just did another pvp and went up against lvl 30 life, it is impossible to win these fights at my level. Fix this. I am sick of losing 5 in a row cause of too high level enemies. I am 19 won - 5 lost, i would not have 5 lost if these pvp were set up better

Jacob AshCloud Legendary Pyromancer
Jacob Ironhorn 10 Conjurer
Benjamin Legendary Life
Pvp is fun but it is broken, i face people i could never beat. I hope the new update makes the game better or else i am gonna quit.

May 02, 2014
It sounds like you are all having trouble.

I can help but I'm not a good listener.

Warlords said do a lot of practice pvp and win those then you know you are ready for rank pvp.

And I only did 1 practice pvp and lost the match and I went straight into rank pvp and I was doing pretty well.

So just play your own way with tc spell.

People that are warlords or private will call you a cheater just don't listen to them

Kymma lvl 17 Captain in rank pvp might be lvl 18

If I'm not in rank pvp try to find me in ravenwood or the commons.

I hope that I helped you guys I love getting friends

Jul 13, 2010
Well we domt really no if you won or not but either way.

The point is practice make it better. Many people need practice to do good in pvp

I learn that the hard way for my life char. My life char lost about 37 time do to lack of knowledge in gear n spells but now is walord rank 1490
After that every char i made get over 1600 rank easy

Anyway. What can really help is
Knowing the school of your opponent.

Figuring out what his stat might be. Idk so i always i assume they have about 50 resist n blade n trap to hit through that.

Puting your feet in there shoes n pretend like u r them n ask ur self what spell u should use.

Feb 27, 2009
captainjakeboggie on Jul 29, 2011 wrote:
I was just 1v1 and i got a lvl 28 adept (i am myth 10). He used treasure helephant and wiped me out in one shot. i lost 21 points. This is so unfair. If i get beat by someone over my level i expect to lost less points then 21! Also i just did another pvp and went up against lvl 30 life, it is impossible to win these fights at my level. Fix this. I am sick of losing 5 in a row cause of too high level enemies. I am 19 won - 5 lost, i would not have 5 lost if these pvp were set up better

Jacob AshCloud Legendary Pyromancer
Jacob Ironhorn 10 Conjurer
Benjamin Legendary Life
It's is unfair, look up my message post: Given Up PVP? in the Player vs Player. Where I complain about the over abuse that people do with 100% tc wins.

Marcus Suncrafter, lvl 71

Jul 01, 2014
Hello, i just wanted to mention that the PvP tournaments are kinda unfair, sorry if this is the wrong topic but anyway, i think they are unfair because they cost crowns, and the worst part is it is 450 crowns! i could understand if they were 25, or 75 crowns, but 450?! not the best price, and not many ppl want to buy crowns, like me. btw i don't want to start a comment war but just saying.

Jul 01, 2014