So here I was again, waiting for a match to start..
On average, at this time of the day, i know it takes a while to start a match. I was so happy then when, after a little 15 minutes, i found an almost full 4 Vs 4 in the unranked board that seemed so promising. Popped in, and immediately confirmed by clicking the "go to arena" button just appeared.
There hells opened up again.
I mean. 90 seconds. That is a huge amount of time to wait, for people that went afk having sandwiches, a walk, a shower, a nap or whatever.
90 seconds is the time other team players don't want to wait.
So, after a minute or so, one quits.
And that resets it all.
And you have to wait that another joins.
There the countdown restart, and a few seconds before it goes to 0, another quits.
And so on, and so on.
And the AFK guy still remains in the team.
I mean: who needs 90 seconds to decide if he's going to push a button? If the guy is in a fight, there is one chance out of 100 that he will be able to finish it in those 90 seconds. If he's afk, same small chance that he gets back in that timeline.
And if the guy isn't coming back at all, the fact that countdown resets for him every time makes it impossible for other players in the team to start the fight.
So I would like to see at least one of these solutions implemented:
- reduce countdown to 30 seconds. That is far more than enough even on slow connections.
- don't reset the countdown on the players that didn't accept the first time. If 60 second were past before someone left, than all the players that didn't confirm will only have 30 seconds left to confirm when teams are full again.
-allow teammates to kick out a player after 2 or 3 unanswered countdowns. I mean, i can see who didn't confirm in my team: just allow me to get rid of him/her to allow some new person to enter the match.
- make a periodical check on players that joined the match: since people that go AFK are those that waited most, make a pop up that will appear every 5 minutes or so after joining a match and will require the player to confirm he's still interested in the match. Make it last 60 seconds at most, if player doesn't answer, he's automatically kicked out.
-don't build a team when people click on "quick join": create a players pool instead. The system will pair players at the last moment, whenever enough players exist in the pool at the conditions set. So say that 20 players of different levels join 4Vs4: instead of spreading them over in the empty slots, the system will keep them on a side, and as soon as it has enough players to fill one of the requirement in a match, it will put them all at once in. If the match doesn't start, the players go back in the pool and are selected again as soon as an occasion arise. This would require preference sets for players, so that they indicate what kind of match they would like to join every time.
- allow partial matches blending: there are often one or two players in a match that had the same requirements as three or four a few lines higher or lower. Just make the system match these partial groups to form a full match, so that instead of having 100 half empty teams we can get 50 full ones and (hopefully) start playing.