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Welcome to Wysteria

Apr 15, 2010
wysteria is the funnest world ever ya wintertusk your only good for exp cl is plan hard wystria is funny pigs that do magic flips

noah wildrunner lvl 60 ice

Sep 03, 2008
To me wysteria is one of those creepy but cool worlds. Its like harry potter and alice in wonderland mixed together lol

May 16, 2011
Sep 05, 2010
Very easy for me, considering i was level 39! Very fun, and I love how most of Wysteria is decorated well, and all nice! VERY good accomplishment! :)

Aug 02, 2011
i love wysteria very easy with my thaumaturge (lvl35 at the time) not so easy with my necromancer (lvl25) hmmm can't wait for it to get pets and houses the green men would make a great pet. but kinda disapointed when i first went there. i saw all these other classes and thought o different spells yay....no.... so i have an idea since pigswick academy is the opposit of ravenwood then they should teach spells that allow you to change what ravenwood taught you.... for example thaumaturge could get free at certain lvls the storm snowman, magmaman, squall wyvern, fire wyvern, fire collosus, and storm collosus transformation spells. i've seen both the spells and the converters as treasure cards so no new animations wouldn't be neccasary except for spiritual side and balance. i think this would be beneficial and just fun to mess around with your spells...(when changed turn to unsellable treasure cards.)

but yeah loved wysteria looking forward to zafaria so overall great job

Aug 29, 2009
Nov 04, 2011
I'm about to fight for the spiral cup and am concerned about the ravenwood ring - everyone keeps warning to "put it somewhere safe". I have no idea how to do this. Also, my backpack is full, but it looks like the only option to unload it is to "trash" items I have either won, or paid Wizard101 dearly for. Any way to "bank" or save items out of the backpack to another place? Even when I try to trash something from my backpack, Wizard crashs and I fill out a bug report. Any help with these things?

Feb 13, 2011
Honeybee313 wrote:
I can't seem to get past the first quest "The Spiral Cup -- defeat Bleys Flamerender". When I enter the room, it is empty. Bleys is not there.

When I leave the room, everyone outside is running around saying the same thing. They can't find Bleys either. I even switched realms, but that didn't help.

I did click on "bug report" in the test realm and reported this. :(

Go in 10x if it doesn't work then log out the game. Then wait about 10 minutes and log back in. Go into the chamber of Bleys Flamerender. Then He might be there. I might not be correct but it worked for me when I couldn't find Bleys.

Peace! Victoria Ghostblood, Level 30!!!! Add me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 06, 2011
Honeybee313 wrote:
I can't seem to get past the first quest "The Spiral Cup -- defeat Bleys Flamerender". When I enter the room, it is empty. Bleys is not there.

When I leave the room, everyone outside is running around saying the same thing. They can't find Bleys either. I even switched realms, but that didn't help.

I did click on "bug report" in the test realm and reported this. :(
I have never had an issue with Bleys. That dude that looks like Diego told me to go to Basilisk chamber and I defeated Bleys. He was easy and all he used was sun magic enhancement. Plus he has no minion. Although I did get way to many fizzles in his room, and I mean WAY to many.

Aug 28, 2009
I was trying to get to Wysteria but I NEVER got there! I went to the Headmaster who said " We need to try and stop Malastaire and his plans." I am higher level than 25+ and ALL my other friends can get there. :x

Life level 38

Aug 28, 2009
Professor Greyrose wrote:
Wysteria was once a trade post and pleasant enough small town in the Wizard City cluster, not too far away but of little consequence in the overall scheme of things, until a magical incident occurred that caused a crawling vine to grow and completely overrun the town.

Players who are level 25 or higher should speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower. He will offer you the quest "To the Registrar".

I never got this i am level 38 help


2sparkz you have completed "To the Registrar" and need to talk to Mr Lincoln in Golem Court to get the quest "Exchange Student".

Nov 28, 2010
Oct 04, 2009
I love Wysteria it is an awesome world, I finished it a long time ago, anyone need help please let me know.

Sloan Nightgrove Level 48 Fire Wizard

Dec 12, 2012
Doja2727 on Nov 30, 2011 wrote:
I'm about to fight for the spiral cup and am concerned about the ravenwood ring - everyone keeps warning to "put it somewhere safe". I have no idea how to do this. Also, my backpack is full, but it looks like the only option to unload it is to "trash" items I have either won, or paid Wizard101 dearly for. Any way to "bank" or save items out of the backpack to another place? Even when I try to trash something from my backpack, Wizard crashs and I fill out a bug report. Any help with these things?
You sadly trashed things for nothing. It doesn't go into your backpack. It a quest item and you go to the dresser and press X. Then it should tell you the go back to the pig lady near the Spiral Gate. I hope this helps.

Monica 29
"The Dragon Wisperer"

P.S. If it isn't the pig lady you talk to, it the headmistress of Wysteria.

Apr 12, 2012
Professor Greyrose on Aug 3, 2011 wrote:
Wysteria was once a trade post and pleasant enough small town in the Wizard City cluster, not too far away but of little consequence in the overall scheme of things, until a magical incident occurred that caused a crawling vine to grow and completely overrun the town.

Players who are level 25 or higher should speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower. He will offer you the quest "To the Registrar".
How do you defeat Randolf Spellshine?
Shannon lvl 29

Jun 02, 2013
the purple captian on Sep 2, 2011 wrote:
wysteria is the funnest world ever ya wintertusk your only good for exp cl is plan hard wystria is funny pigs that do magic flips

noah wildrunner lvl 60 ice
Yeah, my favorite pig in the whole world is that one in blue who flips around in mid-air by the Pegasus Place gate. I watched him for 15 minutes once....

Jun 02, 2013
Dyrus12 on Sep 5, 2011 wrote:
To me wysteria is one of those creepy but cool worlds. Its like harry potter and alice in wonderland mixed together lol
Yeah it has Alice in Wonderland's fun-like things and many plants, and the Tri-Wizard Tournament from Harry Potter.

Jun 16, 2012
Paige MoonShade on Aug 5, 2011 wrote:
I absolutely love this new world. Although I might give Arthur Wethersfield a run for his money on all the new furniture pieces I want from Wysteria. ;) The outfit you get is very cute so is the pet. The helephant tower WOW! much more of a challenge than waterworks. I am now going through the world on a level 25 to test that out. In all way to go KingsIsle.
I agree with Paige MoonShade
I got my wizard 2 level 25 and got to go to wysteria
Tanglwood Way is a bit of a disappointment though
you know, with all of the bad guys

Jul 11, 2013
This world really is to easy in some places but hard in others.

At some point the head-mistress crisp asks us to take a trip to see the classrooms and meet the professors.
After we have meet them -crisp should ask if we would like to transfer and start getting more powerful spells from these teachers at level 52.

If we transfer our old spells can be turned in for new ones, so X would be a Y spell.
No 1 pip spells

Aug 03, 2011
I Just love wysteria. It's a beautiful world, with an interesting story, nice places. The quests are simple and not boring, and also you get many xp from them. A wonderful feeling is when you get the spiral cup!

Sep 19, 2009
Dec 12, 2012
Iizfireskool on Jul 8, 2013 wrote:
How do you defeat Randolf Spellshine?
Shannon lvl 29
Simple. Just attack when you have shields on. Any shield works.

Feb 09, 2013
I wanted to know how to get to the tower of the helephant, and what happens when you finish Wysteria?

-school wizard

May 27, 2009
To you have to go to Wysteria to progress through the storyline? I don't like it.