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Jul 24, 2011
i just singed up to be a member yesterday and it says that with the membership i can go to all the worlds and it wont let me go in the tree and so i ported to a friend that was in there and when i hit x it said all i could go to was wizard city and so to check if it was working i went to firecat alley and cyclopes lane and i can go to both of them whats up???

Feb 14, 2010
You still have to follow the quests to gain access to the other areas of the game. As you advance in the game other areas will become open for you to adventure in.
In some worlds, like Grizzleheim, you have to reach a certain level before you are invited to quest there.

Jun 10, 2009
What level are you? You might need to complete the quests in a few streets in order to get to more difficult streets and, eventually, Worlds.
If you have already completed all the quests in WC, sent in a ticket to Support.
William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer

Apr 19, 2010
You have to do quests to enter certain worlds, first you have to finish Wizard City to go to Krokotpia :) Good luck on exploring the spiral!

Jun 23, 2010
You need to finish all main quests in Wizard City to enter the World Tree. Once you get sent to Krokotpia you can enter the World Tree. Megan

Jul 27, 2011
Getting a membership means that you are able to go to the worlds. However, that does not mean it is unlocked. What I mean by that is that you have to complete quests and level up before the headmaster opens up oasis to you. Once you save oasis, you go on to the next world and so on and so forth. You are getting much more privileges as a member. You just need to get the experience.

What I did:
Complete everything in Wizard City (there is a lot). Triton Ave. has an underwater city that there are quests for. Do all quests in Firecat Alley and Cyclops. Do everything that presents itself to you.

Good luck!

Seth NightFlame

Community Leader
Have you finished all of wizard city? You would need to complete each world before the world will show up for places to go at the spiral door.

To go inside the tree you need to finish Wizard city.

May 20, 2010
Amazon is having a sale on keyboards. The punctuation keys work on them.

You can teleport to friends in other worlds now, but there won't be any quests for you to do, and you won't be able to get to battle areas from the commons areas in those worlds without teleporting to a higher-level wizard..

The enemies in higher-level worlds are too tough for you right now. You have to finish one world to get to the next. When you finish Wizard City, you'll be given the key to Krokotopia. When that world is finished, you'll be allowed into Marleybone, then subsequently: Mooshu, Dragonspyre, and Celestia, in that order.

Grizzleheim and Wintertusk are separate, optional worlds, and each has level requirements for various areas.

Dec 22, 2008
jetrunner123 wrote:
i just singed up to be a member yesterday and it says that with the membership i can go to all the worlds and it wont let me go in the tree and so i ported to a friend that was in there and when i hit x it said all i could go to was wizard city and so to check if it was working i went to firecat alley and cyclopes lane and i can go to both of them whats up???
Have you finished Wizard City? You have to finish all the main quests on Wizard City before you can go to another world.

May 30, 2010
you have no access to the words to you unlock them for example to fgo from wiz city to krockotopia you need to beat the boss in hanted cave to get the spiral key from ambrose with no key = no getting to next world

Jul 24, 2011
Jul 30, 2011
To get inside the Spiral Chamber you must complete all the streets located in Wizard City, its recommended that you must complete Colossus Boulevard.After that,visit Ambrose he will give you a quest and you must defeat Foulgaze in the tower next to Firecat Alley. Then, you must defeat the Last Boss in Wizard City which is Lord Nightshade. Report back to Merle Ambrose.Last visit the tree in the center of Ravenwood.You will unlock the Spiral Chamber and be able to explore the Spiral.

Tristan SpirtHeart
Life Wizard, Adept Wizard
Wizard City Protecter

Jul 16, 2011
i purchased the membership like on 14 aug but i wasn't logged in and then it sended me a email that you have purchased it successsfully but when i log back in i still can't go to colossus boulevard it says that i have to buy crowns or purchase membership like what is going on help me!!!!