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Never getting into Pet Race

Mar 13, 2011
I have had a problem getting into pet races recently. I sign up for a race and shortly there after I get the message asking if I want to go to the arena. Ithen get the waiting for opponents message. This stays for a long time, I recently let it stay up for over 10 minutes.

If I go and sign up for a new race I am asked if I want to leave my current cue, I do and then I after a few seconds I get the message asking me if I want to go to the arena and again I get the waiting for opponents message which stay up for ever.

Anyone else having this issue?

Mar 07, 2011
I had that exact same problem in ranked races. It got so bad that I stopped doing ranked races. Sometimes I would quit the program and when I logged back in the first message i got was, "Do I want to go to the arena?"

I wrote King Isle and they told me they were aware of the problem, but had no idea what was going on to cause it.

I didn't have this same problem in unranked, so that's where I race pets these days.

Jun 25, 2009
Don't forget there's other things that could trigger this problem other then a bug.

1. one of the players is not at the computer when they get the message to go to the arena.

2. people might not be intrested in the pet derby anymore. (that would be sad if it were true)

3. here's a big one, Impatience

Hunter LegendWraith level60 necromancer

Apr 02, 2010
My experience has been I am most likely to get a ranked derby race with a Teen pet.

The best PvP pet is not the best PvE pet is not the best derby pet.

Mar 13, 2011
izzi250 wrote:
Don't forget there's other things that could trigger this problem other then a bug.

1. one of the players is not at the computer when they get the message to go to the arena.

2. people might not be intrested in the pet derby anymore. (that would be sad if it were true)

3. here's a big one, Impatience

Hunter LegendWraith level60 necromancer

I do understand that it isn't instantaneous, but there is a countdown of 90 seconds ( I believe). And as I stated I timed one at 10 minutes and after which the message still was waiting for others. I have been doing races off and on for about 45 days and until recently this wasn't an issue, after 90 seconds the message would change to looking for opponents if I didn't get into a match.