Ok i have just started working on my life wizard again after a long brake. I leveled to 52 and got a message from the stork guy telling me to talk to buder goldenpaws well i went to him and nothing just the message telling me i have to be level 20 to return to gh. well i looked it up and it told me i had to compleate some missions the thing is i have compleated every mission in gh but the very last one with the ravens. So i dont understand why i am not getting the mission for the new level 35 card. And i have looked but all people say is to finish these missions so if anyone can help me out here i would be very thankful. I hope you have a wonder day. :)
For that spell you need to be far advanced in WT, not just finished GH. If memory serves, it is the third play area you need to get to....and about halfway through that area.
same with me but i did not do the quests for gh :P i am stuck at frostholm because i dont have enough time to beat it, always getting pulled off the computer by my mom :P :P so i dont really care about level 35 fire right now. I am sorry you are having trouble i would really be mad if i was you. Good luck and i hope your problem is fixed. :? :|
Did you try going to Grizzleheim then taking to Baldur there? I think you have to do that instead of talking to him in Wizard City. Then again I could be very wrong.
Go talk to Mr. Lincoln again in Golem Court and have him repeat his instructions to you, then head for Olde Town to see of Baldur Goldpaws has something for you to do.
If not, head for Grizzleheim and go to Mirkholm Keep. Then go back to Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Goldpaws.
If that doesn't work, send in a ticket to Support, explaining the problem.
Go to Moolinda Wu in ravenwood and see if she has a quest for you. I think she's the one who sent me to see baldur for that quest. -valerian daisytamer, master theurgist