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Jul 27, 2009
I have just gotten in to PvP as a team player lately and i am finding there is a great deal of poor sportsman ship in the game up to the point of some one porting in to a PvP match as a spectator and telling the other team in open chat
who to defend against our team out of anger for losing. calling our team names and just being a real bad sport about losing.

our team meets before signing up for a match and discuss strategy and
everyone agrees to follow it the strategy has proven worthy of play having
a record of 8win-2 loss and those two loses where due to strategy playing as well

people please remember this is only a game and has a good deal of reflection upon you as a player.

to show bad sportsmanship because you lose as the above player did makes people think twice about becoming your friend or even wanting to play with you. to port out when the bout is over before telling the other team a good game is poor form.

good sportsmanship is something my group demands whether we win or lose we will tell you good game and thank you and we may even salute you or bow to you before we leave

in all my reading i have found no rules for PvP other than staying alive.
the rules you fins over in wizard central is Wizard101 Central Tournament Rules and for their own PvP tournaments... not for the game matches played in game.

PvP is to help you learn to deal with changing matches and styles how people and teams play.... instead of showing Bad sportsman ship when you lose or win use the opportunity to learn more strategies to play with.

one thing i ask the developers id to mute the spectators this way they can not give an advantage to one team or the other because they have lost to them and the PvP matches will be more enjoyable for both teams.

now i know many will answer to this. some will show anger. some will show support. this is only written to show what one person has gone through in trying to learn another aspect of the game and

No Advice is being asked for ... please respect this

if you have had any experience as the poor behavior i have experience i have had.. feel free to post.

[no names where given to protect the privacy of those people who may change their behavior in the future]

Oct 24, 2009
Okay.. I don't get it. But your rules for posting is a little hard to ... uh ... for others to reply....

Though everyone has their own ways. But I think that's what I should try out see if I can stop getting killed in the 2nd round.