I was in the hatchery and asking people if they had a wraith they'd like to hatch with a hydra (cause, ya know, they give cool mixes) and this one girl said yeah she did. So we went into the hatching thing and we could both afford it, etc., and then all of a sudden it said that she had left. So afterwards I found her and asked her why she had cancelled since she had seemed way excited about the hatch, and she's like, "you have to give me treasure cards for the hatch because the wraith is epic" and so I of course said no, but she started getting all angry at me and asking everyone for cards for a hatch. No one actually gave her cards to the best of my knowledge, but I wanted to report her. However, I was afraid I would get in trouble because I didn't know if this was a reportable offence. So, is it?
Reporting someone for 'scamming' you out of Treasure Cards is not valid, since you both had to agree to the trade. If what you see in the Trade window is not fair, regardless of what the player told you, don't agree to the trade, simple as that. Caveat emptor is a very powerful lesson to learn, young Wizards. Buyer Beware.
Hehe. If I was you, I would add the person and start getting into a friends mode.. After a few minutes ask her to hatch I believe she will trade for free.
Hehe. If I was you, I would add the person and start getting into a friends mode.. After a few minutes ask her to hatch I believe she will trade for free.
Becoming friends with the person usually don't work because they will still beg you for treasure cards every chance they get.
Hehe. If I was you, I would add the person and start getting into a friends mode.. After a few minutes ask her to hatch I believe she will trade for free.
Becoming friends with the person usually don't work because they will still beg you for treasure cards every chance they get.
So give them treasure cards.
For crying out loud, treasure cards are WAY TOO EASY to get. You get piles of them just from battles. Piles and piles of treasure cards you probably never even use. Someone wants a few treasure cards, dump all your excess cards on them.
There are almost no treasure cards in this game that cost you anything. For those you can only get from the bazaar, just go sell some junk from a few battles and buy them.
Of all the things in the game, Treasure cards are the LEAST important. The only ones that have any real value are the ones needed for high level crafting, and high level crafters can't get those from trades.