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Misleading signs (again)

Dec 18, 2008
alright so with wysteria there are new shops! I was excited to see what new pets there were in the pet and snack shop. Although to my dissapointment it was only a snack shop. No pets whatsoever. I shrugged it off and went over to buy a new wand. Or did I? No, because there were no wands in the wand shop. So i ask KI either take the misleading signs away or stock the store's shelves with more unique items.

Jan 28, 2009
awesome34 wrote:
alright so with wysteria there are new shops! I was excited to see what new pets there were in the pet and snack shop. Although to my dissapointment it was only a snack shop. No pets whatsoever. I shrugged it off and went over to buy a new wand. Or did I? No, because there were no wands in the wand shop. So i ask KI either take the misleading signs away or stock the store's shelves with more unique items.

Maybe this is for changes that come in the future. You have a decent memory right. You seemed to recall the experience pretty well just now. Next time you go there you now know.

Jul 27, 2009
well if you wanted to retain the spiral cup
would you make it easy for your competitors
to get new wands and other magical items?

i think that headmistress is pretty shifty

Jan 05, 2011
awesome34 wrote:
alright so with wysteria there are new shops! I was excited to see what new pets there were in the pet and snack shop. Although to my dissapointment it was only a snack shop. No pets whatsoever. I shrugged it off and went over to buy a new wand. Or did I? No, because there were no wands in the wand shop. So i ask KI either take the misleading signs away or stock the store's shelves with more unique items.
knowing that the wizards of wysteria cheat in their duels, how is it that you're suprised that they're lying about what products they're selling in their shops? -gabriel darkthorn, master diviner (and crew)

Aug 12, 2009
hobi wrote:
well if you wanted to retain the spiral cup
would you make it easy for your competitors
to get new wands and other magical items?

i think that headmistress is pretty shifty

Ha!! Good answer

Devin Darksong – lvl 60 Death
Digby Darksong – lvl 60 Life
Duncan Darksong – lvl 60 balance
Dylan Darksong – lvl 60 Storm
Dustan Darksong – lvl 60 Myth
Dolan Darksong – lvl 60 Ice

Jul 21, 2009
with this maybe there are new schools to come i hope ,and if so really hope that there schools you can start off as and not addon's like moon , star and sun .