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Where is the spell I was promised?

Apr 27, 2009
When my ice wizard turned level 55, I received a message from Mr Lincoln ( I think). He says there was a spell my professor couldn't teach me that would come soon and to be on the lookout for another message. I am not a level 56 and have not gotten a new spell. Do I have to wait longer?

This one takes some initiative on your part, young Wizard.

There are 3 requirements to meet to be able to accept the starting spell quest from Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town, “The Spell Trade.”
1. Being level 55
2. Having completed the quest “Su Su Sudrilund” in Sudrilund in Wintertusk, which is given by Grandmother Raven in Hrundle Fjord.
3. Having completed the quest “Thief of Spells” from Erik Wyrdrune in Northguard.

If you meet these requirements, then you can go to Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town to get the quest “The Spell Trade”, and then you will talk to Erik Wyrdrune once again in Northguard to get the quest “The Runedown.”
