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Earthwalker "bug"

Nov 29, 2008
Are they going to update the sounds that go with the EarthWalker card from the Earthwalker pet?? To date, when I cast that spell, I get the EXACT sounds for casting the Seraph, which obviously isn't right.

Can we get that fixed?

Is there a better way to report a bug?

We know he has a bit of a funny voice right now, but this does not affect your ability to cast the spell.

And who's to say the Earthwalker doesn't have a feminine voice?

Feb 08, 2009
Feb 06, 2009
I find that when I use my earth walker the sound simply does not match the time of the animation. The sound seems to be early compared the the animation.

I feel it is a minor glitch and I am not overly concerned about it. Just my two cents.

Jun 23, 2009
the seraph sounds has been fixed but the timing of the sound and animation still remains. don't worry, kings isle will fix it eventually

Jul 13, 2009
It's A Slow Thing...

I noticed that in April of 2009 someone mentioned the fact that the sound FX for the EarthWalker (i.e. breaking loose, steps, yell, sword, strike are delayed is not in sync with the actual animation. Well, it's been 5 months since that posting and the problem has not been corrected.

Unlike the person who raised this issue in April, I am very disppointed since I spent REAL MONEY and purchased crowns in order to get the special EarthWalker pet (affectionately called "Lord Maximus") that also had the "EarthWalker" as a card.

Though the gameplay is correct the mood is affected by such an obvious programming error. Please developers/tech support, look into this as soon as possible. Though this may be a little complaint, I believe it's also a little fix.

Christo NecroMancer
21st Level - Death