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Text Chat

Jun 04, 2009
May 19, 2009
ok when i go into my account settings to do so it allows me to my secondary account but not the Lisandria account. i have two Accounts DragunForge and Lisandria when i try to disable the Filtered Text on lisandria Nothing happens. But when i do it on The DragunForge account it says Filter off.When i click disable filter chat for lisandria nothing changes it still says on. i am for sure an Adult.

May 19, 2009
For the True Friend Option with Adults maybe you can have a certain character to be Enabled to use this Chat on your account that way if you have kids playing the game on the same account it can be maybe pass worded or something for the Specific Player.in the Account settings that way if your child gets on and does not know the password he/she cannot use the Free chat Option!

May 19, 2009
Catyana wrote:
I have had people send me purple chat, these people are not on my friends list and we are not in the same area. How do they do this? I have tried but can't. I have the adult settings. Is there a short cut they use like /nameofperson?

if you see a Player that has recently said something in the MAIN CHAT WINDOW. all you have to do is Right click on there name to send them a pm.

If you are trying to enable OPEN chat, the Filtered Chat must FIRST be ENABLED.

There are three levels of chat.
This is also referred to as "bubble chat". It is completely safe and all players may use the Menu Chat.
This is a form of chat that allows you to communicate with other players by pressing the Enter key and typing words from our dictionary.
When you press Enter on your keyboard, you can type words from our Wizard Dictionary, and then hit Enter to say your sentence.
This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.

Think of it as stacking up.
Everyone gets menu chat, so that's the base.
On top of that is Filtered Chat.
On top of Filtered Chat is Open Chat.
You must enable Filtered chat to open up the upper level of Open Chat.

Lisandria wrote:
ok when i go into my account settings to do so it allows me to my secondary account but not the Lisandria account. i have two Accounts DragunForge and Lisandria when i try to disable the Filtered Text on lisandria Nothing happens. But when i do it on The DragunForge account it says Filter off.When i click disable filter chat for lisandria nothing changes it still says on. i am for sure an Adult.

May 19, 2009
Jul 15, 2009
Um, ok.... there are people that text chat me (like whispering) in the game without being my friends! I can't reply to them back because they are not my friends but THEY can. How is this? Please help...

Feb 18, 2009
Ok I Really want to text chat I am under 13 but I asked my mom if i can but she doesnt know how my dad also :O. its not fun if i cant talk so. i went to the my accounts my my parents created a parents account but THEN everything says disable enable and all that but next to text chat nothing was there plz tell me how i change it ty

Sep 06, 2009
Gamma wrote:
swimmor wrote:
hi, i wanted text chat so i looked on the message board tp see how to get it. i found out you have to go to acount management. when i got there it said you have to subscribe. well, i did, then i turned it on and i still cant use text chat.

William Fireflame
Level 50:fire
savior of the spiral

First let me clarify exactly what Text Chat provides:
This is a form of chat that allows you to communicate with other players by pressing the Enter key and typing words from our dictionary. When you press Enter on your keyboard, you can type words from our Wizard Dictionary, and then hit Enter to say your sentence.

Text Chat is filtered, it is NOT OPEN CHAT.

If you are unable to use the chat function, it is possible that your account does not have Text Chat enabled. Accounts set up as over age 13 players are able to use the Text Chat.

If you have an account that is over 13 and still cannot chat you might need to enable the feature. To enable you must login to Wizard101.com and select "My Accounts". Under the "Account Management" section login to your parental controls and click on the 'enable' button located next to the 'filtered text' option.

Text Chat for players with under 13 accounts can only be turned on by a parent/guardian over age 18. The parent/guardian must validate his/her age by buying a subscription or crowns with a valid credit card. The parent/guardian must then set up the Parental Controls to enable the chat privilege.

Jun 24, 2010
I'm a member and I can't get text chat and i don't know what im doing wrong. I logged into my account and then went to My Accounts, then i got my mom to log into parental controls, and the enable button doesnt show up! I really want text chat! :(

Jun 24, 2010
mageultra9 wrote:
Ok I Really want to text chat I am under 13 but I asked my mom if i can but she doesnt know how my dad also :O. its not fun if i cant talk so. i went to the my accounts my my parents created a parents account but THEN everything says disable enable and all that but next to text chat nothing was there plz tell me how i change it ty

The same thing happened to me too!

Feb 27, 2011
Well This is just me thinking if you said you were one how would you be on your computer your a baby and if you had other numbers you could say how old you are like saying I am one five (I am not really) and also so you can say I already have that one or say I am attacking that one. :D

Allan Stargem
Level 17: Dark
Journey Necormancer

Mar 05, 2011
Text chat is enabled for me but i can not see waht i am typing. Speech bubbles are on, and whenever somebody says something all I see is "..." :?
please help

~Talon Silvershade~

You only have Menu Chat, not Text Chat.

Text Chat can only be enabled through Parental Controls with the use of a valid credit card on file with Wizard101.

THE8thWONDER wrote:
Text chat is enabled for me but i can not see waht i am typing. Speech bubbles are on, and whenever somebody says something all I see is "..." :?
please help

~Talon Silvershade~

Sep 11, 2010
mageultra9 wrote:
Ok I Really want to text chat I am under 13 but I asked my mom if i can but she doesnt know how my dad also :O. its not fun if i cant talk so. i went to the my accounts my my parents created a parents account but THEN everything says disable enable and all that but next to text chat nothing was there plz tell me how i change it ty

mageultra9 - If I told you how MANY times I have gone to a neighbor's house to help one of my kid's friends get something done on their computer that their parents could not do ... you would NOT believe the number of zeroes involved ... ;)

Nobody is going to tell you what you need to know here. It would be WRONG of us to assume you have permisiion from your parents just because you say so ... sorry.

BUT ... your teacher's at school, church, or your soccer team, the parent's of one of your friends, maybe even a mean old uncle like me ;) or some other adult in your family, KNOWS how to talk to your parents and TEACH them what they need to know about letting you chat on the internet so you can make it happen ... safely.

If you cannot "get thru" to your parents, do what you would do here if you found a problem you can not solve yourself ... go get help.

Learning to work with people is the FIRST sign of maturity that indicates you may be "old enough" to acquire this privilege, and other privileges children are not normally allowed to have.

Get another adult to champion your cause, to ask your parents if they think you are old enough to openly chat. I suspect from your language and your communication skills - we will be talking to one another soon ... ;)

Good Luck.