How do I remove the text chat restrictions on an account, we are all old and decrepit here we want to use the text chat options but it is blocked out and we are paying members. Thank you.
While developing Wizard101, we realized the style and content of the game would appeal to all ages. As a result of our young audience, we decided to incorporate safeguards that make online play a generally safe and positive experience (especially when dealing with other players).
Currently there are two types of chat in Wizard101.
Menu chat involves only using the pre-arranged words and phrases found under the chat button in the upper left corner of your Wizard101 screen.
Text chat involves typing on your keyboard words and phrases that have not been blocked by our filter. (including numbers)
If you are over the age of 13, which I'm guessing from your post you are, and you are still restricted to the Menu Chat, you can change your chat settings to recognize the fact you're over 13 by logging in to Wizard101 the website and going to the My Accounts section.
Under Account Management the section should read as follows: Chat - Filtered Text: On (Disable Button) Chat - True Friends Code: On (Disable Button) Parental Controls:Off (Enable Button)
If this is what your settings reflect, then you have the Text chat option like all our other (your words) "old and decrepit" players. :D
If not, you can change those settings on that same page.
Gamma, is there a reason why spelled out numbers are filtered out at the moment?
specifically "two, three, etc."
This is very difficult when talking about levels or how many of things you need. It can also be circumvented by using "second, third, fourth, fifth, etc." but is just too annoying.
Gamma, is there a reason why spelled out numbers are filtered out at the moment?
specifically "two, three, etc."
This is very difficult when talking about levels or how many of things you need. It can also be circumvented by using "second, third, fourth, fifth, etc." but is just too annoying.
Can this be addressed?
Yes, and the reasons were explained above in the first paragraph. We have safety measures in place to prevent children from exchanging personal information.
You can quite easily state your level by using the Menu Chat system. Click the chat button in the upper left. Choose Friendly Choose Stats You will find your level listed at the top.
How about an option to allow True Friends to text chat without a censor?
This is something we are considering.
This would honestly be nice I am an adult woman with children and while i ready do appreciate the screens maybe there is a way that adults can communicate while it still screens for children.
I noticed that if you want to open an account for your child that does not allow them to chat you can do that here, when you access your account. Since anyone who handles the account MUST be an adult why don't we leave that decision to the adults.
Also some of the words screened for instance i have friends here who are moms as well and we take about cooking and stuff while we fight. Hey you talk about what you know - lol - and we can not type things like rice, or omlet or many words that i have no idea why.
I am sure kids can use any word in all sorts of manner but if that is your threshold then we are in trouble. It would seem these days almost every word in the english langage is practically a double entendre :(
I really do hope this is considered as it would really be nice to talk without new ways of saying rice and beans. lol
How do I remove the text chat restrictions on an account, we are all old and decrepit here we want to use the text chat options but it is blocked out and we are paying members. Thank you.
im trying to tex chate in the game and im old enougth to do so dut i am unable to
Text Chat for players with under 13 accounts can only be turned on by a parent/guardian over age 18. The parent/guardian must validate his/her age by buying a subscription or crowns with a valid credit card.
but no offense if a child was so desperate i've had my child take my debit/credit card and subscribe a specific game such as this to get the advantage of the system.. but how do you know it was actually me who did that. i mean ouch.
Just to add some, there is now open chat. From what I can see the text chat uses a whitelist, meaning that they block everything that they haven't specifically allowed. The open chat though uses a blacklist, meaning they allow anything they haven't specifically blocked. That is why chocolate is blocked in text chat.
The types of chat are as follows: Menu Chat - only uses words and phrases the player selects from the menu in the upper left corner - all players have access to this chat. Text Chat - allows typed messages that are in our dictionary. All players over the age of 13 have access to this chat, and this can be enabled for players under 13 through the parental controls Open Chat - 18+ chat that is only filtered for profanity.. Players over the age of 18 can use this chat with a valid credit card on file and a recurring subscription.
According to your account settings, you already have Open Chat. Open Chat overrides the Text Chat, so you do not need to turn that off.
When you type in the chat window, your words will show up in different colors: white: all players with Text Chat can see your word yellow: only players with Open Chat can see your word red: your word will not be shown
sanmil0963 wrote:
I have been trying to turn the text chat filter off, but it won't allow me. What am I doing wrong?
We have given parents the tools to protect their own credit card information with the use of the Parental Control password.
We would encourage you to log on to the website with your child's username & password to establish the parental control features to ensure that any account activity will be sent to an email address you can monitor. Even though we offer very strict parental controls, no matter how well designed or implemented, they can only be effective if used by the actual parent.
tracinjd wrote:
but no offense if a child was so desperate i've had my child take my debit/credit card and subscribe a specific game such as this to get the advantage of the system.. but how do you know it was actually me who did that. i mean ouch.
I actually have a question not a reply. When using text chat with a friend you have choosen from your friends list, can anyone else see what you are saying?
I actually have a question not a reply. When using text chat with a friend you have choosen from your friends list, can anyone else see what you are saying?
If you clicked on your friend from your friend's list, and then clicked on text chat, the chat box will open up (if not already open) and you will see your friend's name appear before the space where you will type your comment. This will mean that your friend, and only your friend, will see what you have written.
Gamma, is there a reason why spelled out numbers are filtered out at the moment?
specifically "two, three, etc."
This is very difficult when talking about levels or how many of things you need. It can also be circumvented by using "second, third, fourth, fifth, etc." but is just too annoying.
Can this be addressed?
There is a reason. If we were allowed to say any kind of numbers then this could cause dangerouse mesaures. even the won to third fourth fifth thing is a bad problem and must be stopped. To find about more of what I am saying check my other comment
the box that you type in went into the corner some how and i can't get it out and now i can't see what I'm typing , someone please help, yes i have pressed the o key and that does no good no shortcuts r working at all. and i have not been muted.. PLEASE help
the box that you type in went into the corner some how and i can't get it out and now i can't see what I'm typing , someone please help, yes i have pressed the o key and that does no good no shortcuts r working at all. and i have not been muted.. PLEASE help
If you find the chat box is suddenly missing, even after you press enter, please follow these steps.
1. Check the inbox of the email address you used when you registered for Wizard101. If you have been muted, you will have an email stating as such. Please note providers such as Yahoo, ymail, aol and aim will delay and in some cases block automated system messages such as these.
2. If you haven't been muted and you still do not have a chat box, please send an email stating this to - they will walk you through the steps.
im having trouble using text chta i have done the disable or enable thing tried both im over the age of 13 and it wont let me use text chat please help
I have had people send me purple chat, these people are not on my friends list and we are not in the same area. How do they do this? I have tried but can't. I have the adult settings. Is there a short cut they use like /nameofperson?
hi, i wanted text chat so i looked on the message board tp see how to get it. i found out you have to go to acount management. when i got there it said you have to subscribe. well, i did, then i turned it on and i still cant use text chat.
William Fireflame Level 50:fire savior of the spiral
hi, i wanted text chat so i looked on the message board tp see how to get it. i found out you have to go to acount management. when i got there it said you have to subscribe. well, i did, then i turned it on and i still cant use text chat.
William Fireflame Level 50:fire savior of the spiral
First let me clarify exactly what Text Chat provides: This is a form of chat that allows you to communicate with other players by pressing the Enter key and typing words from our dictionary. When you press Enter on your keyboard, you can type words from our Wizard Dictionary, and then hit Enter to say your sentence.
Text Chat is filtered, it is NOT OPEN CHAT.
If you are unable to use the chat function, it is possible that your account does not have Text Chat enabled. Accounts set up as over age 13 players are able to use the Text Chat.
If you have an account that is over 13 and still cannot chat you might need to enable the feature. To enable you must login to and select "My Accounts". Under the "Account Management" section login to your parental controls and click on the 'enable' button located next to the 'filtered text' option.
Text Chat for players with under 13 accounts can only be turned on by a parent/guardian over age 18. The parent/guardian must validate his/her age by buying a subscription or crowns with a valid credit card. The parent/guardian must then set up the Parental Controls to enable the chat privilege.