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Cloaked Vampire?

Jan 01, 2010
Ok so here is what happened my bro told me he could cloak vampire for some reason, so he did but it casted like a regular death spell and did the same damage and half health back, is this a bug, has this ever happened to anyone else

somebody plz tell me what in the spiral is going on

Apr 20, 2011
The description on the cloak spell says cloak a shield or charm. You can't cloak a damage spell. It's shouldn't turn a damage spell into a treasure card. If it does, that's a bug.

Mar 07, 2011
I think you can only cloak a blade, charm, or shield. If you could cloak an attack, I don't see the point. In addition, Cloak doesn't add anything to your attack so why would your brother expect more damage from his vampire?

May 20, 2010
You must mean a different spell. Cloak is used to hide a Charm or Ward from the enemy and is mainly used in PvP. I don't think it can be used on Vampire, and it would be pointless to do so if it could.

PS: You might want to lose the extra punctuation. The moderators have been known to reject posts that use excessive amounts of it.

Sep 29, 2008
interesting i been wondering if you could cloak a damage spell while you have a dispel for that school on doe it turn it onto a sun spell and not trigger the dispel?

Aug 12, 2009
Actually, for some reason the Drain spells are accepting EVERY Enchantment spell, including the Mutates.

Apr 20, 2011
As side note: the only time I've seen the cloak spell was during in Wysteria when I finally battled that Wysteria twerp for the Spiral Cup. I placed a hex on him, and on the next round he did something to make it go away. Later, I gave a damage spell anyway, and it was boosted. then I realized he had not removed the spell. He merely made it appear to be gone.

Naturally, I defeated the little twerp anyway. As will we all.

May 08, 2009
Aug 12, 2009
This is a bug, an exploit even, and I would love to see the people who abused this in PVP get banned for exploiting an exploit. The bug has been fixed in the Test realm, so we should have it fixed when test comes live at least.

Mar 13, 2011
Johnist wrote:
This is a bug, an exploit even, and I would love to see the people who abused this in PVP get banned for exploiting an exploit. The bug has been fixed in the Test realm, so we should have it fixed when test comes live at least.

It may be a bug, but it isn't an exploit because it doesn't give the player access to a function or action which would provide an unfair advantage over other players.

Cloaking an attack is meaningless.

Jan 01, 2010
deffio152 wrote:
Ok so here is what happened my bro told me he could cloak vampire for some reason, so he did but it casted like a regular death spell and did the same damage and half health back, is this a bug, has this ever happened to anyone else

somebody plz tell me what in the spiral is going on
Hey dude, I really don't know what in the spiral is going on here is something I made for all others. (I join battle with lost soul) me: I can't believe you can cloak vampire ( I cloak vampire and I cast it. It doesn't affect the casting making it look like a sun.) The end. deffio0306 Ethan Lifeblade lvl 52 grandmaster

Mar 13, 2011
i think he was lying but if you saw it appear as a sun spell then it is a bug and you should contact support

Aug 12, 2009
HooVooLoo wrote:
Johnist wrote:
This is a bug, an exploit even, and I would love to see the people who abused this in PVP get banned for exploiting an exploit. The bug has been fixed in the Test realm, so we should have it fixed when test comes live at least.

It may be a bug, but it isn't an exploit because it doesn't give the player access to a function or action which would provide an unfair advantage over other players.

Cloaking an attack is meaningless.

I'm talking about the Ghoul into Thunderbird and Ghoul into Death minotaur to cast for 2 pips in PVP

Jan 01, 2010
Johnist wrote:
This is a bug, an exploit even, and I would love to see the people who abused this in PVP get banned for exploiting an exploit. The bug has been fixed in the Test realm, so we should have it fixed when test comes live at least.
You can't be that mean. What if your teacher irl was hurting someone, would you feel bad or would you laugh?

Aug 12, 2009
deffio0306 wrote:
Johnist wrote:
This is a bug, an exploit even, and I would love to see the people who abused this in PVP get banned for exploiting an exploit. The bug has been fixed in the Test realm, so we should have it fixed when test comes live at least.
You can't be that mean. What if your teacher irl was hurting someone, would you feel bad or would you laugh?

It's a matter of Right and Wrong. There is only 1 'Grey' Area in this. If you're casting something that should be 5 or 6 pips for only 2 pips, then you are using an Exploit, and should indeed be banned.

The Grey Area comes into play with the fact that the mutated spells (if mutated via TC) are storable and cost the proper cost to cast if you wait even one turn to cast. If you're making a bunch of 5-pip mutated minotaurs, or 6-pip mutated phoenixes that's fine in my book, since you're not abusing the bug to get ahead in PVP.