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Problem with Parent Password

Oct 19, 2010
Alright, so a couple months ago, me and my dad were getting on my account, to buy me crowns, But my Dad had forgotten his parent password, so he clicked on "Forgot Password" and did all the things that it said to do, and then it said that he would get a Email saying his new password. Well 2 days later, he got on his Email, and there wasn't 1 Email from KI, telling him his new password. So we did the process of the Forgot password thing, and waited for the Email again. But the same thing happened! There was no Email, telling my Dad his new password! We've tried a million times, and it still isn't working. PLEASE HELP!!

Emma IceBlossom
Legendary Thamaturge

I have resent the Parental control password email to the parental email address we have on file for your account.

Oct 19, 2010
Professor Greyrose wrote:
I have resent the Parental control password email to the parental email address we have on file for your account.

Thanks for the help! :D

Emma IceBlossom
Legendary Thamaturge

Oct 19, 2010
Alright, well me and my dad just checked his Email, and there was nothing on there? I don't know what to do next!

1. Have him check his spam/junk folder.
2. Make sure he's actually checking the correct email account. If he has multiple email addresses under the same provider (aol, yahoo, gmail etc) it could just be he's checking the wrong one.
3. We have a wonderful support team that can assist you in these matters, and you really should have contacted them first. See that 'Contact Support button at the top of this page? Click that and follow the directions or email us directly at support@wizard101.com

Oct 19, 2010
Okay, thank you. I wasn't trying to complain or anything, It just got a little frustrating for both of us.