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wraith glitch

Aug 30, 2011
so, i just got my wraith pet from my level 48 quest and i was really excited to level it up. after it hatched, i farmed some snacks from fruit bushes and fed it to adult, then i brought it to celestia. when i was running without a mount, i discovered that my pet wasn't even moving! it was frozen in a "go forward" way, leaning way front but isn't moving at all, and this also happened in battle. only when i use the wraith pet's item card did it move to cast the spell, then it froze again. what's wrong?

Jul 03, 2010
Fin3cy6 wrote:
so, i just got my wraith pet from my level 48 quest and i was really excited to level it up. after it hatched, i farmed some snacks from fruit bushes and fed it to adult, then i brought it to celestia. when i was running without a mount, i discovered that my pet wasn't even moving! it was frozen in a "go forward" way, leaning way front but isn't moving at all, and this also happened in battle. only when i use the wraith pet's item card did it move to cast the spell, then it froze again. what's wrong?

Mine also, I miss the calm animation he had, now he is like ice creature next to me and it happened a few weeks ago. I have scarecrow pet now but my wraith has better stats so I still like to equip him, maybe we need to submit bug report I don't know.