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Why didn't I get one?

Nov 28, 2010
Hello Kingsisle,

I was just checking my e-mail the other day, and one of my friends that plays W101 told me that he got this Boar Night pet for playing W101 for a long time! I never got one, ok I'm fine with that. Until I realize I've been playing the game longer than him...

I was just wondering if this was some mistake or anything. I do really want that pet, it looks amazing, but isn't it a little unfair that he has been playing for less time than me, and I never got a pet? He is only in the Marleybone stage and all, while I'm all ready doing Wintertusk and Celestia! So there is some mistake here. If there is some limit of time that you had to be playing, and I don't fit into that, it's ok. So there was one mistake, I'm fine with that. But if players receiving the code have been playing for less time than me, can I please receive a code too? Thank you! (My character is Benjamin Frostblood, and my username is flyrahie)

Benjamin Frostblood & Lucas Frostblood
Level 54 Diviner & Level 5 Theurgist
Wintertusk, Celestia & Wizard City

You did. An email was sent to the email address associated with your Wizard101 account.
If you did not give us a valid email address or you no longer have access to the email address you have on file with us, you cannot receive communications from us. It is up to you to ensure the information on your account is up to date and accurate.

Nov 28, 2010
Hello Professor Greyrose!

Thank you for the reply. I just got the e-mail now, sorry about that. It was just a little delayed. Thank you so much for this amazing pet! I appreciate it alot, and this is just another reason why I love W101 so much!

Thank you, and sorry!

Benjamin Frostblood & Lucas Frostblood
Level 54 Diviner & Level 5 Theurgist
Wintertusk, Celestia & Wizard City
"You try, you fail. You try, you fail. You try, you fail. True failure comes when you stop trying"