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Glitch/Exploit with Black Palace

May 29, 2009
There's a glitch/exploit with the Black Palace in the Waterfront in Zafaria that i think you professors should know about.

When you enter the palace there is a lighter purple section section of the wall to your left, when you go through the wall you end up in a tunnel which leads straight to the final boss.

Jun 08, 2009
Hi. The fact there is a tunnel means that the transparent wll was programmed. Tim-tim is a popular farming spot do to his zafaria theme music scroll, my guess is this was added for the scroll farmers out there. Remember, glitches arent perfectly designed like the tunnel is!

May 23, 2009
Maybe it is a glitch or it could be intentional. In order to initially complete the quest you need to follow the steps through the dungeon. The secret passage there could be a way for people who has completed the dungeon to farm the final boss.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 69 Life

Aug 12, 2009
It is not a Glitch or an Exploit. The Hidden Passage was designed to be there as an easy way from Tim-Tim to the Exit. When you want to farm him, you can easily go straight to him from the Entrance, due to this Passage. Previously, after you defeated Tim-Tim in Test Realm, it became visible, but they seem to have fixed that.

Dec 21, 2008
Aug 19, 2010
Anyone need help with black palace in Zafaria? If so let me know cause i am farming tim-tim snakeeye for leopard pet.

First dont solo it . follow these steps :)

1: If you are a ice wizard stock up on prisms if you have crowns buy a mastery amulet since there is a boss and a mini boss thats ice in black palace

2 If you are storm the last boss is hard but if you are life its easier 8)
Tim-tim snakeeye cheats by spamming 90% towers.
IF you buff up good use a healing spell pixie
Then you have no towers for one whole round

3 If you just wanna farm tim-tim snakeeye go through a light purple wall and you get to him 8) say zone time date for help plz , Hunter legendsmith level 70 transcended ice wizard