I cannot hang the new colored light strand on any wall in any of my dorms. I have completely emptied the wall, and I still cannot place the light strand on the wall. Is anyone else having a problem with it?
Also happened to me in my Krokotopia house, but it eventuelly worked when i used it on my Empty big-kindaish wall. As known as: my Wizard101 Living Room.
Unfortunately, this means your wall is too small, or you're outside. I've found it extremely hard to hang things in dorms, because the limits. The maximum size to hang something in your dorms is roughly two School Teacher paintings (available from the Wizard City housing shop). When you're outside, sadly, we can't hang a single thing. I've tried. It's really annoying. Maybe we can get the option to hang things outside? The only acception I know of is in the large Wizard City home.