I had 3 mounts, and now I only have 2. I think I have deleted the mount, or a character that had it, and I can't remember which one... I also cant find it in a bank. Can someone help me???
We show you deleted two characters since December 1st. We do not show that you deleted any mounts off any of your other characters.
Our support team can help you further but you need to send them an email with the following information:
(send email to support@wizard101.com) Account Name (never ever the password!) Character Name(s) you think the mount(s) were last on Types of Mounts (ie Blue Dragon, Wings, etc) When you last saw that missing mount in question.
They will do their best to find the item if it is still on your characters or hooked in your house, however they may not be able to retrieve an item that was on a character you deleted.
Does your answer mean that I could possibly recover mounts my wee wizard, Dolan Mythcaster, has trashed or sold?
That would be awesome!
Here's to hope,
No. We restore entire characters, but we do not restore deleted items individually. We do not show RobloxMan1337 as having deleted anything, so the 'missing' mount is most likely just on a different character, in a house or attic and our support team can find the item no matter where it is.
I actually had the same problem I had the epic bundle series clothing and mysteriously it completely disappeared and I checked everywhere but that was so long ago I almost don't care at this point xD.