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Does a wizard lose quests?

May 31, 2009
When I turned 60 I stop turning in quests. I would complete but not turn in knowing that later the leveling cap may be increased which it was. Quests like Zeke and Books and Rune stones. I kept them in my quest book in case the XP was used later when Leveling cap was raised.
Today I went to my Death wizard and his quest book is empty. He doesnt have not one quest in it, That was until I went to Ambrose and got the Zafaria quest.
Some of my other wizards turned in their quests for the XP and cleared out their quests book. But My question is, Can a wizard lose quests from his quest book? I figured Death should have had least one quest in his book but it was totally empty.
I know in the past the Oakheart quest in Mooshu was a pain in the games neck because you had to complete several quests to go see Oakheart. I am glad those days are gone.

Your level 60 Death Wizard still has the following quests in his quest journal:

Dire News from Abroad
Kitchen Help
To the Registrar

Which quests were you expecting to have but do not? Is it possible you completed them when you last logged in?
