My very dear friend Mildred Farseer offers a Life Trap spell for 1 training point if you're a level 10 wizard. We usually play bridge together on Tuesdays and I meet her in her secret shop in Colossus Blvd. She is an excellent bridge player; she always seems to be able to look several hands into the future. Uncanny!
Ok, I believe you get life trap from a trainer in collossus boulevard, in the house across Briskbreeze tower. The person who provides trainable life traps also can train dispels.
You can find the life trap spell on colossus blvd right by Mindy Pixiecrown. You will have to turn to the left if facing her and walk into the house. There is a trainer there for a few good spells. Hope this helps!
Thanks everybody! You guys answered me quickly! I forgot to tell you I used spirit trap. LOL! You anwered me quickly! Thanks for letting me know guys! And thanks, Moolinda Wu!