Ok. after waiting about 2 hours, i got paired up with a level 58. she used a ploymorf, and then a natural attack. It killed me in one shot I'm ice, so I have a lot of shields and health, but I cant compete with a 2300 natural attack. A little later I got paired with a level 5 All my spells fizzled, so he took advantage, and used darkwind, storm trap, and elemental blade, and then used stormzilla, and I know for a fact you can't learn those at level 5. Can't we just make treasure cards no PvP? Jason thundersword, lvl 39 magnus thaumaturge :D . please reply. 8)
Ok. after waiting about 2 hours, i got paired up with a level 58. she used a ploymorf, and then a natural attack. It killed me in one shot I'm ice, so I have a lot of shields and health, but I cant compete with a 2300 natural attack. A little later I got paired with a level 5 All my spells fizzled, so he took advantage, and used darkwind, storm trap, and elemental blade, and then used stormzilla, and I know for a fact you can't learn those at level 5. Can't we just make treasure cards no PvP? Jason thundersword, lvl 39 magnus thaumaturge :D . please reply. 8)
Treasure cards are as much of PvP as any normal learned spell. My Level 10 deals with them all the time. I expect to see Polymorphs, Stormzilla, firezilla, Kracken, etc, all the time.
Here's a few lessons for you on PvP that may help.
1. Weakness is your best friend, and if you can stack two different kinds before the attack, your even better. 2. Same goes for Tower Shields, first type drops it 50, then the second drops it 50, you only get hit with 25% of the spell. 3. When Someone Polymorphs, they have no defense, this is the best time to attack them. 4. Ice has steal ward, a great spell to use and keep in hand. 5. Always put a Shield down over a trap. So try to keep a shield in hand if you can, plus a heal is not a bad idea. 6. Never let your pips drop too low, keep enough to attack or heal, unless your combo can take the out. 7. Frostbit is your best per pip spell, put this on Monsterour or Gar, and attack, blade if possible. Use this and one pip spells (on monster) to bring them down in to the kill zone. You should know their resist quickly, after one attack, and adjust for it. 8. Always have more heal spells than you need, as they can save the day. 9. Remember to set up your side deck with only spells that you will have to have. Make sure all attack spells already have Monster or Gar added to them. 10. My last one, (I know your getting bored by now), always add shields, heals, weakness and attacks to your side deck.
You may already know the above stuff, but maybe a few things will help you. Also, don't go into a ranked match, until you have done at least 30 to 40 practice matches. I think this is real important for anyone getting into PvP. Yes, you are going to waste a bunch of treasure in Practice, but it's something you really need to do to get use to all of the tactics that are used. Plus, if you lose, hey, you haven't hurt your rating any.
In practice, you will get beat by Warlords, and they will taunt you with Noob, etc, but just laugh it off. Don't let them bother you at all, as soon as they use the word, they have labeled themselves.
The matches you win are no big deal, I just ignore them. The matches you lose are the ones to pay attention too, as they are your greatest learning tool. This is how I learn to add and discard the correct cards over time. Plus you learn all the setup moves and everything you need to play PvP and win. So, before this gets way way to long, I'll stop here.
Ok. after waiting about 2 hours, i got paired up with a level 58. she used a ploymorf, and then a natural attack. It killed me in one shot I'm ice, so I have a lot of shields and health, but I cant compete with a 2300 natural attack. A little later I got paired with a level 5 All my spells fizzled, so he took advantage, and used darkwind, storm trap, and elemental blade, and then used stormzilla, and I know for a fact you can't learn those at level 5. Can't we just make treasure cards no PvP? Jason thundersword, lvl 39 magnus thaumaturge :D . please reply. 8)
Treasure cards are as much of PvP as any normal learned spell. My Level 10 deals with them all the time. I expect to see Polymorphs, Stormzilla, firezilla, Kracken, etc, all the time.
Here's a few lessons for you on PvP that may help.
1. Weakness is your best friend, and if you can stack two different kinds before the attack, your even better. 2. Same goes for Tower Shields, first type drops it 50, then the second drops it 50, you only get hit with 25% of the spell. 3. When Someone Polymorphs, they have no defense, this is the best time to attack them. 4. Ice has steal ward, a great spell to use and keep in hand. 5. Always put a Shield down over a trap. 6. Never let your pips drop too low, keep enough to attack or heal, unless your combo can take the out. 7. Frostbit is your best per pip spell, put this on Monsterour or Gar, and attack, blade if possible. Use this and one pip spells (on monster) to bring them down in to the kill zone. 8. Always have more heal spells than you need, as they can save the day. 9. Remember to set up your side deck with only spells that you will have to have. Make sure all attack spells already have Monster or Gar added to them. 10. My last one, (I know your getting bored by now), always add shields, heals, weakness and attacks to your side deck.
You may already know the above stuff, but maybe a few things will help you. Also, don't go into a ranked match, until you have done at least 30 to 40 practice matches. I think this is real important for anyone getting into PvP. Yes, you are going to waste a bunch of treasure in Practice, but it's something you really need to do to get use to all of the tactics that are used. Plus, if you lose, hey, you haven't hurt your rating any.
In practice, you will get beat by Warlords, and they will taunt you with Noob, etc, but just laugh it off. Don't let you bother you at all, as soon as they use the word, they have labeled themselves.
The matches you lose are the ones to pay attention too, as they are your greatest learning tool. This is how I learn to add and discard the correct cards over time. Plus you learn all the setup moves and everything you need to play PvP and win. So, before this gets way way to long, I'll stop here.
Ok. after waiting about 2 hours, i got paired up with a level 58. she used a ploymorf, and then a natural attack. It killed me in one shot I'm ice, so I have a lot of shields and health, but I cant compete with a 2300 natural attack. A little later I got paired with a level 5 All my spells fizzled, so he took advantage, and used darkwind, storm trap, and elemental blade, and then used stormzilla, and I know for a fact you can't learn those at level 5. Can't we just make treasure cards no PvP? Jason thundersword, lvl 39 magnus thaumaturge :D . please reply. 8)
Treasure cards are as much of PvP as any normal learned spell. My Level 10 deals with them all the time. I expect to see Polymorphs, Stormzilla, firezilla, Kracken, etc, all the time.
Here's a few lessons for you on PvP that may help.
1. Weakness is your best friend, and if you can stack two different kinds before the attack, your even better. 2. Same goes for Tower Shields, first type drops it 50, then the second drops it 50, you only get hit with 25% of the spell. 3. When Someone Polymorphs, they have no defense, this is the best time to attack them. 4. Ice has steal ward, a great spell to use and keep in hand. 5. Always put a Shield down over a trap. 6. Never let your pips drop too low, keep enough to attack or heal, unless your combo can take the out. 7. Frostbit is your best per pip spell, put this on Monsterour or Gar, and attack, blade if possible. Use this and one pip spells (on monster) to bring them down in to the kill zone. 8. Always have more heal spells than you need, as they can save the day. 9. Remember to set up your side deck with only spells that you will have to have. Make sure all attack spells already have Monster or Gar added to them. 10. My last one, (I know your getting bored by now), always add shields, heals, weakness and attacks to your side deck.
You may already know the above stuff, but maybe a few things will help you. Also, don't go into a ranked match, until you have done at least 30 to 40 practice matches. I think this is real important for anyone getting into PvP. Yes, you are going to waste a bunch of treasure in Practice, but it's something you really need to do to get use to all of the tactics that are used. Plus, if you lose, hey, you haven't hurt your rating any.
In practice, you will get beat by Warlords, and they will taunt you with Noob, etc, but just laugh it off. Don't let you bother you at all, as soon as they use the word, they have labeled themselves.
The matches you lose are the ones to pay attention too, as they are your greatest learning tool. This is how I learn to add and discard the correct cards over time. Plus you learn all the setup moves and everything you need to play PvP and win. So, before this gets way way to long, I'll stop here.
Ok. after waiting about 2 hours, i got paired up with a level 58. she used a ploymorf, and then a natural attack. It killed me in one shot I'm ice, so I have a lot of shields and health, but I cant compete with a 2300 natural attack. A little later I got paired with a level 5 All my spells fizzled, so he took advantage, and used darkwind, storm trap, and elemental blade, and then used stormzilla, and I know for a fact you can't learn those at level 5. Can't we just make treasure cards no PvP? Jason thundersword, lvl 39 magnus thaumaturge :D . please reply. 8)
You know what? I always thought treasure cards were fine and i never complained......until it was getting worse! Now all people do is farm the bazaar for tower shields and smoke screen. It's Pathetic! I think some treasure cards shouldn't be useable in pvp. Pvp should be based upon what spells you have learned, not what spells you have bought. :? I fully support your post! :D
Jason, I constantly lose at pvp. If you want to train ill be at the ice tower on xmas eave and day after xmas between 3 and 4 pm west cost time. Then ill friend any one tha says "lets d a practice match" or "Lets do a 1v1 match" i heve text chat. GL against me If you come. :P :D :D
Ok, treasure cards are for a fact NOT ruining PvP. If you lose to someone who uses treasure, guess what! Too bad. It is your fault for not finding something to counteract that. Treasure cards are a skill, and if you don't know how to choose them correctly, it is your loss. Everyone has access to the same treasure cards and we are given sideboards for a reason. In the PvP arena, anyone who is a Commander or Warlord (I am commander) uses their treasure cards correctly, and no one is stopping you from using strategy.
Ok, treasure cards are for a fact NOT ruining PvP. If you lose to someone who uses treasure, guess what! Too bad. It is your fault for not finding something to counteract that. Treasure cards are a skill, and if you don't know how to choose them correctly, it is your loss. Everyone has access to the same treasure cards and we are given sideboards for a reason. In the PvP arena, anyone who is a Commander or Warlord (I am commander) uses their treasure cards correctly, and no one is stopping you from using strategy.
But the point of pvp is showing our wizards power to other wizards, by beating them with the cards we took the time to learn, the practice matches we entered, and the spell quests we went on. anyone can defeat a warlord, if they have the right cards. besides, if you got beat by a level 5 not to long ago like i did, you would feel the same way.
Ok, treasure cards are for a fact NOT ruining PvP. If you lose to someone who uses treasure, guess what! Too bad. It is your fault for not finding something to counteract that. Treasure cards are a skill, and if you don't know how to choose them correctly, it is your loss. Everyone has access to the same treasure cards and we are given sideboards for a reason. In the PvP arena, anyone who is a Commander or Warlord (I am commander) uses their treasure cards correctly, and no one is stopping you from using strategy.
But the point of pvp is showing our wizards power to other wizards, by beating them with the cards we took the time to learn, the practice matches we entered, and the spell quests we went on. anyone can defeat a warlord, if they have the right cards. besides, if you got beat by a level 5 not to long ago like i did, you would feel the same way.
I can assure you that not everyone can beat a warlord if they have the right cards. Most warlords have a ton of experience, and know how to set up their decks. Most will be able to heal when needed, at least up out of the kill zone. Warlords get very good at staying alive, that's how they get to that level.
Your posting reminds me of the tail end of last year, my project. It was optional to have additional controls, and I went and purchased several. When we had to demo these, some of my classmates told me I cheated, and should have gotten a lower grade. No, I didn't cheat, it was listed as Optional on the directions. Your side deck is optional, just like treasure cards are. You use them to get a better grade in PvP, it's that simple.
You are trying to bring in idea's to PvP that should not be there, but are in your head.
Ok, treasure cards are for a fact NOT ruining PvP. If you lose to someone who uses treasure, guess what! Too bad. It is your fault for not finding something to counteract that. Treasure cards are a skill, and if you don't know how to choose them correctly, it is your loss. Everyone has access to the same treasure cards and we are given sideboards for a reason. In the PvP arena, anyone who is a Commander or Warlord (I am commander) uses their treasure cards correctly, and no one is stopping you from using strategy.
for all the people who dont agree with this i can only say its your loss
Ok, treasure cards are for a fact NOT ruining PvP. If you lose to someone who uses treasure, guess what! Too bad. It is your fault for not finding something to counteract that. Treasure cards are a skill, and if you don't know how to choose them correctly, it is your loss. Everyone has access to the same treasure cards and we are given sideboards for a reason. In the PvP arena, anyone who is a Commander or Warlord (I am commander) uses their treasure cards correctly, and no one is stopping you from using strategy.
But the point of pvp is showing our wizards power to other wizards, by beating them with the cards we took the time to learn, the practice matches we entered, and the spell quests we went on. anyone can defeat a warlord, if they have the right cards. besides, if you got beat by a level 5 not to long ago like i did, you would feel the same way.
Ok, treasure cards are for a fact NOT ruining PvP. If you lose to someone who uses treasure, guess what! Too bad. It is your fault for not finding something to counteract that. Treasure cards are a skill, and if you don't know how to choose them correctly, it is your loss. Everyone has access to the same treasure cards and we are given sideboards for a reason. In the PvP arena, anyone who is a Commander or Warlord (I am commander) uses their treasure cards correctly, and no one is stopping you from using strategy.
But the point of pvp is showing our wizards power to other wizards, by beating them with the cards we took the time to learn, the practice matches we entered, and the spell quests we went on. anyone can defeat a warlord, if they have the right cards. besides, if you got beat by a level 5 not to long ago like i did, you would feel the same way.
"If you got beat by a level 5 not too long ago like I did, you would feel the same way"
Maybe you wouldn't have lost if you used treasures! The point of pvp is to show our power? That makes me sick at this point.
No. If you did any reading at all in the help pages KI clearly states pvp is a much different thing than PvE and PvP was made to show our SKILLS. Every school has a weak spot. And treasures were made to cover them up.
He took advantage of treasure cards: You can too can't you?
He hit you with a huge stormzilla: At that point it shows that you are just skill-less. There are these amazing things called: Shields! Weakness! Resist! Plague! What do they do? They reduce damage! wow! If you had used a shield, He would have wasted 5 pips on something that would not have done much at all. Wait you didn't draw any shields? then keep some treasure so you can draw them at any point!
No resist? No problem: Buy some crown gear from most common stores, or get Fortify treasures.
All your spells fizzled?: Keen eyes, Accurate, Sniper, Unstoppable, Extraordinary, Infallible.
Your spells just arent strong enough?: Tough, Strong, Giant, Monstrous, Gargantuan, Colossal, Treasure card blades, Treasure card traps,
They are shielding too much!: 5/7 of the schools have a great way around shields
Ice: Frostbite, Snow angel, Steal ward Fire: Fire elf, Link, Heckhound, Scald, Fire dragon, Rain of fire, Power link, Death: Poison, Skeletal Dragon Myth: Double attacks, Shatter, Pierce, Earthquake, Balance: Hydra, Chimera If those methods don't compromise you much, or if you're storm or life, you may want to go with a treasure shatter strategy or a minion treasure that attacks often.
They have too much resist!: Fix that up with a little more attack or Infallible.
They are unleashing a huge DoT on me!: Triage, Weakness.
All these weaknesses can be fixed if you use the right treasures. and whoever posted this message, I think most people agree with me. That one line says it all. "We all have access to the same treasure cards and we were given sideboards for a for a reason".
While your rank is sitting at private. I have reached warlord. Good day.