The quest for Barge Right In is given by Sobaka at the Waterfront. You are directed to go to the Stone Town Barge right there at the docks. The Quest Helper text says "Enter Stone Town Barge in Stone Town". But the barge is not in Stone Town. It's in the Waterfront. If you consider Waterfront to be part of Stone Town, then I suppose the text is not wrong. But to me it was misleading. I thought I had to go back to Stone Town. If it weren't for the Quest Helper arrow, I would have.
I think a better text would read "Enter Stone Town Barge at the Waterfront".
The second quest helper text for this quest has a similar mistake. it says to talk to Sobaka in Stone Town, but the arrow takes you to Sobaka in Waterfront, who talks to you and the quest is then done.
The quest helper text should read "talk to Sobaka in Waterfront".