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"That Area is Closed" message!

We are aware that some of the busier areas of the Spiral are getting so full as to not let more Wizards enter.

If you find yourself unable to enter an area of the Spiral that you normally have access to, and receive a message that the area is closed right now, please switch to a less populated realm and try again.

May 10, 2010
Actually, this is happening even in the less busier realms Professor Greyrose, happened not just to me, but to my friends too and we were in a perfect realm.

Aug 26, 2010
I was stuck inside the tree, couldn't change realms. Could port to home but couldn't change realms there either. Was finally able to quit.

Mar 21, 2011
Switching realms was the first thing I tried, Professor Greyrose. :-)
I was in a perfect realm, and I switched to another - and i was trying to get into the shopping district from the commons! Big shopping day I guess!

Tristan Crow

May 30, 2009
darthjt wrote:
Actually, this is happening even in the less busier realms Professor Greyrose, happened not just to me, but to my friends too and we were in a perfect realm.

It happened to me too, I was currently in realm "Bernie" which was labeled "Perfect" at the time. Furthermore, when I was in Ravenwood I could not go back to the commons, or anywhere else for that matter.

Brian GoldenFlame
Level 13 Initiate Pyromancer

Jan 02, 2012
It happens to me to, I wanna play especially because I got a membership on right now.

Feb 25, 2009
darthjt wrote:
Actually, this is happening even in the less busier realms Professor Greyrose, happened not just to me, but to my friends too and we were in a perfect realm.

Yes, Professor Greyrose, Darthjt is right. I saw this happening last night and myself and the players I saw trying to go from the Commons into the Shopping District. The realm was Scarecrow (perfect). There were not many trying to go through so it was a little surprising.

I had been able to take one of my wizards through to Olde Towne a few hours before that in the same realm, but within seconds of getting into Olde Towne, the game froze. Had to use Task Manager to get out of the game.

I have seen posts from a few others on the facebook page that they were also experiencing game freeze.

Oct 24, 2010
This happens everywhere, even "perfect" realms. This seems to be a server issue that should be addressed, not a user issue.

Jul 25, 2010
yea i usually log out and log back in and it would be fixed again so am not sure crowdedness is the problem.

Dec 22, 2009
I would like to just come in confirm what Darthjt mentioned about the less populated ares. I was in ambrose earlier in the day and when it happened i went to the last realm in the list which was noted as "perfect" and tried again and it still did not let me through. I checked and the realm was still noted as perfect (I believe it was scarecrow, however i cannot be 100% since i realm hop for Reagent gathering from time to time)

Feb 25, 2009
I tried going from one of my houses to another last night and had the same thing happen. I have also been losing connection to the server and have not had this problem since I changed from dialup to DSL 4 years ago.

I have to agree with RavenLady777, this has to be a server issue and not the user. It is happening with too many players and I really don't think we are all running the same computer systems.

Game even freezes a lot more. The realms were all pretty packed during the holidays and I did not have any problems except a little lag. Now that school is back in session and the realms aren't near as crowded, there are a lot of errors popping up.

I am almost afraid to try to do any questing especially any bosses. I don't want to be in the middle of a battle and lose connection or freeze up.