Today I purchased the new Raven's hoard pack and got a raven mount. Later on I joined a group and it said that I'm riding a raven mount (permanent) hop on board! I thought the raven mount was a one person mount?
I think he realizes that, that message appeared on the regular raven mount (I think). If that is so, try equipping the hawk mount, see if the message appears (curiosity).
My raven post you are riding a raven hop on . but people cant hop on . I think this is false advertisement they need to fix this and alow it to be a two player bird as well. :(
There are 2 mounts in the Raven's Hoarde pack. The black one is just a regular mount and the red one is the 2 rider pack. :)
Wow Ki can be sneaky sometimes, they haven't indicated there was one that only had a one passenger mount.
Actually the pack info online says this: What's new in the Raven's Hoard Pack? The Raven's Hoard Pack has two brand new mounts, the Raven Mount and the Blood Raven two person mount!
I would guess from that statement that one of the mounts is one person since the other specifies two person mount. What upsets me is I love the color red. I dont care for the 2 person mounts, if I get one yay, i dont really care. I just wish both had color option red, I got a regular raven mount and I dont like the color but then again, I hate these bird mounts. I dont know why KI would release more of these type mounts after so many complaints about the hawk mount. You still cant see where you are going, cant grab blue or pink wisps or reagents very well and in close battle areas, cant fly past enemies w/o getting pulled in because you cant see the enemies all that well and cant see reagents you may be searching for. Bad mounts in any angle. And I've moved my hawk mount to various areas of my home outside, yet he always ends up in my face when I garden so I cant see then I have to click place item button to get rid of him which puts me back on my mount then off my mount again to garden. If you go from garden to place mode outside you should stay off your mount. Just my opinion. I mainly wanted to state that we should have a color choice when we win a raven from those packs, on the one or 2 person mount you should be able to pick red or black.
If you have a regular black raven then congrats! You have a fabulous one person mount! If you have a red Raven (known as the Blood Raven) then also congrats! You have a fabulous two person mount! There are two mounts in this pack, and either one is equally fabulous.