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Am i the only one who feels sorry?

Aug 10, 2011
The Title may be misleading, but i feel sorry for Malistare and Morganthe. Something tragic must of have been caused to make Morganthe rage; as like Malistare. I know they're supposed to be the bad guys, but i felt guilt when i fighted Malistare. I haven't fighten Morganthe yet so i don't know.

Am i the only one who feels sorry?

Aug 22, 2010
Yeah but malistaire had a happy ending. He was reunited with his wife.

Nov 18, 2011
Well if i could choose and change the storyline i would not defeat malistare because its really sad losing someone u love. idk about morganthe. all i know that she wants her magic back ( i think )

Apr 23, 2011
cooper1829 wrote:
Yeah but malistaire had a happy ending. He was reunited with his wife.
*spoiler alert*

A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
My honest opinion, I didn't even feel sad one bit. I mean, who would? You just beat the first storyline! Lol, I was excited.

Jun 23, 2011
You're not alone. I felt the same way. He wasn't really evil, if you think about it; just driven mad by the idea of his beloved wife gone. But, they had a happy ending, reunited.

Feb 07, 2011
Randomperson16 wrote:
The Title may be misleading, but i feel sorry for Malistare and Morganthe. Something tragic must of have been caused to make Morganthe rage; as like Malistare. I know they're supposed to be the bad guys, but i felt guilt when i fighted Malistare. I haven't fighten Morganthe yet so i don't know.

Am i the only one who feels sorry?

No, you're not... I still feel bad sending my sorcerer (who is now level 70) in there to beat him up, when all I want to do is give him a hug and some cookies (and maybe the number of a really-good shrink).

I love that whole plot (and him) to pieces- Morganthe seems like an interesting character, though I haven't fought her yet, either. Grief and anger are the two most-raw emotions, because they allow others to see you at your most-vulnerable; I don't think that either one is evil, in the traditional sense, but tragedy is usually how most villains get their start.

Darkness, despair, LOVE!
...and cookies. ;)

Dec 28, 2008
No, not at all. Malistare was just driven insane because he lost the woman he loved; Sylvia. That would make anyone go mad, and I thought the ending with him and Sylvia was very rewarding to see, and hey, Malistare's love for Sylvia was strong too, since all he wanted is to bring Sylvia back, and I thought that was very interesting.

As for Morganthe, I don't know what to think about her yet; she's mysterious. From what I've seen of her so far, she's being controlled by her greed for power and control of the Spiral, but for what reason does she want the power so much? That however is just my assumption. I do believe these questions will be answered as the storyline continues, but for now Morganthe is an interesting but mysterious villain.

Jun 10, 2010
May 17, 2011
Feb 07, 2011
laulenak wrote:
i know how malistare feels...

sniff... my poor goldfish!

My dearly-departed goldfish left me 10 years ago. He was my best friend, and I would go to unknown lengths to bring him back from fish heaven!


In all honesty, I do kind of get how it goes, for reasons too morbid to post. But, let's face it~ who doesn't have blinders on, when it comes to love? The first time I watched that cut-scene, I got all teary-eyed and thought I was going to cry like a little girl... and I'm not a crier, so that says something about the quality of storytelling there.

On that note, I'm going to find a new goldfish... and name it Sylvia!

Jul 10, 2011
Randomperson16 wrote:
The Title may be misleading, but i feel sorry for Malistare and Morganthe. Something tragic must of have been caused to make Morganthe rage; as like Malistare. I know they're supposed to be the bad guys, but i felt guilt when i fighted Malistare. I haven't fighten Morganthe yet so i don't know.

Am i the only one who feels sorry?

I'm on mooshu right now, but I've always wanted to know what made Malistaire evil, I mean, Malistaire was a nice professor, nicer than Cyrus Drake lol but anyway, was it because Sylvia died?

Wolf SilverSpear - Master Pyromancer
Luke StormWraith - Adept Theurgist
Christopher ThunderFountain - Apprentice Thaumaturge

May 24, 2012
Sep 08, 2008
Well, there is more than one way to look at "he was reunited with his wife."

So, in that regard, play through the story anyway, because you may be surprised.