It makes no sense to cut death's enhancements in half claiming that death cards are any different than anyone elses. Death has attacks that heal, but they heal half of the damage dealt, they enhancement cards add damage to the base and give no double healing bonus based upon enhancment cards. If death's enhancement cards are cut in half so should myth's and fire as both of those schools have just as special of effects. The truth is that on healing attacks death is likely to heal up to full whether such an enhancement card is used or not and to cut such card effectiveness in half due to a healing effect that doesn't heal death beyond full health points is not only silly but significantly reduces death compared to the other schools in the long run as enhancement cards become stronger and stronger. I personally think whoever decided that death should be made a special case given such cards has no concept of mathematics as death's healing effect on their healing attacks is a base 50% and the enhancement cards do not in any way give death a double bonus beyond that.
It makes no sense to cut death's enhancements in half claiming that death cards are any different than anyone elses.
Not all Death spells are affected like this. All regular attacks get the full bonus. Only drain spells receive the bonus in a different format. The cards are different, because the heals are portional to the damage dealt. Technically, the enchanted drain spell isn't getting half of the enhancement. It's getting the full enchancement, but at the 2/3 damage, 1/3 heal ratio. The full 100% of the bonus broken up on both sides of the drain spell effects (attack and heal).
seasnake wrote:
If death's enhancement cards are cut in half so should myth's and fire as both of those schools have just as special of effects.
I'm not sure which Myth spell you are referring to, but if it is the double hit type spells, those are affected the same exact way (except the bonus is applied to two seperate hits, instead of one being a heal).
Fire's link spells are a completely seperate spell. The heal portion on link does not scale with increased damage (like drain spells do), except in a critical hit.
seasnake wrote:
The truth is that on healing attacks death is likely to heal up to full whether such an enhancement card is used or not and to cut such card effectiveness in half due to a healing effect that doesn't heal death beyond full health points is not only silly but significantly reduces death compared to the other schools in the long run as enhancement cards become stronger and stronger.
This is not true, unless you are in a group receiving minimal damage. I can assure you that a solo Death wizard in Celestia casting only a drain with or without a sun enchantment will not heal to full with two enemies beating on you. The only way to heal to full in that scenario is to stack multiple traps/blades. The advantage for Death (and the reason for the sun penalty) is with that increased damage you get increased health, other schools have to use an additional turn and pips to likely heal for even less.
Besides, if according to you "cutting the effectiveness due to a healing effect" is pointless, because the healing doesn't help, why use the drain in the first place? Use a Death spell that isn't a drain and get the full bonus to your heart's desire?
seasnake wrote:
I personally think whoever decided that death should be made a special case given such cards has no concept of mathematics as death's healing effect on their healing attacks is a base 50% and the enhancement cards do not in any way give death a double bonus beyond that.
Why do you continue to play a game where the majority of your complaints usually end up as derogatory comments towards the KI staff?
Maybe KI should revert Death wizards back to the original status when the Sun school was first introduced, back when Death received absolutely no bonus whatsoever. I for one, am truly grateful that my Death wizard now gets a bonus, rather than before when he got no bonus at all.
Death should be given full strength from the enchantment cards. It makes no sense for death to suffer a 50% reduction on them. Even if you are foolish enough to count death's 50% base healing into the equation the enhancement card at a 50% reduction would only add up to 50% damage plus 25% heal, which means that while enhancements help other schools by 100% they help death only by 75% and again that is only if your math abilities are incredibly bad. A damage bonus on death still only returns half back as health if damage healing cards are used, and fire school still gets 100% enhancement credit on its link card eventhough it attacks and heals.
Every new damage enhancement card that comes out reduces death's damage relative to the other schools.
Yes, I understand your point, as I am a lvl 70 Necromancer. However, you must consider the HUGE advantage, that Death has over every other school(swap back). I, for one, will gladly accept the penalty on the swap back-spells to keep the advantage of the swap back. It has saved my butt more than once and I love to taunt other wizrds after a duel, who have to go looking for wisps, while I'm at full health ;) Yes I'm a jerk like that. At any rate, It's what makes the Death school the BEST school in the game. Remember, whn other schools are wasting pips and rounds on healing, we can tough it out with our Vampires and Wraiths. As I have tried other school, it's the first thing, I miss, when dueling with other schools. And remember, Death will always be the best! ;)
Death should be given full strength from the enchantment cards. It makes no sense for death to suffer a 50% reduction on them. Even if you are foolish enough to count death's 50% base healing into the equation the enhancement card at a 50% reduction would only add up to 50% damage plus 25% heal, which means that while enhancements help other schools by 100% they help death only by 75% and again that is only if your math abilities are incredibly bad. A damage bonus on death still only returns half back as health if damage healing cards are used, and fire school still gets 100% enhancement credit on its link card eventhough it attacks and heals.
Every new damage enhancement card that comes out reduces death's damage relative to the other schools.
Look, man, I wouldn't want that Colossal wraith touching me. This would give Death a huge advantage. I am not hating, as my main is death himself. But their math skills aren't bad. They cut it because, well, yeah, it divides it up to be fair. It heals and attacks, so might as well not get the full thing.
Death is my main school, my favorite one, and by no means underpowered. I gladly trade the sun school loss for the trade in pips and turns.
What bothers me is what Seasnake's point about future content. The disparity of numbers can grow quite large as more and more sun enhacements are released. I can see the potential for trouble, but think KI will manage it when the time comes.
What bothers me is what Seasnake's point about future content. The disparity of numbers can grow quite large as more and more sun enhacements are released. I can see the potential for trouble, but think KI will manage it when the time comes.
There won't be a growing disparity in the future. The original poster was making an illogical arguement based on faulty math (but blaming KI with those faulty numbers). New sun cards will be available to Death wizards, just like everyone else. It will scale in the future, just as it scales now. So whatever the new amount will be, Death will be half of that.