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Text Chat Problems

Nov 29, 2009
I really wanted to get text chat so i went into my account profile and it said I had to be a member to get text chat. So my mom went onto her parent controls account and it still said that I had to be a member to get text chat! But I AM A MEMBER!!!!! why is this happening! Can some one please help me!


Filtered chat requires the Date of Birth on the account to show at least 13 years of age, if it doesn't, it will require a subscription purchased with a valid CREDIT CARD to verify age and parent permission. Your membership was purchased with a pre-paid Wizard101 gift card. This does not meet the requirements of COPPA to allow for type chat.

This type of information and lots of other details can be found in the knowledge base!

Please also note, regardless of chat level (filtered or open), just because you can type something, doesn't mean you should/can. ALL levels of chat must adhere to the Terms of Use.