The glitches really start to happen after the game. This is what happens: If you played wildfire tag, you'd still be an elf. After the game, you'd be frozen in place. When your wizard is in form of an elf after the game, and then a new one starts, your wizard would not have the capability to jump until after you get caught.
All seems to be fine with the normal tag version, it's just wildfire tag that's really messed up.
I have experienced the same thing with teh regular tag game.... to get out of it, port to a friend that is in a different part of the house (inside if you are outside, and outside if you are inside), I think it is a loading issue.....
Yeah, that happens to me also, but for me when the game is over and i am an elf, my name is ginger for some reason. Last time i checked it wasnt but when i talk to my friends it shows up as my name normally. i am not sure if thats a glitch but the ones mentioned by joujou11cool happen to me and my friends also, so we have to have a person stay by the tag game, which is really annoying because we dont get to have any fun while playing. But for now we just rotate off on it and that seems to work.