death should have a counter spell to remove it... the spell should be present at the tree in nightside
Are you insane? the tree in nightside? how about a new spell in the next world that is only available by quest. if it's available at the tree then life gets a good spell that they worked hard on a battle getting that is countered by something someone can train. instead, maybe a quest from the trees once reached a certain level? if you are thinking of the same spell i am then it could be like this:
Necromatic Power: After death enemy is revived as a necromancer and is beguiled for 5 rounds before death again. 7-12 pips based on KI decision/ world/level could very possibly be the next level of upgraded spells. or set of fused spells. (my idea of fused spells means one spell in the version of it's opposite school)
which could mean new spells for each school following the rules:
opposite school spell + super prism = new spell quest = new powerful spell *The "super prism" is a metaphor meaning a complete opposite change of damage and/or effects. you do not train the prism and it is not put on any spells.
Possibly, if KI was not working so hard on Pirate101, then this MIGHT be available soon. If not they either did not like the idea, or they are saving it for a later date/world/level/quest
death should have a counter spell to remove it... the spell should be present at the tree in nightside
Oh what a mess that would cause. Of all of those life wizards out there, even the ones who dont even have the spell would complain like we are in a similar thread on a different topic. I agree something needs to be done, but this is about the only thing that can compair to the wild bolt nerf, if kingsisle gets it done, because with the accuracy enchantment, imagine what it would be doing today. piercing, and with 100% accuracy(extraordinary tc, infallible tc, sidhe staff, sharp shot and storm shot pet and gear accuracy). KI cannot let this one slip away, and i trust them to make the right decision on this one that will allow life to keep their spell, but make an efficent way to counter it.
I agree this spell is OP. I was in a pvp with a Life wizard and I killed him twice and he was brought back to life. Life doesn't even need shields anymore, all they need is a bunch of these in their deck plus Reshuffle and they're basically immortal. Coming from a Balance Wizard, Life actually isn't an easy school to beat even before Life got that spell. I had to basically save up for a big Judgement and attack which isn't easy today since people carry treasure towers in their decks, it was easy to block their attacks, but not easy to kill since they healed a lot and about half of those heals are critical. I think in pvp, it's "You die, you die" not "you die, you get healed by a lot of health and can continue".
heres an idea if you guys want lifes new spell to be nerfted to the ground more then it has already then in exchange KI should take away all healing from all of the other classes and life should be the only class capable of healing and nor should any healing spell be trainable to any other class but life sounds fair to me and makes since
heres an idea if you guys want lifes new spell to be nerfted to the ground more then it has already then in exchange KI should take away all healing from all of the other classes and life should be the only class capable of healing and nor should any healing spell be trainable to any other class but life sounds fair to me and makes since
I am fine with that makes death's job a lot easier. Also storm and balance would be also since they got healing spells. :P
you obviously did not understand life would have the only healing spells in the game meaning death balance ice storm myth would not have healing spells of any kind ever again
you obviously did not understand life would have the only healing spells in the game meaning death balance ice storm myth would not have healing spells of any kind ever again
You are making a big statement. You said the if the spell were to be nerfed all other schools wouldn't have healing spells, if that was done life can still use GS and have you forgot about fire they, they can attack and heal at the same time with power link. You are basically saying when life pvps the other schools must only attack and life can still spam heals and guardian spirit . Life can already spam heals with a high pip rating not to mention their power pip chance
well then if all other schools but life and death lost all healing ability OMG it would balance the game life and death would have back what makes them unique god forbid balance in pvp you know what else all the other schools who where never labled healers in the first place would be fulfilling there rolls as damage dealers of each type burst damage damage over time and drain damage AKA death
instead this is what i see going on and
you go to the store to buy a shirt you know your size is say a small but then you notice on all the shirt wracks it sais one size fits all that is what KI is trying to do with healing spells and its imbalancing pvp which in my opinion is not right at all every one should have there own size shirt in other words all schools should have there own unique strategy that is specific to that school alone now forgive me if i feel that healing should be a strategy that is specific to like wizards alone and no one else its not like you guys dont stack blades and try to kill us in one hit any way
Do remember life is about healing not so much attacking look at my deck hlaf of it is healing spells then the rest is attack, sheilds, blades and traps!! Life is about healing so our attacks are not really strong so life heals and slowly attacks and because only death can reheal allot we can kill you but slowly and other schools(mainly storm) get mad we use the angel thing because we know you are going to kill us so we let you attack and kill we die the relive then heal then attack and heal basicly life heals so we can live every other school seems to want to fight till the got little health
Does anyone want to hear my opinion? No? Well too bad.
I agree with most people that this spell is too op in pvp. Now listen you lifes and such out there dont start hating but you must look at this in a different schools perspective. I play as fire and i dont pvp, but as much as i know i would not like to face a life who could probably already kill me with a gnome spell be able to come back from the dead and hit me again. I dont have the healing powers to recover from that. But on your guys defence it should only be nerfed for pvp because this could be helpful in a pve match.
Think of this, if you had to fight someone with nearly 3,800 health while you only have around 3,200 and the fact that they can heal whenever and they can come back from the dead forever, dont you think that you would want it nerfed? You have to look from different points of views. If you guys could always come back to life and pvp forever what would then become of pve? would most people become mean and think that they can bully everyone else because they are op? Once again i say you need to look from a differents schools view, and no you cant just say ice because they have op health and resist.
We fires do have link and power link but look at the damage and health about 400 without and boosts for both... and thats over 4 turns...
Thank you for reading the extra long message if you did, if not and just end up hating on me well guess what i dont care.
I also think that GS is op. The only spell that cannot be removed. The pvp used to be very simple when your life down to zero you lost. Unless someone can heal you. But life now is a big exception. The other schools lose but we life not. Why? Because life school need to live. Does it makes sense? Yes! So the death school should die? But activating GS you actually summon a spirit that will heal you if you die. But why we cannot kill this spirit? After all we wizards. Lets give to Myth wizard immortal summon too. Maybe death school should get revive spell to since raising from death is his mastery? When I pvp i hope not to get life regenerating shield. Why because iI want to enjoy my pvp and not get 4 hours of boring healing "strategy". If I will not be able to remove Sanctuary that's mean for me both sides cannot die. Since life dispels cannot block balance healing.
like i said if you guys want to get rid of GS from pvp we life wizards want some thing in return remove all healing ability from all other schools sept life and death wizards and yes this includes pixie in none of your job discriptions does it say any thing about healing so why do you even get pixie if you want heals make a life or death wizard and remove all trainable healing spells from moolinda wu fairy satyr and sprite should all have a quest to gain for life only and if you want heals in pvp either make a life and or death wizard or bring a life wizard friend that simple
People are already complaining that KI is taking what makes life, life away. Now you want to take more of what life does away? If all of these people have life mastery amulets, then use dispel life spells. Granted it might cost pips, but if they can't ever cast this spell, then they can't ever kill you or live through it.
How can you take away or limit a life spell? Has KI limited any other school? Has KI put a limit on Ice's resistance? On Efreet? On Drain spells? On Beguile? On shatter? On Earthquake? On Backdraft? On Supercharge? On shields? On other schools using heal spells?
No? Then why limit 1 school?
What? Life losing what makes them sentimanetal? Not at all. Do I have a bunch of Rebirths that I can use freely? How about Dryad? Unicorn? Minor Blessing (this one isn't the most useful)? Unicorn? Regenerate? Tweaking the Guardian Spirit spell wouldn't exactly be taking away what makes Life, well, Life. Do you think it's fair that wizards have to go through a tiring process of getting a Life Mastery and get a life dispel just so that they can dispel a spell that they'd never have to work so hard to dispel if it was used fairly? Bionaknight made a nice suggestion, the spell should be adjusted so that no crit or boost is applied.
Justin Titanwraith, Working His Way Through Avalon.
First off, you don't exactly have to work hard for a Life mastery amulet. You can farm for it or you can easily purchase it. Not very long ago, there was a sale 50% off. If you have been following the message boards, lots of people are complaining that all healing spells, rebirth, dryad, satyr, unicorn, fairy, pixie, and sprite, even triage are all treasure cards. Almost all of them can be bought at a library, or easily farmed for. People also complain that everyone can get healing boosts on gear/equipment.
So, now, life has 1 spell now, that nobody can get, not through treasure cards or by pet. You must be a life to get this spell. Now, storm can heal massively over 4000k for 3 pips, Storm also has Wildbolt, which can do over 4000k damage for 2 pips. Fire has Efreet and Heckhound, should I go on? Every school has overpowered spells. Is there a limit on the boosts for those schools? No.
Death's spells, if bladed, can actually take death out, or do very serious damage to death. Dark pact, empower, both use death blades and use death's damage boost. Is that fair to death? No, it's not. The only thing that has been changed is the critical factor. Why? Because critical means double. If it does not give you twice the pips, or twice the blade, it can't do twice the damage.
How you can say, we must limit the critical and boost to one school, without doing so for every school? That would be very unfair. Now, if all life boosts for every school but life were removed, meaning no school could use healing boosts, either incoming or outgoing, then that could be considered fair, otherwise, it would be biased.
As far as Doom & Gloom vs Sanctuary, how is that any different from any of the enviornmental battles that rage from any other school? Sorry, but I have not seen a single legitimate complaint on this spell.
correction there is a wand that gives GS not one spell that life gets is school specific
like i said if you guys want to get rid of GS from pvp we life wizards want some thing in return remove all healing ability from all other schools sept life and death wizards and yes this includes pixie in none of your job discriptions does it say any thing about healing so why do you even get pixie if you want heals make a life or death wizard and remove all trainable healing spells from moolinda wu fairy satyr and sprite should all have a quest to gain for life only and if you want heals in pvp either make a life and or death wizard or bring a life wizard friend that simple
You cannot do that only to single school. That would make life pvp god as you trying to do with most of your posts ideas. You want to be the only one to be able heal yourself in pvp and slowly killing your opponent. Of course no dungeon run without life wizards. Its what you want to rule the other schools. You suggestion give away GS for exclusive access to healing spells is like lose 1 gold for making everyone else lose 10,000 gold. On the other hand preventing from life to learn or use other school spells sounds very good to me. The problem is that you have only one life wizard one point of view nothing else besides life. I have sixth wizards soon getting my third to atrchamge so I do have much better view over your pointless suggestion for completely destroy they balance of the game, and make people hate it and leave.
like i said if you guys want to get rid of GS from pvp we life wizards want some thing in return remove all healing ability from all other schools sept life and death wizards and yes this includes pixie in none of your job discriptions does it say any thing about healing so why do you even get pixie if you want heals make a life or death wizard and remove all trainable healing spells from moolinda wu fairy satyr and sprite should all have a quest to gain for life only and if you want heals in pvp either make a life and or death wizard or bring a life wizard friend that simple
You cannot do that only to single school. That would make life pvp god as you trying to do with most of your posts ideas. You want to be the only one to be able heal yourself in pvp and slowly killing your opponent. Of course no dungeon run without life wizards. Its what you want to rule the other schools. You suggestion give away GS for exclusive access to healing spells is like lose 1 gold for making everyone else lose 10,000 gold. On the other hand preventing from life to learn or use other school spells sounds very good to me. The problem is that you have only one life wizard one point of view nothing else besides life. I have sixth wizards soon getting my third to atrchamge so I do have much better view over your pointless suggestion for completely destroy they balance of the game, and make people hate it and leave.
Correct. But hey, he never wants the game balanced, why all the sudden death gets healing powers. I agree open, no balance in the game what-so-ever.
As I sit here typing this, I have been in a match with a life wizard who is going first. I have killed them 3 times, and with the new spell, he dies, and then gets 3800 health back right after he is dead. Did KI think that maybe this is unfair when it comes to the pvp world.?? He hasn't hit me once, yet his deck is stacked with these angel wings that lets him live everytime he dies. I mean I am a fan of life but this is wrong when he hasn't hit me once, I kill him THREE times and then his angel wings bring him back to 3800 health every single time.. His deck is stacked with this ridiculous spell.
I've defeated plenty of Life Wizards who use Guardian Spirit spell. You need to cast Gloom and Doom, defeat them and then have some pips left to hit again with is all.
Ok, so I have an archmage Ice, and a transcneded fire wizard. Now ice is one of the best schools there is for pvp and yet he still gets plowed by life. Life in general is the cheapest school there is in pvp. It started out fair, life had heals but bad attacks and not much attack boost. Then the waterworks came around. Some how life got more boost then fire! In addition to that they got some pretty good resist. But they were still beatalbe so I could deal. Then they started to get high critical and massive healing boost where it got to the point where a critical pixie did 1900 health. 1900 health for 2 pips! Then to make it worse they figured out how to spam triage and triage tc, that makes any dot spell a complete waste of pips to use. I think triage should at least cost a pip or two, you shouldn't be able to just remove a max pip heck hound for 0 pips. Then came around GS, that just took it one step too far. In my oppinion it is not even legal in pvp. How I interpret the rules of pvp is whoever reaches 0 health first loses, simple as that. But now you can kill life 5 or 6 times per match and still lose to them. Did my ice get any cool spells from Avalon, no he didn't. He can take a heal over time for 2 pips which only balance really uses. And he can take one tick off all dot spells for 2 pips, which is only one less pip than it takes life to remove every dot completely. I really think that KI needs to find a way to make all schools even in pvp again.
you know now that i think about it, the reason why people are complaining about gs is because no one else got a spell nearlly as good as life did(just my opinion). if we would have all got something like gs then either everyone from every school would be arguing and trying to get each other nerfed(even though they would be spamming there own ludicrous spell) or everyone would be happy.
either way, gs would have most likely not have gotten nerfed.