Hi the new fire spell Detonate does not work at all i have try to use it with both the dot on me and the dot on the enemy and still does nothing. Can you please look into this matter. thank you .
Although I am not a fire wizard, I recently have seen my friend cast this spell. I have some things I can suggest for you. Make sure you are casting it on the correct enemy. If you are, watch how much damage the DoT does when you cast the spell. If the DoT disappears and does not do any more damage than the usual it would do, it was probably the last round of the DoT(Not sure if I am correct on that one). If it does more damage than usual and the DoT disappears, it worked correctly.
thanks for the reply's i got it to work hard to tell it works there not type of anime to it. like some type of fire it just does it, kinda of a pointless spell but whatever. i don't even thing it can have a crit to it. wasteful for one reason why waste 4 pips when you can put that to your next attack. only thing i can see using it maybe if it's almost dead and you want to end the match that round. other then that very pointless. but like i said whatever can't have cake and eat it too lol .